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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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File: 1720101402029.mp4 (3.71 MB, 612x360, 17:10, dog bless.mp4)


fourth of july thred
dog bles


File: 1720106380603.mp4 (4.58 MB, 720x720, 1:1, beavis 4th.mp4)


>4th of july
you mean american canada day?


File: 1720109797614.mp4 (12.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AMERICA FUCK YEAH.mp4)

fuck yeah


File: 1720109837964.mp4 (13.66 MB, 474x360, 79:60, Hulk Hogan - Real American….mp4)


happy indy/sp/endence day budys
fuck britain


File: 1720110808046.mp4 (7.5 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Constitution.mp4)




fuck america


File: 1720113934586.mp4 (7.83 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2_5203921309435715077.mp4)

hell ya rude spude


File: 1720115691677.webm (47.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Crack Amico - Fuck Everyb….webm)


File: 1720115970460.mp4 (437.93 KB, 404x720, 101:180, dear bri'ish.mp4)


File: 1720115979883.mp4 (437.93 KB, 404x720, 101:180, 1688511799091.mp4)


File: 1720116164491.mp4 (244.41 KB, 640x408, 80:51, 1688511949085.mp4)


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File: 1720117807564.jpg (166.94 KB, 1170x1158, 195:193, IMG_20240704_021730_069.jpg)


File: 1720118082458-0.mp4 (2.65 MB, 640x562, 320:281, fuck the british.mp4)

File: 1720118082458-1.mp4 (3.11 MB, 720x716, 180:179, grillin.mp4)


File: 1720118251318-0.mp4 (1000.42 KB, 480x590, 48:59, washington4trump.mp4)

File: 1720118251318-1.mp4 (1.38 MB, 576x576, 1:1, literally me.mp4)

File: 1720118251318-2.mp4 (1.63 MB, 640x340, 32:17, ool.mp4)

File: 1720118251318-3.mp4 (1.91 MB, 480x852, 40:71, sweet home.mp4)


File: 1720118606410-0.jpeg (3.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1148.jpeg)

File: 1720118606410-1.jpeg (3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1149.jpeg)

File: 1720118606410-2.jpeg (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1150.jpeg)

File: 1720118606410-3.jpeg (3.3 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1152.jpeg)

I’ll post pix in /h/ later



File: 1720118778684.mp4 (12 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Download.mp4)


vary soxy olds budy


File: 1720119878577-0.jpg (99.83 KB, 451x779, 11:19, IMG_20240704_115405_091.jpg)

File: 1720119878577-1.png (1.36 MB, 998x1500, 499:750, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1720119878577-2.jpg (207.68 KB, 1536x2057, 1536:2057, spirit-of-1776.jpg)

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File: 1720121667176.jpg (167.24 KB, 1543x1158, 1543:1158, space jews fear america.jpg)


dogs and cats that hate fireworks are commies


File: 1720122054857.jpg (323.73 KB, 1378x1378, 1:1, agent moron.jpg)


wouldnt it suck if you were lik an alien and then saw all the gud grillin and smoked meats and beer and wanted to come down and land so you waited till night so you didnt spook erryone but then erryone started shooting fireworks and so you retaliated w a giant death ray?


this was the moment it was joever forever


File: 1720125172330.mp4 (1.04 MB, 480x252, 40:21, fuck obama.mp4)

fuck ayys spruh, i'd booze cruise their ship and go steal his wife


File: 1720126169170.png (2.03 MB, 1119x1740, 373:580, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone have that animu vid that was the 4th OP a year or two ago?
no idea where i put it


File: 1720126350956.jpeg (141.13 KB, 672x923, 672:923, GRl7DDMXEAAO0XH.jpeg)

hell ya ill race ya


File: 1720126687389.mp4 (1.98 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, babe the tannerite pig.mp4)

much shit as the micks get they're funny af


how tf did he land at night without smashing into all the buildings?


waste of gud porg


he wasn't jihading


too bad the pig didn't run amongst them and detonate
really unnecessary and niggerish behavior


File: 1720132977279-0.webm (7.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Burgers of Fire.webm)

File: 1720132977279-1.mp4 (147.96 KB, 240x240, 1:1, Fireworks.mp4)

File: 1720132977279-2.webm (17.72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, San Diego Fireworks 2012.webm)

u gonna blow stuff up tonight budys?




no im stuck at work and im mad af about it


File: 1720137058970.jpeg (23.25 KB, 640x400, 8:5, images-1.jpeg)

What happened on the fourth day of July that it deserves a thread?


File: 1720138188230.jpeg (3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_1161.jpeg)

Getting close


drank at noon, smokin bacon burgor
shootin tmrw but if there's shows imma trip up on the atv to a peak


Turn it on and run budy


i thought you died and i was celebrating but i guess i jumped the gun my bad i'll kill you with it next time instead of using it for hopscotch


>celebrating a zionist occupied govnment
why /sp/ro, why


File: 1720138710625.jpg (24.52 KB, 480x480, 1:1, dangerous drugs dog.jpg)

there's like 5 different neighbors surrounding me all doing fireworks so i don't see much point spending the money on it myself. it already sounds like a goddamn warzone without me contributing to it. there are a few neighbors shooting guns to keep the niggers away too


im off now 2 late 2 toilet


>got home intending to rootin tootin point and shootin
>starts raining
i cry


>gommie talk
stfu nigger euro


wtf meant for >>1632659


should clean em anyway spro just go shoot


If you kill me then you would commit suicide. You don't wamt that.


