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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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wat sparts did/do you guise play?
what position?

ice crik
>D, left wing
mostly D tho. i was raly tall and could skate backwards fast af. long stick too so i could cover lik a third of the ice w a poke. played house from age 6 till HS cuz couldnt afford travel. played HS sophomore and jr yr but the team was full of weird fags and i left after jr yr. gud call too cuz half the team got mouth herpes """"from the waterbottles"""" [x] doubt when i was a sr

still play street hockey and pond hockey w the bros occasionally

>catcher, pitcher
in little league i was p gud at pitching, but i could never get the curveball down and always hung em, so by HS i was a meatball factory. switched to catcher. way more fun. still get to be involved in every play, but way less pressure. helps to be able to know what pitches to call too from exp. did freshman and sophomore, but by jr yr i just wanted to skate once it got warm out and quit

some guys i know do softball once a week, but its mostly just an excuse to daydrink which isnt my scene

weird thing is i was lefty in hockey, but righty in basedball. couldnt switch hit either.


quarterback for the jaguars


catcher too iykwim


you wouldve fit right in w my hockey team lel


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i did basedball and handegg with friends while in school. we had a nice open field to play in nearby. a few of them had played teeball when they were young but none of us cared to play for school or anything.
with basedball most of us were teenagers just playing sandlot ball but occasionally we'd get parents with their young kids to play, some as young as 3-4. teaching kids to play was sometimes more fun than playing itself.
we had grils playing too, as some friends had sisters who were reasonably athletic. we really didn't care who played with us, so long as we were playing.
personally i played any position i was needed, preferred pitching our anywhere in the outfield though. handegg mostly running black since i couldn't throw or catch for shit but could run and dodge like crazy.

did lots of cycling too if thats a spart. none of that gay spandex shit though, just going as fast as i can for fun and something to do.

>some guys i know do softball once a week, but its mostly just an excuse to daydrink which isnt my scene

ive considered similar with wiffle ball, but its all old boomers who spend more time drinking than playing.


ton of apehoop. could barely dunk but tried in an actual game and looney tunes doinked. tweety birds round my head and all, never again in a game
doubt anyone else played or knows wtf i'm talkin about but mormon churchball yims are legit. always left bleeding and fucked up for a week after, miss it


i believe it
mormons go hard af in all kinds of unexpected ways
their religion makes it so they have to be all tucked-in-shirt all the time, so they gotta find ways to let it out i guess


i never rly thought about it, but we used to bike a lot too. like a LOT. it was just a point A to B thang tho, mostly just to skate out in the city or other towns

i also forgot to mention swamming
nothin competitive tho cuz it was in a fuckhuge lake, so all rest strokes all the time

>more time drinking than playing.

a common theme
old ppl suck
how ya gonna keep ur ninja skills if ur hammered by 2 in the afternoon?


bet theyd be great at boxing. muhammad ali or one of the rally famous guys wouldnt fug or anything for a few days before a match maybe an unmarried mormon could punch someones brain out the back of their skull


never doubt it
i wouldnt wanna be in a ring with a guy lik that
but some guy who just got a BJ? prolly take him


only fought a couple in hs but it was 11 or 1
either pulled their punch last second and spazzed when hit back or they didnt stop until ded
deznat boys now are a diff story though they carry blood libel against non-mo and usually have the connections to cover some shit up so i'd rec chillin with em, my .02


I hit the shuttlecock.
When playing doubles I'd let my partner take most of the shuttlecocks


Volleyball and billard budy


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>tennis cuz ther was a girl playing it i like but sheem didn't like me
>bowling cuz it was fun
>flag football but i didn't know the rules and the coaches just assumed everyone did or they explained it and i was too retarded to remember so i had no idea wtf i was doing


>I just wanted to skate
Did you have a fanny pack too?


I did wrastlin' back in the day as well as basketball. Also did cheerleading if that counts as a spart. These days I just hike and pick up heavy things/put them down.


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Just for play with the other kids so nothing serious. Sucked at batting but liked bowling so I became a spinner. Tried fast bowling but never got the hang of it. Spinning the ball, tricking the batsman and getting them out was fun.

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