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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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its memeorial day


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think about all the spartmen we've lost over the years
now that's sad


rip this 18pack tbh 💪
happy ded day budys, whatcha grillin?



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8ch lied /intl/ died


Everything since chink virus has been such shit on sportschan
2020 was 75 years ago
All the memes are dead


>All of the 5 posters on /sp/ are dead
>Nobody actually posts here anymore


i also blame kaka for it


i blame a bunch of shitty jewish sports for it.
if anything was worth watching there'd be reason to post about them.


Waiting for you guys to finally get bored of the culture wars tbh.


High time we create our own sports. Sadly GETball is dead too.


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trolling fags is an spart


i like the sumo and raycism threads when they pop up otherwise sparts are too full of politics and agenda pushing for me to sit through them anymore
i just wanted to watch big mutant mutts and niggers give each other tbi or kick/throw a ball into a thing why do i also have to be bothered about some dumb shit i have no control over?


i just wanna see the yankees getting spankeed and the spro posting braves videos


sumobro sent me a couple links to watch all da matches on my own
replace "XX" with any number 01-15 (for days 1-15) in either link to get the vids for da respective day. the "makXX" link is for the higher ranked group of daily matches.
gud stuff budy


I understand that some of you want to spout altright victim complex culture wars bullshit and /pol/ tier schizo posting in an echo chamber, a lot of people do these days, but you guys can't be surprised that you don't have much company after years and years of it on a sports board. Bros over here blaming sports and glorifying the trolling that led people to leave lol. Some of you are legitimately retarded.


budy we have one tomorrow thread and one gazab owl thread, every other one is for sparts or shitposting wtf you talking about


think there were 2 constitutionalists and a couple checked out when it came up couple years ago. haven't seen anyone around from 4sp get mind broken for long raly.

what trolling, getball?


>2 mlb threads
>no other sports threads on the front page
>people barely post in the MLB threads

Sure buddy, whatever you say. Many sports here on mighty /sp/.

I used to come here for sports and fun. You guys don't discuss many sports and I don't find color revolution theory fun.

I hope one day you'll figure out that the red pill is just as toxic and twice as annoying as the blue pill, but I'll settle for you fucking off if you can't manage to come to that conclusion.


Maybe try to remember who left when and what preceded their departure. I'm not going to argue with you guys, I just thought it was really fucking stupid that you're actually complaining about the fact that you chased good posters away (plus some useless ones like myself) and are wondering why nobody wants to listen to the umpteenth iteration of the white man's burden argument.


>otherwise sparts are too full of politics and agenda pushing for me to sit through them anymore
i always just mute that shit and put on some tunes
course i did that lik my whole life it wasnt just a recent thang. but it def solves lik 90% of the problem if you cant hear em yapping


>meta shit
ahhhh shaddup

>Maybe try to remember who left when and what preceded their departure

im still here bby
gib kissy


thanks budy
its prolly tpaste again. just "occasionally dropping in to gloat" and totally doesnt just sit there seething. as if there wasnt just as much leftist shit being flung. this is a big part of why i hat it all theres always some obviously partisan dick whinging about the other side and pretending he didnt have anything to do with annoying everyone too.
now wheres my gay pottery and neobabylonian poetry faggot?


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raycism is full of politics these days too unless you watch lower tier stuff that is hard to find streams for. either that or just go to your local track where they hang niggers and faggots for the pre-race ceremony.

thats kinda a massive pain in the ass, i use a second computer for streaming that don't have a remote.


srsly tho im w that other guy
sparts got derailed hard by yimvirus and in a lot of cases didnt rly recover. thats bigger than anyone getting le trolled epic style
so less sparts, a LOT more wars, no shit its gonna get more political. doesnt help most of the webring has fallen apart and erryone ends up here by default cuz its the only board that gets any posts

if you think spees in a bad way peek your head out and take a look at the rest of the internet. you got fuckin gayass mainstream breadtubers going on tirades about intl zionism, meanwhile nupols teenage contrarianism has them softening on israel cuz all the 15yos now see palestine as a lefty issue. mad gay shit. mad psyops.
least spee still has some humor left in em about it, and isnt just totally mindfucked


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>now wheres my gay pottery and neobabylonian poetry faggot?
have i got the book for you


/sp/ culture is a reflection of sports bar culture and unfortunately talking politics and current events with the bros is a big part of that these days. there is no avoiding it until things start getting better for the average joe. not that any of us are average.
>Some of you are legitimately retarded.
thats just all a part of being a proper /sp/artman

all i remember is a bunch of spamming by outsiders.


