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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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no chestlets on /sp/ ffs!!!


this thang looks kinda rarted


bish got mom ass lookin knees tbh tho



henlo butiful pls show bobs i wil by u ticket to india, do u lik criket?


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yuck whor


yah um okay mr criket monker thats not okay. shes literally a virgin..


show hymin




there is a literal ZERO percent chance this bitch hasnt serviced an entire mississippi river's worth of cock


saw her in half and count the rings to confirm chastity


uhm so i'm not seeing the rings…


then sheem aint a virgo
pack it up boys move on to the next one
clyde u haul the woodchipper this time




sex is good




try shaggin someone who isn't yer mum next time


>Big ol' saggy tiddies
>Already showing signs of fattening
>Lazy single mother knees
>Unkempt hair thrown into a bun because she doesn't brush it properly
nah I don't want HPV fam



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i know you are but what am i


hpv is guuuuuuuud


no u

ftfy fam


imagine this whorb w/o makeup


other than dark circles under her eyes that seems like an improvement
hate whorbs making excuses for why "men think they don't look right/look ugly without makeup"
like bish that's the point you fuck your skin by covering it im chemicals for 12 years and its gonna take a little time for the sunlight and natural skin oils to fix it stop putting the powder on yer face and you won't need to take 200 degree showers to feel clean then the skin heal on its own and the hair stop splittin' as bad 'poo or no 'poo
shampoo the devil too if you use more often than once every week or two


i hate those shoes. i hate that she's wearing those shoes with a beach get up. i can tolerate all the other shit, even the retarded topknot, but those fuckin shoes are making me RABID


you can tell a lot about a whorb by her shoes
where she's blowing
where she's been


I can save her.


from what?




too late bud


I respect your opinion and wish you the best in a life free from sex.

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