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/sp/ - Sparts

its a birthday kinda day
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damn, what happened to her /sp/ros??
it's like she fell off the face of the planet
i can't even remember the last time i saw her in a movie


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Because 'she' isn't a 'her' anymore you shitlord


i want to bully that manlet


>damn, what happened to her /sp/ros??
The jews.


imagine going from life on easy mode, smol, cute, in shapeh'wite wombman with a lot of money to balding, feminine faced, big dick sucking lips, chicken legs and stick figure arms dyel manlet looking like a 13 year old going through puberty but your a 35 year old """man""", yikes sis big oofie


oh shit this guy seems pretty cool


He looks like he’s been fucked by p diddy related to Bieber.


i still don't understand what in the everloving fuck makes bitches decide "hey you know what, being a woman fukken sucks, I wanna be a man" and then they turn out to be fugly manlets 8/10 times. like holy shit, i know bitches be mentally fucked up and shit but damn why in the fuck would you give up your pussy pass to look like some virgin soyboy.


porn addiction
simple as


sheem had an literal mental breakdown– hearing voices and everything that told her she was actually a man that is unironically what kicked it off for her and instead of doctors doing no harm and saying 'hey bitch your nuts' they fucking did shit abominable shit


lotta retards buy muh whypipo patriarchy. laughable as that is to anyone who actually is a fucking ytmale
shit part is thats almost always otherwise decent women bc they dont flaunt the pussad and have no idea of reality
inb4 that one retard: ellen obv got brainfukt, celebs are on diff planet


yah she most likely got put through the hollywood (((producer))) gauntlet and eventually it scrambled her brain entirely. lik imagine not only seeing a bunch of weinstein tier deformed cocks but having to put em inside of you you'd have to already be some dead inside psychopath to not have that affect you in any way. also
>8/10 times
when were the 2/10 times it worked?


>when were the 2/10 times it worked?
you do get some tranny women who look like dudes, like buck angel.


but she looks like a fugly manlet tho
i have wondered what her pussy smells like for years now it's an intrusive thought that i hate so much fuck you for reminding me of her existence


then big dick bitch comes along who just looks like the typical fat ugly nigger woman with a dick
then again all niggers are ugly


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>i have wondered what her pussy smells like for years now
anon what the fuck
get help


Didn't she took out her pussy and added a fake dick?


>took out her pussy
>added a fake dick
How does that work?


sometimes i wish i could just shoot highly specific parts of my brain to stop such things from being thunk
idk the only image of her that comes up in my mind is that one that used to get spammed on /b/ back in the day


they usually crudely rip off meat from your thighs and forearms, make a fucking coke can shaped sausage, than sew it on much, much to high on the pelvis


. . . d o e s i t r o t ?




How do they pee or have sex. Also they don't get fake balls as well?


she got involved w hollywood p young
that almost never turns out any gud


the "ballsack" is where the piss pump goes


pee isn't stored in the balls though…


ftm trannies dont know this though


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g*d i want one of these so fuckin bad


usually they get a prosthetic erection thing too, which is literally inflated by squeezing one of the balls.
like anon said, the other ball is usually a pump for peeing


how do they know they need to pee


idk these 3d full bodyscanners are pretty pricey i guess. you would have to run a business to cover the acquisition and maintenance costs


But racemixing is bad!


that's 4.7 feet even ellen page is taller than that


Mr Hitler said nips were AOK

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