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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1647931[View All]


Republican Donald Trump (1-0)
#Democrat Kamala Harris (0-1)
9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MT / 6:00 PM PT
406 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i was playing defensively so i just put brat in every single box


lets be honest tho even if she talked like a mushmouthed swarthoid the whole time voters don't change their minds in large numbers because moderates don't exist anymore


ackshually it's all reality management. get close enough to lie, and the eternal anglo kicks in
not sayin one way or another but it hasnt been close for awhile


yah thats what im saying
i feel lik i just attended some pointless assembly in school and now i just wanna go see if my buddys wanna cut outta here and go smoke


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oh well then i guess there's no argument here then lel


unless its an absolute blowout, shits getting rigged to cover that 3-5%, brother.


oh this the thang goin?


yerm fence sitting kennedy voters might. maybe 1%, but enough


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>Mr. Swalwell
does that kike swallow well?



they are really just going to bring up charlottlesville forever huh ?

im surprised they havent decided to forge a gold statue of the ham planet who got FORD'd

it would probably;y be quite expensive because she was quite rotund


you know that diff is 100% propaganda, extrapolate if you want


polls are all horseshit anyway so who tf even knows what the actual pre-rig numbers will be
i'm torn between wanting a blowout to see the smug cunt put in her place like killary and wanting the severe asshurt from a kumdump win combined with the neglect israel will get under her


imagine getting killed by a ford


funny thing is the ford didn't kill her it was a heart attack. not even joking if she wasn't a fat piece of shit with clogged arteries she prolly would've lived


a gold statue of a morbidly obese person would actually be raly cool idk if ive ever seen that before
lik you get all the fat rolls, and its just there forever, in gold


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guess i should elaborate. its an earpiece.


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when elected, plapjack holding the scales in front of every courthouse


id imagine everyone had in ear monitors including the journo nerds. it was filmed on one of abcs stages. they woulfnt set up a PA or anything there was no audience


does it matter tho?


you could say the charger went VROOM VROOM VROOM INTO A BIG FAT FUCK


>be dup
>have platform
<uhh he keeds dont lik heem
>kamala makes faces
>contradictory when it exists
<here's how she'll enact abortions for women under 27
holee fuk i hat citizens



are ya winning son?


if i was winning jews niggers and puerto ricans would be wiped from history


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C-span muted Kamala. On the ABC livestream you could hear her talk.


just finished watching
kumalatte is so fuckin grating lmao shit i could agree with everything she says but just shut the fuck up whore
dup was funny here and there. my favorite dup was when they came back from the first commercial break he came in hot lol esp when he said they threw bidup out lik a dog. maybe the hatins will eat bidup next
mor lik biDOG
ok thsts not vary funy but i had to try


gave me a sensitive content warning and made me click "idfc" to listen to a dang ween song smh


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saw someone point out that all the pro-pallys prob thought this debate was bad for cameluh
vid is pro-pallys flippin out outside the debateb owl


my bad. idk what i was thinking wasnt


im not blamin you for yt bein a nigger budy
not lik this is da spusic thread where a million embeds crash the whole thang


one of russia's demands for not invading was that stalker 2 be built on xray instead of unreal
sergei refused
their blood is on his hands


lel you should. my post dab8 beer brain saw it and thought 'nbd it'll work spartmans know techfu'


thats bullshit but i believe it


either way we'd get yet another boring survival fps in a shitty jank-fest game engine.


tbh random modders made p decent 64 bit vers of old xray.
they shouldve just done that themselves. save having to learn a whole new engine, port fucking everything again, then get cockblocked by random idiosyncrasies within unreal engine that they dont have any control over


did you know that trump lost this debate and he got owned by facts and logic and basically he is melting down and doing a hitler and the only way to stop him is to vote for kamala
t. very smart and unbiased reporter for mainstream media


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i wanna do a hitler


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/sp/ sistas! Rejoice! Abortion even seconds before giving birth!


oh cool glad to know VA isn't getting any better, i'm sure this stupid cunt will turn right around and cry about guns endangering chilluns too


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we need to make aborting babies years and decades after they are born legal. its the only way.


Abortions for 1 or 2 year olds soon sista!


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You jest but some states don't consider you legally a human until certain paperwork is filled out.
then again we still got blacks with "negro" as the listed race on their birth certificate so this is probably intentional


thats fair tho.
niggers rnt people

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