I can't post the rest. I get "error posting" popup.
>>1646850>>1646859just keep pressing the space bar a lot and then post it
>>1646865doesn't always work, there's a couple wordfilters that can trip you up regardless of spaces. you can thank shitkike chomo for that
>>1646874>wordfilterGreat. Then I have to try, rephrase.
I mean that's not Takerufuji, that's Tobizaru. Just another rikishi to keep an eye on is Takerufuji. I just could not send the post no matter how I rephrased.
hell yeah rets go sumo
On the first week the timing can be more flexible.
It should be fine between 9am and 3pm US East Coast time.
these feel like they should be /librejp/ crossover threads
thanks bro
i was trying to tell a budy about it and thats why i breached ur thang. old budy, hed do nothin but watch
>>1647496You should stop having feelings
So tomorrow starts the basho and will go on for two weeks.
Since there were no other suggestions it will start at the time noted in OP.'re watching Tenebrae right now btw.
wooo thanks /sp/ro
Come on spartmans! Join us, watch soomow!
>>1647746fugged muh sleep schedule up budy how was day 1?
>teru outoh damn, t's and p's big man. when does the title come into question?
>>1647918Good opening day, had couple of surprises.
There was a guest who did not log in.
>Teru>when does the title come into question?Well he skips some bashos, then back in with good score, then skips again. He does this for a while now and can go on. At one point they might call on him to retire.
However he is the sole yokozuna, for three years now. And doesn't seem any of the rikishis up for taking the torch over. For this, the elders might be more lenient.
Beyond this his health could force him to give up I think. I don't know about the process.
>>1647924nice i lik teruformer
slappy starting
sick matches today if bro's still downloading them
im sorry sumobro my schedule has me in the middle of sleeping when sumo comes on every day :(
What a day. Unexpected results!
>>1648703wut happen? manage to snag juryo?
work decided to stick a thumb up my ass
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>>1648714Some wins by rikishis I would have not expected.
Some very cool moves.
No, they only shared later. But I have all for today, and streaming no matter who shows up.
post the stream link
come on sparts!
>>1648891what happened to him?
notdudder missed a great day
Here's the makuuchi banzuke (toplist): is the very top. East is more prestigious than West, so two rikishis on the same rank, the East is actually higher a bit. The center column lists the rank. The top four are the named ranks, ie sanyaku: yokozuna, ozeki, sekiwake, and komusubi. Below rankings are the maegeshira. Maegeshira #1, maegeshira #2, maegeshira #3, etc.
>>1649201sumo: the other kind of
PLAP No.1649326
Come on sparts! Watch sumo with us!
Day 10 of Aki Basho!
Grab some snacks and join!
In 5-10 mins we start! No.1649327
happy bday spartscham btw
cool css very aesthetic
>>1649768damn man wish i wasnt missin these
>>1649837Onosato still has to learn a bit.
Anyway today streaming as usual.
Not too exciting day. But were couple of spectacular and fun matches.
Penultimate day, budys! Come watch with us!
In 1 hour. (At 1pm East Coast Summer Time) No.1650230
fag bullshit gtfo with your manslap fatpush homo "spart"
>>1650230lemme gess you liek watching negers slapping each other asses
>>1650233fuckin cry more homo bitch, go get a hormone test to comfort your balding retard ass
>>1650230>>1650237We all know you’re secretly
p openly in love with jap culture. Every /pol/tard is.
>>1650244it's crazy how they can just stop at the edge of the ring like that. it looked like shit was about to be over like three times before they flipped over at the end
>>1650257The bales are fixed in well and it gives support. Also strong legs and back.
File: 1727013819276.jpg (16.58 MB, 4016x6016, 251:376, tsurigisho-waiting-his-tim….jpg)

Last day budys. In 2 hours!!
Everything will be decided today. Except those things that were decided yesterday.
Hello spartsmans!
We are after a basho showed us some great performances by some capable rikishis. And some weak performances by some supposedly capable ones.
First and foremost our lad Onosato, the champion of this tournament.
He is on his way of becoming a champion, an ozeki, of the Japan Sumo Association, since he scored over 33 points in three consequent bashos (meanwhile pocketing 2 yushos!) while serving in the sanyaku ranks. His promotion is the fastest ever achieved, it took him only nine (9) bashos in pro-sumo to reach this point.
