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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1652303[Last 50 Posts]


<Republican JD "Do you hate Mexicans?" Vance

#Democrat Tim "Sissy Hypno Buck Breeding Master" Walz

9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MT / 6:00 PM PT




great, that's like watching an anheim ducks vs. winnipeg jets game


i don't understad what this means


it's a sparts reference. you wouldn't understand, outsider


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theres nothing to get, OUTLANDER
he literally just said itd be akin to watching two vice presidents debate


srsly tho why tf?
these guys are vying for the most worthless job in the history of global domination. theres no way anyone anywhere on earth gives any fucks about who is or isnt VP, and theres def no way it matters
why even bother? i thought they werent doing any more debates, and then they fart out this shit? gtfo


i guess >we could bet on how long it takes before tim walz starts crying over how much he loves black ppl
before, or after halftime
whatre the odds /sp/ee?




give him two minutes, not even


vp's only job is to say you were vp so you can run for pres later, i think dup may be setting vance up to be numba 48


>poodophile vs pedophile
whoever wins >we poos


two assassination attempts (that we know of)
if dr walz goes uncle touchy it could influence starving vooters that dont wanna vote dup otherwise cause media says icky. rigging was close af some places in '20


Oh shid they are actually doing one tomorrow?


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>Nobody cares
Timmy doesn't matter because cameltoe is just a figurehead anyways but they've tried to kill Orange Man like 4 times this cycle so there's a good chance JD "Appalachia or bust" Vance will be president in the next 6 months so his opinions do matter.


If you adjust for traditional polling biases (which held in 2020) some say Kamala has a 0% chance of winning without "fortification." With how she's doing in the Midwest she needs a major flip like Texas or Florida in order to win.


>they arent both trying to help out in the aftermath of katrina 2
be a gud question
>how can you justify being here when americans are right this moment dealing with a katrina level 9/11 in the hills


well hes an up and coming career politician, so im sure his opinions are shit


all politicians have shit opinions
99% of people have shit opinions tbh


the glowniggers are the ones making the decisions regardless and they have the gayest opinions


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easy just say they are racist fascist sexist nazi-expotuses and BOOM, their suffering is actually a good thing heres why:


>Asheville, NC
some folx is just rarted


It's not even the MAGA folks being affected since they live up at elevation where it's just muddy. It's the waterfront properties owned by old money Democrats and retirees who vote blue no matter who that are getting hit hard.


lel yah last time i was in asheville it was a buncha fuckin weirdos and hippys and shit
some guy gave me some decent mdma too. vary thoughtful of him


bitchin about cat ladies and following dissident rw xhitter folks is a gud sign
jazzed to be fooled lik maga was in '16


ya its blatantly obvious and just going to get worse for her. not sure they can fortify this one w/out tearing the cunt apart
which may be the goal, or maybe dup'll get heemed, fun times


People are seething over Tim bc he's the most normal politician we've had in a very long time, Trumpers can't handle how he can actually articulate himself and focus on issues that matter.


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>science wins in the end
so true king, make sure you get the decepticon variant


ummmm sweety, you have to understand
by complaining about a little running water and some mud they are making president joe biden and Momala in Chief Brat Madame Future President Elect Harris look bad and are amplifying Russian propaganda that will benefit the trump and his neo nazi fascist followers

and lets just be perfectly real ok hun, as a good neoliberal who lives in a big bug man city with my collection of funko pops and my heck wholesome dog dad and cat mom life style, ANYONE who lives in slightly more rural or SCIENCE forbid geographically south of me is basically a card carrying member of the KKK and basically they lynch black people for fun everyday while shooting hispanic refugees with their fully automatic belt fed weapons of war with a punisher camo known as the AR-15


reddit really is the worst place on the internet what kind of a sadistic faggot do you have to be to unironically think like this


I can't believe GHOST is this close to the nuclear codes…


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i can only imagine what leftoid twitter spaces, mastodon, breadtube type would be saying

they would probably make reddit look tame by comparison


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subconsciously admitting that haitians, guatemalens, and venezuelans will singlehandedly destroy any peaceful homogenous community
bravo xwitards


