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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day
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ayy lmao


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ayyyy le mau


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a mentally ill fetish troon was also a pdf file ?
well, imagine my shock




>a pdf file
these word plays make me giggle like a lil tard, same with lgtv
dont think the image's real though


mr 666 markofthebeast's tranny costar was caught grooming 10 year olds on spicscord


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lmao shocker


That normalfags gets paid good money by letting a tranny handle children in his show.


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Hope this astroturfed faggot gets cancelled just like that other kike DrDisrespect.


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he sold his soul to the devil
he is apart of their cabal, he isnt going anywhere


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probably not satanist, that'd be giving him too much credit
just another jewtube grifter that hit it big


he was 100% a plant
you can trace the career of a lot of older big timer youtube people, they constantly had to change, grow and adapt to survive and climb their way to the top

this fucking guy just rocketed to the top out of nowhere, he is a jerkop


ok sure maybe but they're not gonna add a bunch of cryptic schizo shit to their videos, at worst heem just a glowie and not a devil worshipper that's for higher echelon bohemian grove members like bill gates


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its insane how deep the rabbit hole goes and how the only statistic that matters when it comes to how “successful” you can be in our timeline is how many jewish dicks you’ve sucked. Merit, courage, wisdom, creativity…all of those traits completely thrown out the window in favor of “hey are you good at sucking circumcised shmekels?” This is the real reason as to why the USA is falling apart. We don’t promote or support our best and brightest but instead demoralize and disenfranchise them while promoting the absolute worst that our species has to offer to this planet simply because they are easier to control and are more likely to stay subservient to their (((masters))). Nothing will ever change (and no I am not a fucking fed or encouraging anyone on this website to act on their own) unless extreme violence happens. The kikes won both world wars and nothing is going to change until they lose the third one. These so called (((people))), and believe me I am using that word very loosely, will simply never give up power. We will have to remove them from power by force. This is why I’m personally rooting for a WW3 scenario, it’s the only way to remove these parasites from this planet completely. Sorry for the phoneposting, I’m still at work.



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i like half way believe that he probably legit prays to satan
if someone broke into mr beasts home and it had blood altars and pentagrams and human sacrifice cahmbers, i would not even be remotely surprised, got to pay tribute to the one who got you there
yeah its very obvious to me that these people saw figures they didnt like getting popular on the biggest sites in the pre-2016 internet and wanted to ensure this would not happen again
pewdiepie for most obvious example was putting on a trump hat and talking about negatively about immigration, not something they wanted to happen

so they put some money down and made sure that who the little zoom-zoomies and alphas would see online would be bought and paid for shills
dont forget that other faggot adam22, the literal bbc cuckold man, who of course has a bazillions ties to jewish billionaires

i mean fuck, the mr beast troon is also a literal pinkpill sissy hypno bbc freak, its no wonder zoomers are so brainrotted when they have had these people imprinted on their consciousness every waking hour of the day from the always on 24/7 internet mind rape panopticon nigger cattle system

needless to say, its all very j*wish


this the new schizo thread?


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>this the new schizo thread?

What’s the matter? You too scared to go to the front and end up in a livegore video? Fucking rat 🤣


shut up cuc/k/


tf did that have to do with dying in war?
guess it is the new schizo thread i'll stop bumping the old one then


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i have no sense of political events or media comprehension but FOOBAW YEAH


No wonder he has a tranny in his show.


/k/ supports israel and zog retard. You’re the cuc/k/ now stop projecting you gay nigger faggot.


yeah i can tell your a cuc/k/
tengoo shouldve nuked yu with the board


>webring drama
wtf is it about the dedring that causes such cancerous behavior? stay on your shitholes and have your gay slapfights there no one here cares about your autistic faggot hangups


lel you guys are schizzed out
mr beast is just some normie-tire faggot who produces slop content. hes popular because his slop content is as lowest common denominator as possible and he has a team that releases them daily
>but his handlers are jews
yea no shit hes in """entertainment""". even prior to the internet, entertainment has always been some of the quickest, easiest money you can make. hence: jews

its lik when ppl thought pewdiepie was an industry plant, or later when they thought heem was a literal nazi. nah brah the guy was just not hideously ugly lik a lot of wannabe online personalities, and made shitty low-effort videos/streams where he yelled too much every single day for yrs and yrs
>but he was controlled by yidsney
until he said nigger and they dropped him and raked him over in the media
and then it didnt even rly matter that much in the long run cuz heem just kept pumping out shitty slop vids daily anyways

if anything, all the top streamers and youtubers all just demonstrate one thing: quantity over quality. avg viewer doesnt want some well-crafted masterpiece of cinema. they want a shitty tv show thats on every single day.
if you wanna succeed in modern entertainment just keep making shitty clickb8 tier shit every single day until something breaks. then just keep repeating variations of that. for mr beast that was gay fake philanthropy clickb8 shit. for pewdiepie it was over-reacting to shitty indie horror games


>uwah cuckring crybabbying
kinda wish 8gaggers had just gone back to 4chan instead, theyre about as annoying as the average user there.
anyway this is definitely the new schizo thread then so im gonna ask here. is alex jones not coming back in any capacity? this gay retard election year just wont be the same without him as the swollen red faced cherry on top spouting hilarious shit


isnt he fucked to death by legal fees?
i thought they were liquidating all his studio shit?
there was vid about it in some thread


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>kinda wish 8gaggers had just gone back to 4chan instead,
most of em are banned there already, i doubt the glowniggers who run the site tolerate their bullshit for long.

>is alex jones not coming back in any capacity?

pretty sure he's still around behind the scenes when he cannot do shows himself due to various legal bullshit still lingering around. that being said its been a few years since i've checked on infowhores.
i kinda got bored of them blaming everyone but the jews for any random topic even when the perpetrators are blatantly obviously jewish. spreading blatant lies and disinformation about the war in ukraine in its early stages was the last straw for me.


every time i try to get more info on that gayass war i just regret it
prolly won't even be alive by the time they get the real facts of what happened sorted out
so in the meantime im just gonna say fuck everyone involved with it on all sides and i hope c-consciousness expands the zone to cover all of ukraine and russia, problem solved and we get stalker irl


yah but theres no way someone like him just stops completely. tf else is he gonna do? sell used cars?
thats part of what made it funny to me personally. plus, zogged or not he was a great way to introduce people to actual conspiracies through which theyd naturally realize the truth on their own instead of say trying to guide them through flat earth faggotry or some other stupid shit that just makes everyone dismiss any kind of questioning
its gonna be like ww2 where the actual facts dont start coming out to the general public until like 4 generations later


>zogged or not he was a great way to introduce people to actual conspiracies
art bell did it better, and didnt have to pretend to be the arbiter of "truth" to do it


most rational post itt s/x/itzo thread


art bell is also dead. i wasnt trying to compare anything anyway


>video mr beast ex employee
>says mr beast knew about troony groomer
>says all the money fraud that happens behind the scenes
>talks about the all the ways he gets covered for
>if you search of the video directly it doesnt pop up even through its going massively viral

schizobros are always right


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art was great largely due to the time, he couldnt handle the level of phreaky now imo
'low value mail' does a hands off call in schiz show. havent watched a ton but havent seen him censor anything


>everything in that video
idk why some of you schiz out about this guy he's just a conman that fools children like p much any other youtube shitleb. he found a formula that works better is all. put a suit on him and he's just an 80s exec that time traveled to the 2020s


and by this i mean calling him the antichrist not the fact hes a scammer


p wonky vid famalam forgot all about it until I saw this

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