ah yes, another backlog catchup season as always.
thankfully this shit is cyclical, something worth watching will show up
in a few years someday.
>>1650310>a K-on knock off with decent ratingsthey are all ripoffs of azumanga daioh
Is there an anime with an older MC that is not a brat or teen, that has a harem of qt monstergirls?
>>1650356its a relatively new fetish so probably not
>>1650356I can think of one or two manga, but that's a fairly niche anime subject field. Closest you got is Ishuzouku Reviewers but it's less harem and more fucking whorbs at the monster girl brothel.
I guess there's that NTR anime where the MC tries to marry the human girl but all his monster-girl comrades want snusnu
>>1650366oh man i came to that so many times during the /monster/ watch party
>>1650456>NTR anime>NTRanime>Tranimei member bein a kid and lik 12 and wat is this and watching eva for the first time and thinkin
>wow this is crazy i wonder what all the other stuff that they have over in japan is like i bet its even coolerthen ffwd to now and a buncha shit usually either gets localized/subbed p quickly after nip release, and literally nothing comes even close. instead its all these fucking autism-harem/absurdly specific fetish niche pandering trash heaps and almost nothing else
>>1650471evangelion is fucking garbage tho so idk what you're even talking about
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>>1650363You will understand when you have double the age of the MCs.
>>1650473yah so is literally all of anime once youre not 12 and/or some coombrained faggot
>>1650456I remember reading that short story in an antology about human-monstergirl stories, it was a fun read and was glad it got a mango, but I dropped that shit when the MC started cheating on his human girlfriend with monstergirls.
Wish the other stories got a series instead, fuck this shit world.
>>1650471any gud old lesser known scifi fantasy animu lists?
keep writing stuff down then losing it instead of just d/ling it immediately
>>1650473rewatching eva now and the concepts and delivery are great
you just dont lik there isnt more self insert shinji cuny bawwing
>>1650499its so fucking pompous, nonsensical, BORING.
i hate it. you can literally feel the director huffing his own farts the entire time
>>1650503pompous i can see purely bc of ikari sr
nonsensical and boring is a times difference imo
now its ham fisted voice over lines added in post to explain obvious plot points and screen changes every 0.7 seconds
focus groups screeners are basically required to be under 90iq
>>1650521nice kaki skills
>>1650516more so im not a fan of the 'blur the lines between science, religion, fantasy' sorta stuff
i entered some mech shit for some hard science and instead got some GAY philosophical vomit
>>1650525fair. ya 80s scifi was pretty farts as galaxy gas 3deep
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>>1650319get lost penguin
>>1650521>>1650531also wew nice kakis
>>1650489OK, I will give it a watch.
>>1650499I liked the music and mech fights, I didn't care for the story or the characters.
>>1650549characters annoyed the shit out of me until viewing them as archtype manifestations instead of people
now i need to cum again
way to go
>>1650539>>1650548>>1650581low t balding cuckold retards should shut up and gtfo before kysing yourselves
>>1650596ok that meme was really funny until you said it about me
;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; No.1650699
>>1650503>you can literally feel the director huffing his own farts the entire timesure, but it was better for that very reason.
because he was busy huffing his own farts, he didnt have enough time to start fingering his asshole. modern anigay directors are far more inclined towards the latter, and you can clearly see that in the finished product
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>>1650548me vary horny now
>>1650699the tumblr art should have told you everything you need to know
>>1650711its a gud one for fappin– first nude scene early on gets your TEED UP for the second one later for your to RELEASE
>>1650775she's your baby
brownie the white cuz of leaveland is first thing to my mind
>>1650777trips confirmed, shes brownie now
>>165049290% of anime before 2004ish is either scifi, youkai fantasy, or espershit with the skew going more SciFi the further back in time you go. Can probably pull up any title from before the 90s and it's got a 40% chance of having the SciFi tag. 70% if it's before 1982ish.
>>1650890there was way too much moeshit after that
>>1650310>Gang Bang Dream!lame idolshit
>>1650927dark elves arent supposed to be niggers
>>1650983is brownie sleeping?
finished i parry everything
'op mc doesnt realize it' is hit or miss, but parrying was a good op skill choice. carried by the mc but it knew it was retarded. enjoyed it
>>1650310>pick up grillsfirebolto
>2099sounds interesting enough
>>1650998she only drinks black rifle
>>1650927wectern art is truly awful
>>1650998ulcers unless it's some low-acidity blend like graphene dream
>>1651043is great value low acidity?
>>1650699Don't worry, she is a girl, I checked.