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damn, shouldve put money on chomo allegations


imagine xeeting that out for all the world (minus brazil) to see


boy i sure do want a whorb who whinges about sleep deprivation decisions to be in charge of the military lmao
i'm still betting money on her winning it bc there's no way they propped her of all people up like this just to not give her the office at any cost


i dunno they mighta picked her cuz shes such an obvious loser. they get to 4 more years of dup bad, sheem never bothers running again, and in 4 years they can run two other dipshits to get back to the proper two sides of the same coin that >we sll know and love


they're such stupid faggots
NOAA should be defunded. it only exists to be used as an intelligence asset and spy on foreign cunts with a modicum of deniability


so are >we watchin this trash fire?


oh its tomorrow


No. I forbid it.


how much you wanna bet these same faggots also have twats about "healing the country" and "reuniting" people?
that status quo doesn't exist anymore, the massive demographic shift over the past two decades is about to come to a head when zoomies and whatever the gen after them is called over the next handful of years when they're all old enough to actualy have some kind of influence on the world around them. for better or for worse the neocon/libshit faggotry that's been in place since 9/11 is effectively dead once boomers finally fuck off and die
i'm not


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what is the deal with tim walz ?
has anyone see this weird manic waving and gesticulating he does in public at rallies etc ?

like i know they tried the whole weird thing with jd vance but tim is a straight up FREAK, guy gives of real creepy vibes, its like he is trying to seems real nice and friend and oh im so cuddly and warm and generally people that do that shit are lurking some real darkness inside

guy is a real sicko


the one vid of him yankin his retard sons arm because he was gonna walk into a stand kinda says it all tbh
the 'nice guy' thing is an act. a fascade. this guy would skin his own mother if he thought it would help him get ahead in politics


it's the thinnest disguise imaginable but he's got that (D) next to his name so retard mommas are gonna vote for him anyway even if they'd flip the fuck out if someone like him approached their children
fuck it i kinda hope >we get these full blown lunatics next i want everyones faith in democracy utterly destroyed it's the only way out of this retarded mess outside of extremely bloody civil war which won't happen


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>even if they'd flip the fuck out if someone like him approached their children



>martyr made
lel does darryl shitpost like this a lot or was this a one off? he got a lot of shit for saying winston churchill was a villain or some shit on national television lmao so i guess it wouldn't be surprising. really gud podcast tho i think someone here recommended it to me but i can't remember.


i think i mentioned him after listening to tukr interview him a month or two ago
that interview is the origin point of him trashing churchill afaik


oh nah i've been listening to martyr made for like two years now


churchill was such a fag tbh


ok wasnt me then


ya seems lik a real HOMO tbf


Can only speak for Mastodon but IIRC most of the leftists don't use it because they enforce their "no calls for violence" policy.


i think this is just the result of idiots who don't know how to do their job commanding slightly less stupid idiots who are just working for gibs
keep in mind there's a management crisis because a bunch of boomers retired early/retired to the grave during Chink flu and most businesses still haven't recovered from having to put dumbasses who can't manage into managerial positions not hard to think the gubmint is in the same boat guys


are you saying the generation itself failed to train their replacements
boomers truly are a blight


prob me ya he's a non-pozz dan carlin without being an online sperg about it, IAHA
can be an eternal anglo but his goal on churchill bashing is to 'deconstruct ww2 lies as the national foundational mythology', aka knows whats up


>that status quo doesn't exist anymore
truefax. much as i loathe erection histrionics this may effectively be it if drump doesnt deport en masse and wreck a bunch of "n"gos
>whatever the gen after them is called
gen alpha, which i hope is a portent


>they get to 4 more years of dup bad
i unironically think this is the strat, and the only real way """forward""" for their party
its a hell of a lot easier to LARP as le grassroots le anti-war muh working class saviors when you arent literally the incumbent that got everyone fired and started two wars

4 more yrs of orangemanbad and theyll all forget about that shit and be full of misplaced self-righteous fury, cuz racism or whatever, and thats rly the only way to get those cucks to actually go out and vote


>bootyjuggle was walz's dab8 prep
all right i'll watch


just two child molesters whispering and giggling to each other


cant imagine them actually acting lik that off cam tbh
prob snarling phreaks when they untie the clitty cage after a long day






>jd vance is weird
vance is the most normal person in this entire race
you have dup who can't string two sentences together, a literal cackling whorb/witch, and an old man that has the same vibes as the jockey from l4d2


neighbor yapped my ear off, miss anything?


jd is beard
never seen a politician tryna be srs with a beard. outside MENA obv.
idk tho. its a bold move.
will it pay off?