The promotion should be finalized tomorrow (it's today in Japan already), and he had his ozeki fish ceremony. These fishes are called tai (sea bream). They use this species because red is the color of fortune apparently. I'm not entirely sure what they do with them, except holding like that, which is also customary.
From here, with 2 more consequent yushos (or other exceptional performance with similar weight) he can reach the title yokozuna. Perhaps we can celebrate him as such in January, the earliest.
For me this promotion is a surprise. I knew about the 33 points bar, but I thought it also needs to be 10+ wins. The previous basho he only scored 9-6 so I thought he has to start again his march. Apparently he had not.
I wish him great career, he really done some impressive work.
>>1650888>I don't fully understandred sea bream is considered a luxury fish in Japan, it's one of the top 5 most desired fish in the cunt and stupidly expensive IIRC
glad he is getting the Ozeki rank i didn't think they would give it to him given his unique sumo style since doing something different usually gets you shunned, the man deserves every ounce of fame
Here's 2024 Aki Basho official highlights by the Japan Sumo Association.
And the two current ozekis, Hoshoryu and Kotozakura, whomster failed all expectations and could barely defend their titles with puny 8-7 victory. For such performance ozekis are ridiculed as hachinana, which literally means eight-seven.
Lastly a curiosity.
Here's a toplist of rikishis with the most henka performed (as it stands in this year, September). As a reminder: henka is a sidestep done at the tachi-ai (faceoff). See an excellent example here:
>>1649771As you can see they don't really do this more often than a couple of times at most per tournament. And these numbers are after 5 bashos.
The award ceremony and the yusho interview is out, but it's not really downloadable, perhaps with yt-dlp, I'll try. We'll see. It's not too important.
>>1650889Thanks for the information.
>I don't fully understandI did not write that tho…
>>1650888gud for ono
heem a gud rassler
>>1650888thanks for update sumobro. grats to ono
wanted to see if he fought the yokozuna and looks lik he beat him, that have any impact on promotion?
prepare for maximum entertainment
no award ceremony and yusho interview, can't dl even with yt-dlp
>>1650897very gud
>>1650999yeah, they fought in July on day 11 of the basho
and back in May too, but then Terunofuji had to go kyujo (absent) after the second day
no impact on promotion
but beating a yokozuna is rewarded by a permanent bump in their pay
yokozunas have to be the most formidable final boss and its better for them to sit out a tournament if they aren't well enough not to give a raise to whomster doesn't really deserve it
Here's Onosato's official promotion ceremony. is clearly touched, similarly when he won his first yusho (he got a bit teary eyed), and he seems to be confused and annoyed some by the commotion of the journos and technical staff, basically ruining something that is clearly personal to him.
Translated all the moonrunes with DeepL. Hilarious:
>Oh-no-sato Transmission Ceremony: Fastest promotion to Ozeki in history!Well, he definitely shifted gears.
here's the fishing: got biru and he held the fishes.
Here's the press conference: assume youtube has auto-translation for additional fun.
The dude next to him in the videos (and picrel) is yokozuna Kisenosato, who was promoted to grand champion in 2017 and retired in 2019 after missing 8 consequent bashos due to injury. I think he is now the oyakata (coach) of Nishonoseki-beya (beya = stable). But perhaps stablemaster/owner is not the same as the coach.
>>1651022i almost want to watch poomo
>>1652032thats lik yur opinion man
File: 1728034833414.mp4 (66.12 MB, 854x480, 427:240, award-ceremony-yusho-inter….mp4)

Here's the Award Ceremony and the yusho interview for Aki Basho 2024.
I compressed it to 480p so I can upload. It's about 15 minutes long.
Congrats again sekiwake Onosato Daiki. sekiwake is his rank, Onosato Daiki is his full ring name
First they sing the Japanese anthem (even if the rikishi is a foreigner) then they give him the awards, then the interview commences. Both questions and replies are fairly "schematic". They are usually say the same like:
>How do you feel now?
>What did you think/feel when…?
>I just wanted to give my best
>I just wanted to do my own sumo
>I just concentrated on the particular bout
>I just wanted to make my coach/parents proud
etc. etc.
There are some random things they say by themselves ofc. it's just there are stuff that expected to say I think.
>>1653486uuhhh hai uh sensei you haveru strongest fattest slapparu and pushu grory to ring outtu