>>1651043>>1651078idk man i never got high off coffee before
i was reading dai dark on some random mangay site and everything was going alright until i got to one chapter and the uploader inserted a whole bunch of random pages from random yuri and yaoi manga
>>1651906this is kurt's wife. ugh, so he was trying to prove to me that yuri and yaoi existed and now he's having a fap seizure
>>1652072has he figured out the tentacle porn yet?
>>1652109this guy can draw nipples real good
>>1652109Is this from a hentai? anime? is it an edit?
>>1652336It is an japanese cartoon about fat fat magical creatures.
>>1652109I like fat women now.
>>1652109she reminds me of a cute friend on Discord I crush on bc he likes this anime too and he loves fat bitches
>>1653221theres something unsettlingly gay about this post
>>1653210t. amerimutt error posting
>>1653530that's the reflection in your monitor of a limp penis
#gottem No.1653539
>>1653530>sloplooks like retardittor opinion
>>1653457Is the lamia a companion? Yes or No?
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>>1653457i wanna fuck that thang
>>1653615Hwut error posting
>>1653548listed as a cast member and shows up in the next ep, so i'd assume:
ya probly No.1653632
>>1653627Nice, can't say no to a lamia party member.
>>1653641nothing stopping you
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qt autistic lamia < qt autistic elf
>>1653641You can, just ask /monster/
FOREVER EVER killed tfw no maymays forever
>>1653769i fapped to like, every possible ending to that game
i want to fuck nami, spreuhs
>>1653801.>we dont care budy
TYBW is back, too much recap but animation is still on point
>>1654338They did the same for the first episode of Urusei Yatsura. Hooray for modern times…
>>1654338ranma 1/2 is literally the first actual tranime
>>1654348Do you have comparasion pics on how bad it was?
>>1654338i have to look really closely to even notice the nipples on the originals but yah wtf is the point? like if the nipples alone offend whatever retard made this decision then why tf are they working on what is essentially softcore porn in the first place?
>>1654387No, unlike trannys, female Ranma is 100% biologically a woman that can get pregnant.
Don't ask for proofs No.1654433
>>1653801Comic book and cartoon autists are far worse, as this is a demonstration of
>>1654429>>1654338Broadcasting standards no longer allow nipples. Why they wouldn't be in the BDs is another story, but that's the primary reason for nipple censorship since the 00s.
>>1654503That is some sad titties, damn they don't give a fuck, eh?
>>1654925is it gud tho?
i like fish out of water stuff
>>1654946first ep was meh
>>1654338whats w the washed out color?
looks retarded
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!Hello /sp/ you are invited to the weekly /monster/ stream, where you will enjoy qt monstergirls and shitpost in the chat.
At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Peter Pan, Batman legal loli, Sakuna, Yokohama and a mystery movie!
Will start 1 HOUR No.1654989
>>1654987thanks bud, didn't realize you guys strammed weekly
i rmeember cumming so fucking much to whatever monstermay you played that one time
>>1654967it makes it 'retro'
or some FAG shit
.>we shoudl do an actual monster/spee event.
i think the communities have been seperated too long, don't know eachotehrs yims now
gud morning saars
>>1654995listen kiddo
i aint watchin no goddamn japanimation
>>1654999kakrs is japanimation
checkmate westaboo
>>1654987meh, decided to watch auto racism instead
>>1654987wtf hows it a reminder when there was no initial announcement this is bullshit i'm reporting you to the cuckime cops
i was tripping hard as shit in the mountains today no way i would've made it anyhow No.1655048
gonna go home and get my gun
will kill all you weebs
>>1655046Maybe next saturday.
>>1655048yeah good luck budy
>>1654946I read through the manga and appreciated it. The first ep made me feel uninterested in watching it in anime format though.
>>1654995/monster/ and /sp/ should collaborate to make rapeball a reality
>>1655607>that tummy bulgeanal?
>>1655665kinda looks like
both No.1655692
>>1655594i lik raepbal
india nomb on spourt
>>1655692be of carefuls budy, raepbal is hard staf
fack me blody madderchod polic grab yu to jails for. kutta basterd bich fuk u blody
demon lord 2099 interesting enough. dig the first ep title, assume it's homage
dont like anime
id rather be watching spanime
i think the VA for the male protag in Dan da DAn is that annoying faggot (yellow hair) from demon slayer
whatever director gives this guy direction to either just fucking SCREAM in to the mic or speak in bitch like whispers any time he has dialogue makes me want to murder someone
>>1656379was tanjiro in democrat slayer, natsuki hanae's in a lot of shit
turbo granny va is luffy
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Sakuna, Dominion Police and a mystery movie!