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this shit is so borinfg
who watches this shit?


fuck off weeb


idk im not watching it tbh these are two purebred politicians
id rather suck on a gun


there's no gud outcome anymore but the best outcome is dup wins then dies and the poosy slayer is in charge for awhile, it'll prolly give everyone more breathing room to stockpile and get their shit in order. kummula wins and it may actually be ww3 time, no one's gonna respect an amerigay with a whorb at the helm especially a retarded whorb. bidup is unironically better. hell killary would prolly a better outcome


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enjoy your kike debate goy


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hello stormfag
heil hortler


has he started fake crying over racial injustices yet?


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hitler was the good guy, kike


you can't help but reply


you replied first buckeye




gay slapfight in a thread about a gay slapfight how fitting


he just wants impala to import more brown bussy


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wow this is really boring
they're actually talking to each other and not shouting over each other


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>fact check on climate change temp rising


these mods are somehow worse lel


im listening rn
theyre just doin the politician thang man
i guess jd sounds lik a coherent politician. he deflects vary well actually. heem just sayin blah blah blah blah blah tho hitting talking points
walz is just doin that weird thang where the fat of his face jiggles a lil lik heem tryna shake his head "no" very slightly. similarly saying absolutely nothing, orangemanbad etc

only the leadingest questions
its just whatever man



ye i want tim to sperg. vance is a pro, tim is a pro liar


you know how in dark souls how sometimes youd both try to parry?
its literally that over and over again


>had to send state troopers to springfield to escort kindergardeners to school
cuz haitians were trying to eat them


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bro stop staring
this nigger has 100% spent hours daily learning how to look like a weak white ally


LMFAO tim made a bible ref
not on the bingo card




ooh jd gettin saucy
dasrite show that gril wat for


>fact checking the fact checkers
fuck these whorbs


mics cut


two female moderators was the worst call in the world




audacity of this nigger talking about homes while importing infinity niggers and saying how cool 50 languages in schools are


o shit i forgot
have they talked about iran or Appalachia?


when i went to minneapolis a literal army of somalians in toyotas were shuttling people in lyfts and ubers from the airport, walz truly loves niggers and preps each of them nightly


was late too but caught appalachia, nothing crazy there


heem got saucy over factcheck yim
started factchecking her
mic got cut
classic dup play




vance is the bright future timeline for this cunt tbqfhwy


it looks lik the beards comin thru for him


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holy fuck i HAT this effeminate muppet


>trump killed our economy
no you killed it with your retarded lockdown policies and killed small businesses
fuck you nigger


dup did covid11


eyeliner tho


everyone on that eyeliner
this showbiz ffs


fuck the experts t. vice president


uh oh
ur gonna wish you hadn't said that


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>imma union guy
o rly?


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v-venture capital!
*jd stares*


oh ya? show me your lipstick if youre a real man, faggot




>mah mawmaw






lol these guys the most stolen valor hillbillys ffs


>we would take dancers to china


yea wat




>uhhh i misspoke
lmao heem stumblin


wtf is going on ?


tampon about to swerve hard af


fuckin essay ass questions


why does timbo pout so goddamn much
chin up buttercup


holy shit mods going after him


>do you support murdering babies
<trump bad
wow fuck this guy


it doesnt matter
its abortion
no ones minds change on abortion


ya k but lik 2 babies a year die after birth due your bill timmy


>project 2025
he said it
rent free


true, killing bad sex choices runs the cunt
wild times


>republicans need to be trusted
sick response tbh


guy deflect p gud honestly
its weird seeing a politician


>let the people decide
<walz shaking jowles no


>north carolina
>long distance
lmao i've driven across a third of the cunt in a single day go fuck yourself


start crying tim
this is your in


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when u not given a baby killing question


someone give me a recap when its over?
im not watching this


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>jd absolutely wrecks the abortion issue for a republican first
<uhmm actually it's freedom now and women will be slaves


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>tims face when the wife's bull doesnt take no for an answer


that IS how the law is tho isnt it?
it got posted here


lel walz is so fucking bad


yea hes like a muppet made out of jello and prolly isnt even wearing any eyeliner


