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its a birthday kinda day
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how long before it's plausible to deploy a 90s VR cyberspace we can escape to? an ark as envisioned by and in the style of the cyberpunk/cypherpunk canon
it feels like we're very close
between the proliferation of current gen VR, the extreme ease of tools to rapidly design and deploy all kinds of 3d environments, and distributed, federated services crossing the threshhold from "novel" to "normal" the tech should be there to bring it all together.
all that's left is the content and social factor to pull people in, which is something that both the asymmetric nature of the internet and the content creation power of AI should be readily able to solve


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we already have it, it's called vrchat and it's a janky buggy mess
most people really don't like having goggles strapped to their face for 9 hours a day no matter how fun it is


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I need a qt AI wife at minimum, qt android wife would also be nice.


vr googles are too much hassle, just implant me the memory already


>distributed, federated services crossing the threshhold from "novel" to "normal" the tech should be there to bring it all together.
what you just described is what the "metaverse" is supposed to be.

active worlds (which was somewhat inspired by Snow Crash) was doing vr-like shit long before vrchat existed. ditto for second life. both still exist in one form or another, but are largely forgotten.


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something like star trek voyager's unimatrix zero episodes would be pretty fun.
go to sleep and get connected to some sort of wireless mesh networked hivemind thing with friends who are also asleep. kinda like multiplayer dreaming.

unfortunately due to the ultra-capitalist dystopia times we live in, it would be full of advertising and artificial social manipulation.


why the fuck would you want to be bothered by people in your dreams that shit's supposed to be for you and you alone


wtf would that do to your sleep cycles????


the singular gud thing about this would be being able to shitpost nightmares directly into retarded consoomers brains
would suck getting b& tho


they'd just do it back to you. some vindictive trannoid would get his discord group to play their childhood molestations in your head over and over


the key is it would be with friends. much like playing with vidya games with friends on a private server instead of a bunch of random griefers/cheaters. obviously there should be a way to turn it off if you wanted or needed to sleep alone.

no worse than normal dreaming, ideally. is possible you could die though as what happened in the episodes but some safeguards should be in place so that doesn't happen.

being decentralized that isn't supposed to happen, but it could. similar happens in the show however once the frequency is found out by the borg queen.

another problem is it "could" be used by your workplace to force you to work in your sleep. obviously something would need to be done to make that illegal or something.


>wanting to sleep with your friends
lmao hello low t baldingcuck


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already exists but has little to no marketing budget so nobody knows about it unless they're already deep into VR

the whole self hosted distributed federated thing doesn't work unless someone opens their wallet to pay for storage and bandwidth so the only real chance something like you describe working is if users pay their share and the GNU or FSF funds it like they did with Ryzom long ago

looking at the proprietary hardware needed for VR that's very unlikely as all the headsets and tracking solutions are awful and need accounts to use so yeah the tech and software might exist but there's no interest from the people that would otherwise be building it


almost all of my friends are female, checkmate


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vrchat is just a chatroom
isn't it also completely centralized and troonpilled?
the OP pic is misleading but I'm talking about something that can replace the internet. second life is closer but still very limited
the endgame is being able to create and consume everything you already do on the internet
>what the metaverse is supposed to be
yeah, maybe if zuck dies
and EMPs go off simultaneously in every facebook datacenter
and no one buys the trademark
and an unaffiliated team makes a completely different thing from scratch
if you're going to reference the video you might as well post it
this should be one of the eminiently solvable problems, either via distributed small scale servers federated to each other or via direct p2p connections. bandwidth isn't free but it's the cheapest it's ever been
troons don't count


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it likely wont release until they nail down the manipulation aspect. can't have hate noticing or actual connection
it's getting closer if research money from DARPA, epstein, gates, jewgle, etc is any indication. 'wellcome trust' and 'wellcome leap' in particular are into some wild shit
>single-session neural monitoring device that can define a treatment-predictive brain state
>machine livestreams the human brain state directly, and predicts how it will respond to various interventions or treatments
there's that tech that can 'see' dreams so on paper it's a matter of unjanking it, and finding proper delivery method for live "correction"

mayb relevant: havent kept up with biopc but they did semi incorporate bio in exclusively for gAy.I. research (cerebral organoid, nice fucking name)

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