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its a birthday kinda day
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Hello Spartmans!
Nagoya Grand Tournament starts on Sunday!
In the next two weeks we're gonna watch the recaps of the bouts from the top two divisions, juryo and makuuchi.
Starting at 16:00 UTC. That should be 12:00 on the US East Coast.




fookin missed it again tho brb sudokuing


i think you mean sumokuing


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From Sunday! That's tomorrow.


oh like it says in your fucking op
gotta sumodokie twice now so they cancel out, i set an alarm this time


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usmo in 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4


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rets go grorious bashu




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Thanks for watching!

She got a little bit wet there.


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BAttlebox in half an hour!


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meaty slappy time




sumo gud


Official check ‘em




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dont wanna divide by zero and am not flooding promise


the red one looks like Hokutofuji with his balding scalp


mistress wadina is letting me sit in commander's chair (left side of the couch) for todays slappy pushy, and fellas? i'm pretty hyped


do sumobros get to bang all da whorbs?
lik i get its all honorabru an shieeet, and most of their waking lives are entirely dedicated to the spart, but theyre also lik country-wide famous as fuck


yes, they are sports stars and have no trouble finding a gf


i figured
but yah never know w crazy jap shit
they might see chasing skirts as dishonorabru or whatever


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From lazy wikipee search top guys can get various celebrities. Hakuho has a "glamour model" as a wife, Takakeisho married a fashion model. Terunofuji married a mere uni student, fellow Mongolian (they have a kid now called Temujin, kek).
As for casual hookups I dunno. These guys are fairly famous, perhaps have groupies and whatnot even. This honor stuff isn't like European knighthood was, no Victorian era Anglo prudery neither, sex is important part of life.
Worst case scenario they can grab some fat titties time to times.


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Yesterday's yokozuna win.


ah shit teru won? hell ya


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iiiiit's TIIIIMMME


great sumo today


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He could (and probably will) miss the rest of the tournaments of the year. Perhaps even the January basho. He will fall back in the ranks, back in the divisions, so he'll have to climb back again.


What happened?


quick recovery big boy
bed rest gotta gameshark their bulks tho



he lost


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plump n dump bout to start


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THanks for watching, spartees.


Sorry man, I wanna wash but shits been crazy lately


just set an alarm budy the whole stram clocks in at just under an hour every time


I work from 6PM to 6AM every day burgertime is what I meant. I literally can't, bro. I like sumo and all I can wash is the highlights because if I don't sleep for 8+ hours the inflammation gets so bad in my hands I can't grip anything. Fuck blue collar work.


dam budy thats no fun


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just Tamawash then


same here budy. fuck work in general wish i could be a shitty landlord and just watch what i want all day while ignoring tenants complaining


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sumo tiem


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found out my grandmother has been watching sumo for a while
im having a hard time keeping track of the rikishis, but she seems to be happy she has someone to talk to about it. the rest of the family are normalfags and afraid of japanese stuff


vary cool
invite her to the stram


i love it when the geezers are into unexpected cool shit


mother in laws into it too
she was one who gave me the full rundown of that streamer getting dmca'd by nhk


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New family bonding opportunity.

>hat streamer getting dmca'd by nhk


ask her what anime she likes


>hard time keeping track of the rikishis
Give it time. The names in makuuchi are fairly constant. Most of the older veterans rotated out by now, and only some youngsters are good enough to rise up into that division.
Half of juryo is also constant, some of them is promoted to makuuchi just to get relegated in a couple of bashos back.
You'll soon recognize figures. You should always try to read the names of the rikishis at each bout. Soon you'll note certain behaviours, customs, rituals they do, techniques they favor.
Two major technique:
1. oshi-zumo = the "pushypushy" when they don't hold each other but give pushes, slaps
2. yotsu-zumo = when they grab each others' panties and wrestle
Each rikishi favor one over the other.


ya natto ty


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not now honey, sumo's on


do you think these guys' bodies get as fucked up as nigger collide players by the time they retire? what happens if their career doesnt take off do they have to lose weight and go work as a handyman?


Recently retired Tochinoshin, a Georgian rikishi who reached the rank ozeki, now sells Georgian wine and honey.
This is his brand:
>Tochi: It's a trade job. I want to promote Georgian products to Japan, such as wine and honey. There are many foods and drinks in Georgia that are good for your health. Wine is made the old-fashioned way, without using preservatives. I created a company called “Royal Georgia” in Tokyo with a friend. The president of the company? I'm not the president. I'm just an ordinary employee (laughs).

In general while they're living with the stable, they get food and a bedroll - I assume free healthcare too - and some pocket money, which is miserable, I think even in makuuchi they only get like couple hundred dollars, and only the topmost reach some thousands. But the top guys get monetary reward for their wins, see Tummyfuji here >>1636777 having a good payday. They can also score some promotional contracts, they have to advertise stuff, or get invited to shows and whatnot.
As for the lower ranking dudes, they have to do chores for the stable too, cleaning, cooking, so an appropriate job for them would be kitchen hands and chefs, after they leave sumo. In their free time, when they laze around and they wait to get fat they can do whatever they wish I think, those who want to learn (skills, or a trade even) probably can.


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>imagine the smell


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what i did never flood


>12500 yen = 80 usbux
>80 bux for autographed sandals


The value of the yen has gone to shit


sorry about no show sumobro, power got heemed


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>ywn be part of a strongfat push and slap athlete club
leather bars dont count


sprats missed a great day


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I’m lovin it.


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Takakeisho got an advice from his dad - I think it was his dad - how to get big. Eat maccas!


lel gud advice budy


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its slappin tiem


"thanks i needed that"


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dawn of the final two days


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big slap
Takerufuji's injury on his teat


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does this count as sumo ?


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Last day budis! The fate of the yusho (championship) will be decided!
One other important question on the side: can Onosato continue his struggle for the ozeki title? He needs to pocket 33 points in three consecutive bashos. He already has a 12-3 from the tournament of May, and if he wins today, he'll end with a 10-5 which is enough if in September he can belt at least 11 victories.

Also someone pls delete the cp spam.

sounds like it


gud final day


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Real good basho, sumobros.
Here's the final moment of Shishi vs Hakuoho bout in juryo.
Also happy Takanosho is happy.

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