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yeah it is


groypers must be seething right now
all their seething about vance, and he is cooking tampon timmy live


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they're always seething bc commielas supply of based bbc will end
please respect their privacy in this trying time


>the leading cause of death for children and teens in america is


ya that babby funs death is bullshit too
c'mon jd do the fact check thang


its like those mousetraps when they dont get em all the way and theyre just screaming and writhing so you gotta smash em the rest of the way, except its an actual human child and the body parts are shipped off to make cosmetics and be injected into celebrities faces on spa day


jesus h


no we need to ban the fbi and cia and kill all the niggos
all shootings stop overnight


yah honestly strong bulletproof doors and schoolshooters are fucked tho


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>wont allow research to be done on gun violence


>why dont shootings in finland?


too busy making kernel commits



god politicians suck


>some of these firearms dont belong
<also we wont take any


you didn't close it out bud.




>i've become friends with school shooters


all this tapdancing around not saying niggers is p funy


tim saying to ignore mental health issues is some mask off shit


if i was a hillbilly rn id be so salty about the hillbilly LARP

oh yea theyre all completely devastated by the biggest storm in a century. no worries then


once again,


walz has practiced inserting multiple bible appeals, erections ogre


bruhs rly trying to appeal to the christian vote?
idk man save ur breath


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>you dont have to pay
<look you'll pay it back


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jd yanking this retard around lik


>can i have it


beards paying off
tomorrow jd wont be weird anymore
i bet grils will wanna fuck him

just goes to show the power of eyeliner


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one look from jd makes pussies make niagara falls look like a fukn desert


buy it off the injuns they got lik whole states i bet theyll sell for a blank govt check


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get in faggot, >we're saving the cunt


not even a check just some malt liquor


yes how the FUCK does a massive increase in demand relate to price at ALL????


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this nigga just mugging or 4th wall into the camera is making me laff




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>go against my own word
>open the simulcast
>walz literally looks like he's going to burst into tears
lmfao what is happening here


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can't beat the beard


the first vp debate that mattered in my lifetime, shits hilarious




>john mccain
lmao when did everyone decide he was this super lovable and misguided individual
only thing misguided about him was the missile he shot on the flight deck


dick invoked in the first debate, mccain in the second
theyre trying to summon them


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ayyy whyboi, you aight


you're looking at the only competent politicunt in this election whoop up on a deranged nigger worshipping pedophile. ot really is the best outcome if dup wins then dies holy shit make it happen iran or whoever the fuck


heem jus pouty
just poutin all the damn time


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shitter vibe check


ah shit you beat me


>40 year old whorbs talking about families in america
ayyy lmao


>that last one


i mean imagine if u was nigga
how many times u been scheisted by some phonyass wh*te nigga lik tim
nigga FUCK dat


>had to work 5 days after my child
that's right tell that faggot gopher bootyglug


that's gonna age rly well walzy


hes a union guy tho


>some poor old retard


is Vance a "nigga", as the negroidic enriched youth call them?


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how does it taste, Chunky Raccoon!?


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this guy looks trustworthy, i'll listen to him


dont drink that kool aid friend, you really wont like it


he gave me some real nice shoes though




but a comet ride sounds kinda neat


>kamala that wasn't weed
rally similar vibes
applewhite had to cut his dick and balls off to get that cray look too




fuck these mods


>Balls dont work
What the hell did i miss?


theres multiple cases of fraud as a court record now though


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damn. fucken sick answer, wasnt expecting that


they threw that kill babbys one out tho
theyre just professional cunts


they didn't drink no koolaid but they were vary big fabs of applesauce and pudding iykwim


140 bolice were beaten with the american flag? lolwut


>kike pence
the judas whose security detail shot a random woman


i just wanna know about the smuggling chinese dancers tbh


what happened
answer me NOW


>ya shake hands and do everything you can to let them win


>imprisoning your political opponnents
should someone mention the capital protestors???


no need
nicks got em on file


jd directed to misinfo and kamala censoring & jailing people while lying. was rally smoov


"jan 6 was literally hitler tho so imma pout"
-tim walz


only gud answer from walz even though its fully bullshit


gud rebuttal by jd


he's actually wildly good at directing the conversation wherever he wants while giving answer snippets
kinda crazy tbh


shit didn't this same thing happen in 2016 where dup and killary's debate was some dumb retard shit but then pence whooped up on kaine who acted like the deranged idiot he is fuck virginia for keeping him in office for over a decade the whole time?


