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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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>think I'm gonna try to do a barrel roll, and if that goes good I'm just gonna nose down and call it a night


reminder that flying a plane is simple and requires zero real skills but the industry creates a completely false depiction of pilots needing to be trained for thousands of hours


Landing is somewhat difficult. And yes, it's 99% regulation and flight hours, but that's because these companies hired so many stupid niggers with zero flight hours who proceeded to crash the damned things that the regulations exist. Plane crashes are a liability.

Still wouldn't be a big deal except petrol is expensive driving the cost of a license up into the tens of thousands and giving flight schools the excuse to jack up their own price relative to the price of fuel.


same goes for driving :^)


learning how to land is overrated





yes. was that supposed to be a dig at something?


you guys remember that one korean flight i think that crashed because the younger copilots were too scared to speak up to senpai? literal anime scene. imagine killing everyone because you anime


no never heard of that one


so much cooler than some retard spreekiller tho
>waaaaaaaahhhhhh teh grils wont fuck me wahhhh go down in history as some crybaby bullshit spergout #6875
<do a barrel roll and call it a night
get lauded as royalty of the sky

know the difference kysers


he should have crashed it into the one world trade center or IRS headquarters


spro had a moment and went with it. cooler than ryder cuz no bullshit law pushes after
just a beautiful glimpse of nureality. always wonder what he saw or was thinking before the GTAeroplen


someone actually having the balls to follow their dreams instead of bitterly throwing a tantrum and killing a bunch of other nobodies is always admirable


found it
korean air flight 801 back in 1999

>older guy was flying

>heem sleepy
>it rainy
>zero visibility
>[tired pilot babble]
>older guy pulls rank earlier in the convo
>man they make us old guys work maximum hrs for shit pay man blah blah
<the other guys start doin the asian thang apparently its even worse in korea than w nips
<yes-man him about everything
>[commercial flight noises]
<one guys notices "oh shit were literally about to fucking die"
<makes a casual comment about weather still pouring rain cant see shit
<notice theyre coming in at the complete wrong angle and literally headed into a cliff
<maybe we should double check instruments?
>yup prolly doesnt look at all
<s-still cant see senpai
<v-vary r-rain
<m-maybe we should m-make a missed approach senpai?
>apparently finally looks at wtf is happening
>zero visibility. making missed approach
and he disengaged autopilot finally ~5secs before slamming into the side of a 100ft cliff


and keep in mind, copilot is literally sitting there with the flight controls directly in front of him
he couldve taken full control of the airplane at any moment


truly the worst korea


women mostly


we must never question the wisdom of our elders. that's why I say nothing when CR demands to inspect my donut for "classified reasons"


oldfag here kys kiddo, that's an order

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