File: 1720140536232.jpg (126.95 KB, 1228x767, 1228:767, 43bc19dc0f79e72cb901b57e1d….jpg)

fireworks are still illegal in many states
if anything its a celebration of freedom from government tyranny (like outlawing explosives)


File: 1720140795936.jpg (47.47 KB, 720x820, 36:41, flag butthole.jpg)

could always express your freedoms in vidya games and get banned for it


too late i already ate mushrooms and i dont touch guns when the walls are rippling


safe travels budy


>go to baseball gaym + fireworks
<rained out by 5th inning, no fireworks
i hat rain


never tried shrooms, do they actually taste good?
or are they like cheap vodka and taste like shit but the fun is worth it?


somehow i got lucky and the rain passed to the north and south, and the sky even cleared up somewhat


this is a powerful image


shut the fuck up teenbro, you can't even work out in public because you're too self conscious




File: 1720167739967.webm (3.95 MB, 569x320, 569:320, niggertax.webm)

not paying my nigger tax fuck you


diff fag but no they taste like shitty dried mushrooms. shitty dried mushrooms that youre not supposed to eat.
way fucking more fun than drink, and its not even close. not even on the same planet even.
they only last lik 5 or 6hrs which imo is way more manageable than L and most other psychs that just go on and on and on

eat an eighth and drink some OJ and get ready to get kinda sweaty and raly weird for ~ a quarter of a day


fuck no they dont taste good but the trip is worth it. imo if youve never done them before you should be with a trip sitter the first couple times you do it before trying it alone because theres a little bit of anxiety before the peak and it helps to have someone act as an anchor


projecting faggot


this guy is a pussy
just get some friends to also trip face with you and go do stupid shit like hang out in sum butterfly garden or go to a carnival and ride poorly maintained thrill rides


>this guy is a pussy just basically do what he said
this guy is an uppity cunt that probably sucks to trip with
the fuck did you think i meant by trip sitter you dumb idiot? a babbysitter? no you go with someone else and trip with them


shit i got a little mad there. the point is the first time its better to do it with others. if you do it alone though and you start to panic you can just look at a tree or something and watch the patterns move to take your mind off of it because getting stuck in panic mode for 4 hours sucks


trip sitter is pussy shit just take drugs with your friends and be retarded


yeah just go do drugs with friends thats all i meant and yeah tripsitter = babbysitter so when i see that shit i call it gay because it is gay


>go to a carnival and ride poorly maintained thrill rides
when >we were 15 >we all tried mushrooms together and i tried to get the gypsies at the carnival to let me ride my skateboard down one of the rides and he threatened to stab me it was based


nah your definition is fucked up no ones gonna just sit there sober and watch you trip unless theyre a saint or more likely trying to take advantage of you


then its just a friend doing drugs with you budy


dont care gonna keep using it


ok ankle grabber


i dont even think you guys are disagreeing tbh

in either case, taking weird drugs by yourself is weird. do it with friends or its just some lame junkie shit
same reason i always deride the silicon valley nerds and their microdosing. lik wtf? way to take something cool and fun and turn it into a fucking prescription


you inviting me to grab your ankles and put em above your head while i slap my balls against your hiney? im not like that queerboi sry
yah >we figured that out already its just mindless shit talk now


>taking weird drugs by yourself is weird
ya its gay af


>i-i cant b alone i need gay lov- i mean "bros" around me at all times
so much protesting from the closet come out of there and speak your mind


>Amerimutts lives are so shitty they have to do drugs just to get through the day



File: 1720225363549.mp4 (8.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dank Dank Docks.mp4)

dude weed lmao


File: 1720226473474.png (39.93 KB, 148x166, 74:83, ClipboardImage.png)

>prop bidup awake in new interview
>his audio sounds fucking bizarrely distorted
>its because he was whispering the entire time so they boosted the fuck out of the audio
>also looks like this
>will you take a neurological test to dispel voters concerns?
<i have a neurological test every day if you catch my drift
>sorry i meant will you take a neurological test admistered by a doctor?
>every day is a nuerological test for me!
repeat 4x


>The president often grew distracted from one point to another mid-answer and often garbled.
>Biden later claimed to have invented a new type of computer chip and started and strengthened NATO during the 30-minute chat
ok so i did hear that right


i fucking hear this in my head now whenever i'm witnessing a nigger shucking and jiving


File: 1720226943721.png (1.14 MB, 1096x1100, 274:275, ClipboardImage.png)


it is truly fucking wild how many foreign conflicts and wars this fucking faggot has voted for while in political office
like easily over 100


about the same as any other president since ww2 really. trump being one of the few outliers.


cry more freedomless faggot you only have so many chances before your muslim neighbor beheads you and gets a medal for it


Check em

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