Yeah, I'm just waiting til these days are over.

>the other side
That's the problem. I'm not on a side. Your side just really wants you to think that anybody who doesn't buy into color revolution theory is the other side.

I know. It's why I wait and why I continue to hold out hope for you guys after all this time. Everyone gets tired of screeching into the void at some point.


never got into pocket watching who's posting. posts r posts
>twice as annoying as the blue pill
don't disagree up there with complaining about complaining eh?
i find smth interesting, post about it, mayb get interesting (you)s. no sense getting mind broken about peeps bein mind broken tho


i just wanna grill


I just want to hurry the process along so we can all merrily shitpost about sports together forever as the universe intended. There's a reason sports bars used to tell us to leave religion and politics at the door. We all need to be reminded sometimes.


fair, iktcq
maybe >we'll get coliseum battles to the death out of it, now THAT'S an spart


Moar like GETS amirite?
I take toothpaste over our resident spammer any day. It’s odd how t paste vanished, kaka shows up, krauts and Dutch into degenerate scat and children posting shit no one cares about…..


>its not the fact poop pedo has spammed the catalog multiple times over the past month and pushed most of the sparts threads off the bort
>its not the fact that imageboards in general are a dying medium
>its not the fact that a lot of people who use these sites are leaving to do other shit with their lives
>its not the fact theres no newfags to replace them because young people prefer shit like discord
>no the problem is the one polidicks thread that gets a handful of posts a week
>also youre all stupid and im smart
>pls ignore how sparts threads still always get posts when theres a game on that doesnt fit my complaint


also arent the summer old-limp-dicks this year? i havent been seeing much buzz about it at all this time around and i figured id ask here simce i guess >we're all here complaining like stupid whorbs anyway


specifically im asking why there doesnt seem to be much buzz about it i know theyre this year


lympdickpics are as ded as any other speeort plus it's in nu-mecca
wonder how frogs are gonna deal with all the protestors let alone brownies lel


shit it's still two months away


its cuz last summer one got cucked. everyone and everywhere was wigging out cuz memeflu lik just happened
iirc niplympics wasnt even held until the following year


basically 8yrs since a proper olympic-level wammans beachv olleyball set


nobody watches limpdicks anymore, its 98% advertising and 2% content if you are lucky. the vast majority of it isn't even happening in real-time anymore, its all recordings.


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i don't care about this gay meta discussion but i remembered that one autist who spammed that sissy mashed potatoes meme and found this so here you go


real crime is not doin beach olley for special olympics
heckin bigotism ask me


he still never explained what "sissy mashed potatoes" were or a "white boy slide"

he could have been included in e/sp/oteric lore


once russia got caught cheating due to the whole "muh ukraine" thing and literally everyone else who cheats is ignored everyone kinda realized it is just a politicized shit-show like everything else and stopped caring.


tbh i dont even remember the 2016 huelympics outside of the water giving swimmers diseases or some shit and i was drinking so much in 2012 that the bonglympics = 0 memories
shit dude the most recent one i member is the chinklympics all the way back in 08. dont remember any winter olympics because snow is gay


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>snow is gay
after mil died the only non white allowed was duders 51% gook
please remove yourself thx


t. paste


seemed p self-explanatory to me


Bring back Dildar so /sp/ will be crik board as intended


oh yeah ?
then draw me up a picture of some sissy mashed potatoes, with high detail and photo-realism


i will fight a grown man in order to obtain a skittlez shirt


Dudder should implement WadinaGPT


AI is evil


snow gay like yt gay


mil-morial day


good lookin out


that was so cringe


File: 1716991426567.webm (3.95 MB, 416x224, 13:7, The Wheelchairs.webm)

not bad, singer's a bit off-key but drummer is rockin it

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