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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1616536[View All]

#previous threads

current status:
>day 188
>An Israeli airstrike in Gaza kills 3 sons and 4 grandchildren of Hamas’ top leader
>Famine already in north Gaza, says US
>Israel bombs Gaza camp, raids West Bank towns
>62% of homes in Gaza destroyed
208 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


pheno check?
Looks like a chud


dr shiva 4 prez is redeeming like a mfer if u need a needful budy


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>universities in disarray, samples saying half the protestors dont even go to colelge
>j's shidding and pissing about antikhazariantarianism as they persist with the final nakba solution
>biden announces plan to take 1 million gazans into usgay
ladies and gentleman, your accelerationist canditate for president: joseph r. bidup


I still like how a moderation bot that bans you for saying lol broke the entire website back in the day.


ha ha i shilled for this years ago


lol shut up autist


do you have the screencap of /a/'s owner confessing tot his shitty bot while drunkposting? i keep meaning to save it


how else can i listen to sonnenrad initial d edits :(


>biden announces plan to take 1 million gazans into usgay
They should also send them to Japan, they are too yellow for my liking.


>50% of the population of the strip
fucking kikes are gonna get their cake and eat it too god f*cking damnit
wtf would i expect living under a ZOG i guess


Only the chosen ones can have an ethnostate, goy.


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no wonder they want this thang banned


what i find really funny is through all this whining and complaining from lefties nothing will change but if you just floated to them the idea that "maybe a certain group of people seems to have disproportionate amount of power in the US" you will get the NAHHHHHTEZEEEE stare



nah theyre gonna get their asses pogrom'd again sooner or later it happens every time they try some shit


>load 1 millions muslims inside a burger military ship
>it (((blows up)))
>Iran gets bombed by burgerland
All part of the plan.


Kikes expected to invade Rafah sometime this month. They've already begun airstriking the refugee camps.


they were already bombing refugees since the start
whole thing kinda sucks for the palis regardless since it looks like they'll be booted out of gayza entirely but im just glad kikes no longer have their precious victim card anymore. turns out that supposedly being genocided yourself in the past it doesnt excuse you doing a genocide in the eyes of the rest of the planet. whod have fuckin thunk it huh?


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looks lik rafah has begun. also
>ICC threatened to charge yids w crimes
<"uhm that's a heckin antisemitism and literally another shoah"
bit on the nose lately


on the NOSE ladies and gentlemen a bit on the NOSE


what's the icc gonna do lmao, they have zero power on the world stage, it's just for show and everyone knows it
it took them 20+ years to decide that the balkan slapfest was a genocide and by that time everyone involved was already dead
i don't get it


>running over the i heart gaza sign
how enormously fucking petty
but its what ive come to expect from a buncha inbred hebrewz


joos are paranoid af about history books and written records
understandable tbh. always been dirtbags and the whole religion is based on trickfucking g-d
wonder what tech censorship is gonna do to peeps 100 years from now


dude thats nothing
kikes are STILL pissed about the romans btfo them and doing an actually real holocaust


It wasn't a real holocaust, kikes still live sadly.


it was close :(
we can still honor the romans efforts and the fact that they genetic bottlenecked jews into having all kinds of wild shit


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rome is the reason we have this shit in the first place
after the final revolt and they btfo'd jerusalem they permab& jews from ever coming back so they spread throughout the empire and began their handrubbing shenanigans that we're seeing today


you know that jews still SEETHE about the Roman Empire to this very day ?

its hilarious


yeah. That's why they tried to shame thinking about Rome in the fagpress recently.


If I could go back in time and change one thing I'll tell Hadrian to keep going.


Jews kvetching that without the delayed American weapon shipments, they can't negotiate with Hummus in good faith


as if anyone in charge over there wants this to end rn
gotta kill while the killins gud
IDF is halfway to killing/displacing every man, woman and child in gaza. meanwhile, gaza is about as obliterated as its gonna get, and western intervention is out of the question

skyman rly trying to remind erryone how heem used to be an ancient mesopotamian bloodgod
>be omniscient deity
>oh hai guise
>im god
>btw ur lik totes the chosen ones
>and soon™ u get to live here in the holy land™
>and everyone else gets to be ur slaves 4eva
>haha itll be soooo cool
>[repeat x2 for 2 diff ppls in the same place]
MOAR blood


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>have God on your side for thousands of years and see Him demonstrate his power
<still worship golden cows or whatever the fuck else when He looks away for two seconds
and modern judaism is just lawyering around God's commandments and going "uh ackhually what he meant was"
God left them a long time ago when His plan for saving them didn't include kicking out the romans and bathing Jerusalem in european blood like they wanted, so they got butthurt and killed His son and now they're the synagogue of satan, they have zero religious or ethnic relation to the original joos, they are imposters and they have brainwashed every boomer in america into believing they're still the chosen ones. the real chosen ones have been dead for thousands of years.


>the real chosen ones have been dead for thousands of years.
shouldve chose better then i guess


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sportschan claims responsibility for this


dubs claim it inshallah


oooh give em the frog spam next
lik ppl always meme about that one but idk if they realize how hard to handle it would be to have millions of frogs pouring down from the heavens
usually takes a crane to get them out


>never seen 100s of bees attacking one person
uuuhhhhmmmmm its WASP u bigot
also wtf dont wasps do that shit all the time? if you smash em they release attack pheromones and if youre near a big nest they all come out for VENGEANCE


yah but its funny to think they got btfo by stinging insects after bulldozing some pali's house and stirring up a fuckhuge nest
its full blown pottery imo


ya i saw some cop documentary where some lady was absolutely COVERED in them from head to toe (like hundreds of the fuckers) cuz her husband was mowing the lawn and that triggered them somehow and the cop saved her by spraying her with a fire extinguisher in his car
i hate wasps


yah its the same reason you dont wanna smash stinkbugs
not only does it stink, but that stink also phones all their buddies


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>gays for palastine


i mean it wouldnt be the first time the gay community™ was stuck rooting for ppl that literally want them flogged to death


its just a continuation of what they were already doing. people were pointing this out almost a decade and a half ago when rainbow faggots were accusing everyone of islamophobia


the only people who are more delusional about islam are feminists

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