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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1620841[View All]

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i can't remember if it was someone here who recommended frieren to me but it's just boring as fuck imo. i started disliking it 40 chapters in and i just got to 76 hoping it would get better but nah, the sociopathic elf learning to care shtick got old fast and everything else about it so far has been peak generic. male warrior character that acts like a whipped faggot, cuntish girl mage that shits on the other two party members, and the whole halfassed fantasy setting complete with bland as fuck cliche interactions between completely forgettable side characters.


lmao naw, do it for me bitch


i didn't read the manga i watched the anime, which was decent
but ya, the i have a memory relating to the exact thing this person is saying cliche got old very very fast and was p. gay.


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it was good until eren was killed in season 1 and then it became a everyone gets a titan NOW


i parry is damned entertaining


>roommate is an outright fag
god damnit
i thought that was a girl
stop putting fucking fags in my anigay fucking jews


File: 1725294027971.png (387.42 KB, 429x308, 39:28, Anime.png)

i can count had how many anigays i've seen in my life
>pokemon battle dimension
>pokemon galactica battles
>pokemon movie with giratina
>pokemon movie with arceus
>pokemon movie with keldeo
>gurren lagann
>some really stupid movie where jesus and buddha are roommates
>some other stupid one with a magic fish girl and depressed teenager (i know that doesn't narrow it down at all)
i hate anime


stop watching the goyslop anime anon.


i already have redline was good though if not completely batshit insane


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I need the name of the magic fish girl


if you dig through the first movie night thread on zzz/vhs/ you can find it there



there's an older one in that catalog somewhere


idc how "goyslop" it is gurren lagann was peak shonenshit and it was still a fun watch when i revisited it last year. not lasting a million episodes probably helps a lot. i mean i like one piss but god damn does it badly need an abridged version, way too much time is wasted on recaps of previous episodes and drawn out reactions before they get back on track
also redline isn't garbage fuck you it's an anime that's actually well animated


File: 1725297540566.png (8.57 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

i put the god damn spaces and still kept getting errors so i guess i'm gonna say what i think the answer is with a kaki


>peak shonenshit
its generic shonenshit like all the rest


you're a generic homo with med resistant AIDS like all the rest. i'd say lick my balls but i'd probably catch something


>but i'd probably catch something
safe to say it you wouldn't catch gud taste in anime if your list is anything to go on


fuck you're dumb i didn't even list anything learn to keep track of a conversation moron


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pretty sure this picture is anime related in some way


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that sounds pretty gay


you listed gurren and one piece at the very least dumbshit.
any other hot retard anime takes?


File: 1725341038667.png (284.16 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, 73e3d953-e2bf-4f88-9427-2d….png)

Nice, I'm going to stream it next saturday.


that wasn't a list dummy faggot lmao, just take the L like you take dicks, loudly and with gr8 pleasure


glad to help



Go back to reddit.


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p sure it's the same fat elf anime that's been posted itt


wait wtf?
is that shit R18 or something?
brb gotta jack off


File: 1725514093411.png (8.94 KB, 75x57, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

oh shit


File: 1725549173117.jpg (19.93 KB, 428x243, 428:243, 4dd1273.jpg)

what's taking him so long?


vary hard to coom with disgusting landwhales


you spend a lotta time thinking about guys jacking off?


File: 1725576259993.webm (5.68 MB, 500x480, 25:24, 0c1db225bcbe50bb00c7dedd1….webm)

thats ass
t.ass pro pro


it actually took me like 6 episodes to cum, since they're shorts and the nudity is such a short amount of time
the elf and ogre are p. gross, but the dark elf and succubus/satyr are top tier. would cum again


its an animedao clone. downside is they post titles in romaji, but otherwise fairly easy to use. my adblocker rapes their ads, and it has gud subs


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promising just based on the elf tits
>S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet to Shite Kurashitemasu
jesus. must be a LN


>eye visible through hair


its just a lazy way to draw thin hair, relax


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the manga is gud
lots of booba


she sure seems to like rubbing her pussy


calm down, strands of hair are not an opaque surface.


eh, I dropped it, to many faggots, and for some God forsaken reason, they added isekai shit in it, fucking why? I just want MC get more monster abilities and fuck that horny elf. Girls on his group are super cute thought.


because isuckguys are the capeshit of the east


i just want some gud fantasy but the entire fucking market is overly saturated with isegay ;_;


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Daily reminder that fiction does not equal reality bc so many retards think this lol


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most people who believe this also believe they are a cute magical catgirl with nice tits and not some fat tub of lard who sits on his ass jacking off to chinese cartoons and random k-pop celebrities all day.

kinda like how the average western woman pretends to be sane and how black "people" pretend to have a job instead of stealing things and killing other blacks for money

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