he recently got caught with a literal tranny prostitute on his stream

his deal with the feds was a lifetime supply of prep and access to the catboy, tgirl prostitute circuit normally reserved for masked gatherings


does anyone but the already bought in care about j6?


virginia governors can't hold consecutive terms, shit's weird
hail king glenn


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kaine is a senator not a governor and he's been in office since 2013


pence doesn't hold a candle to this tbh


gud mp4


>literal tranny prostitute on his stream
livin the catboy retirement, telling hookers about how he hung out with yeezy once


fug i was thinking of mcauliffe
or whoever wore the blackface


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error postan


bummed tim didnt sperg more, but fukken bloodbath


pence was for the evangelical vote
theres no question over where the evangelical vote is goin anymore. trumptianity is widely practiced in most pay2win churches across the US


>virtual coinflip
flip a coin pussies


northam was the blackface guy before youngkin. he was also the fag that signed all those gun bills and took VA from top 5 gun state to bottom half of the pack gun state


>bernie sanders
>dick cheney
>taylor swift


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his facial morphs are some shit


the gang™


>vance will stand with donald trump and push his agenda
glowing endorsement
thank u tim


he should talk to madonna or putin
they got the top shelf botox docs




FUCK fdr nigger


yah wtf
i guess he just got smoked so hard he had to point out that orangemanbad


only platform they have
idk why dems havent talk to rwers, they'll shit dup up and down


damn I would totally FOK those mods


zoned out for most of it but jd won
walz looks like a psycho
mods are fags


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jd was goated pick
idgaf about palantir shit rn, them murcan rev lads were aristocrats too
no underdogs are changing shit


suppose dup picked vance to get the poojeeta vote just saiyan


the time for sportschan to seize the presidency is now
its simple >we just need a male model and have him wear eyeliner and stare into the camera and deflect all questions to be about fertility and impregnation
boom. 50% of the popular vote


he is a genuinely smart guy a rarity amongst our political elites


dude may as well have been made in a lab for it


>deflect all questions to be about fertility and impregnation
idk if that'll work out tho….


oh shit he might be a test tube chimera


i mean he didnt rly say much he just did the politician thang and had gud flow. even did a lil dupshot on modwhorbs face in the middle
got a mean parry too


thing is you don't have to say much when you can just let your opponent make an ass of himself while not falling for basic bitch logical traps yourself


ofc but dude knows his shit outside that
think he wrote some eggheaded paper on child seats causing lack of births


not if youre dup
dup eternally btfo


seems lik primary point is going to be j6
half the cunt shovels lugenpresse lies, and the other half is forced to treat it seriously. lel i guess shit


so fucking ancient
i guess its better than dusting off the ol RUSSIAN AGENT playbook


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presented without comment


I listened while at werk so I guess I'll see what spee said but I think Vance was very diplomatic and didn't give any ground.
It's worth noting that Pedo only practiced with Pete while burn-out practiced with Tulsi and his wife.
honestly i wish that Vance/Waltz was running as president but unfortunately if they were wamen woukd vote overwhelmingly for the D, it's only cuz Cameltoe is fucking garbage and a woman that women are voting against her


Walz sputtered and said Israel has a right to defend itself. Vance said the situation is fucked and America should stay out/focus on foreign policy instead.


Walz bloohoo'd about some whorb who died from unregulated abortifactants and JD brought up the fentanyl crisis/jobs in China. Appalachia was lukewarm to Vance in the live polling but were actively hostile to Walz


>im friends with school shooters
was a good cockup lmao


when republicans co-opted the anti-war movement and the democrats had to find a new schtick to support Israel


everyone i dont like is a kike loving glownigger the thread


IIRC Swift endorsing Kamala actually dropped her like 20% in some counties, 4% drop nationally


i didn't read anything and say dumb shit because i'm a braying internet animal the post


saars dis is the debateb owl thread


File: 1727867767770.mp4 (181.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tim school shooters.mp4)

heem a very nervous boy


even the lamestream media is saying vance won so i assume he blew the fuck out of gramps


he def did
he had a beard AND eyeliner ffs. unprecedented.
walz just pouted the whole time
totally smoked him


but srsly wtf was that bit about walz bringing "dancers to china"?
dude was on some aimless "muh smalltown" rant, then kickflipped into vague allusions of intl human trafficking? or did i just hear it wrong?


Never forget that Rick Wilson's daughter got BLACKED and Rick is literally a BBC cuckold.
Rick Wilson also ran the Lincoln Project and allowed a homosexual predator to buttfuck underage boys on his watch.

Rick is a real sick cuck and wants to drag up all down to fathering nigger babies with single mothers with him.


best-case interpretation he was taking students to China through some dance program to indoctrinate them with bugman culture
worst-case interpretation sex trafficking
It's probably somewhere in the middle.


File: 1727875217058.png (564.51 KB, 615x555, 41:37, confused chicken.png)

the fuck are you talking about


nice cock bro


most likely case is it's all of that, idk why people act like these trafficker fucks pigeonhole themselves when it's obvious tgey profit from every angle they can
it's like saying cartels only use drug mules or force people into prostitution, no morherfucker they can and easily do both


i shit my pants the post


File: 1727877877747-0.mp4 (10.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tianetim.mp4)

File: 1727877877747-1.png (22.5 KB, 872x184, 109:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Rick Wilson started the couch meme.
I feel it appropriate to also remind people that he is a nigger dick slurping cuck, who fellated a young black buck to lube up his african nigger dick right before it impregnated his daughter.

Rick then licked up any extra semen droppings kept it warm in his mouth and spit it directly into his daughters womb after that black buck was done.


>I feel it appropriate
only rly if >anyone knows who tf youre talking about tho
otherwise it just reads lik some weird interracial fanfic coming outta nowhere

whats the significance of tim being a couch? what school of magic is being used?


>not knowing rick wilson

Rick was a be cuckservative during the 2016 election. He got trolled and owned so badly online that he has now dedicated his whole life to "I need to own Dongle Glompf".
He really has a daughter who became a single mother because she got knocked up by a nigger and Rick secretly seethes about it and gets really mad when you make fun of him for it.

He is the creator of the Lincoln Project some kind of anti-tump PAC but also a slush fund for a gay pedophile to solicit sex from underage boys.

He created the meme this cycle that JD Vance fucked a couch.

Rick Wilson has the Kurt Eichnwald phenotype. He is essentially one bad day away from CWC levels of lolcowdom.


jd couch fucking came from an anime anon fake editing hillbilly elige btw


>Tianamen Massacre
Any videos of the massacre?


it reads like an interracial fapfic regardless
are you the fag who was spamming posts about having sex with low t bald men?


Fact Check: False!
The tanks were helping the man carry his heavy groceries home. Cans of tomato soup spilled, and capitalist pigs photoshopped it.
While there were numerous unrelated dead, it does need meet the criteria to be called a massacre.


>While there were numerous unrelated dead
Any videos of the dead?


no faggot
i just archive all information
i lock it away and store it for safe keeping


should get a new lock for the half that's interracial breeding fantasy, funk & fagnalls


you should get a new lock for your clitty you low t balding cuck


Vice presidency is such a meme. It is supposedly after the president, VP is the most powerful position but they barely do any real shit. Also unlike presidency where you have to battle through a long election, VPs just get chosen out of random by whoever the president likes, no real effort. I guess it takes effort to suck up to get the job but whatever. Kammal was the most disliked democratic candidate in 2020 and still wound up in this position just because she was chosen to be the biggest stooge for the party than being competent.


vp is like a free space for your erection bingo card, you pick them either cuz you want the state or demographic they represent
dup picked pence for the evangelicals, hillary picked kaine for virginia
king joe picked cumdump for the mutt vote
dup picked vance for ohio and the poor working man vote, harris picked walz for minnesota


>male handjobs
>men in dresses
thought it was jokes, but this is now a five alarm faggot alert
there is a homosexual predator on spee


aww he's getting upset, write another paragraph about white men sucking black dicks to cope


i think i made him go insane with that test post. whoops, no regrets tho


yeah but VPs often go on to become president
so its definitely a desirable position


lil bro just cant handle terminal brainrot lik a spartman yet
needs to drop his namefag account, its blatantly obvious at this point


its called a manjob sweaty


Dudderjob > CRowjob > Dotzjob > all other jobs

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