Will start 1 HOUR No.1657891
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Sakuna, Dominion Police, Ozanari Dungeon and a mystery stream!
Will start 1 HOUR No.1658049
was busy watching racism again
>>1657891filthy frank looks like he's jacking off into that rice paddy
>>1658092Only way to produce white rice with protein.
>>1650356those who hunt elves?
>>1658291Is not really a harem, it is just a bunch of retarded humans stripping elves, trying to go back home.
>shangri la frontier already back
huh, animation quality is still good too
>pick up grils in dungeon
>'i can't love someone else because i already love someone'
>'its walowitz
seriously what the fuck after all the buildup with the elf are they really gonna dumpster all that for the forced shit??
>>1659196What did you expect?
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Sakuna, Kowarekake no Orgel OAV, Jahy suffering and Wata No Kuni Hoshi!
Will start 1 HOUR No.1659610
>>1659606hey what does /monster/ think about kim cardash's halloween costume i was gonna post it until i realized who it was
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>>1659622ya but it was a fairly impressive job if only it wasnt on such an ugly nigger
>>1659359for him to say ELF GIRL considering htey already dedicated an entire B story plot to how she's obviously in love with him, flustered by his outtings with syr, and because he obviously has
had???? some sort of feelings for her
wtf man instead they're just gonna go for harem shit forever, huh?
>>1659624only argonion id ever fuck
Harem shit forever.
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Sakuna, a Mystery Stream, Jahy suffering and Demolotion Man
Will start 1 HOUR No.1662154
>>1659691freyas a bad bitch
no wonder jap dudes aren't fugging
>>1662123choresin but hope you have a nice stram budy
>>1662154bad indeed.
i want a psycho obsessive goddess gf
SATURDAY /monster/ STREAM REMINDER!At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Earthsea, Jahy suffering and not one but TWO secret streams!
Will start 30 minutes! No.1665105
>>1665092how am i always doing some other shit when stuff like this pops up
anyway that first pic reminded me how surprisingly good the netflix adaptation was and i hope the second season is as good and i want to fuck that half-elf and maybe the catgirl ok goodbye
to whoever recommended dandadan:
idk if you read a better translation than i did but i'm like 5 chapters in and it's full of zoomer nigspeak like "bae" and "shitheel" and other shit that i vary highly doubt is anywhere close to a decent translation and now i am mad that i wasted time on it
>>1665343ah jeez. just watched the first ep of anigay and likd the style
similar feels 9 eps in but its still interesting enough
>>1666328oh well. tbh troonslators have thoroughly ruined mangay translations and cuckime subtitles to the point it wouldn't have surprised me whether i had just accidentally wound up with obnoxious shit intended for some faggot discord or if what i got was the real deal approved by a publisher or whatever
>>1666438soon AI will be able defagify all the shitty translations and make subs great again
>>1666438Is time to learn moonrunes.
>>1666440idfg this homoerotic worship of gAI. gAI is just a tool, not a means to an end. there could be just as easily an obese tranny at crunchyroll who plugs in
>language:ebonics,small chin,mumble rap,xitter.cum,chicongo,absurdres,two niggers kissingjust learn the fucking language. if a brown gorilla ape from niggeria can be smuggled into japan and not die immediately it shouldnt be that hard
>>1666533have you learned it? and the point is that someone who isn't an insane gender bender can also just plug nontainted prompts in and get a better result, which you can't do in the current environment. no ones "worshipping" it you melodramatic queer
>>1666537>have you learned it?shit drives me mad so i'm trying to. pic related in nipponese is meant to say "that's so cute" for instance.
>just plug nontainted prompts in and get a better resultsomeone who plugs in words to google translate isn't someone who bothers to deal with periodically released cartoon shows.
the subs you end up reading are the ones that are paid for in a "professional" environment, so same shit
>no ones "worshipping" ithave you read
>>1666540oh cool so you haven't practiced what you preach
>someone who plugs in words to google translate isn't someone who bothers to deal with periodically released cartoon showswho tf said anything about google translate? troonslators have also been throwing a fit about getting replaced by ai translations and there's enough fed up fans that are willing to make their own models for it
>have you read >>1666440?yah and that isn't worship, melodramatic queer
what color programming socks does duolingo send when u learn nip for the sole purpose of cartoons?
>idfg this homoerotic worship of gAI. gAI is just a tool, not a means to an endare you fucking retarded?
i dont even understand wtf you're trying to say here
i'm saying that very soon there will be publicly available LLMs that you can use to generate subs on the fly, or maybe with a combination of input (existing english subs, japanese subs, and some directions about how to translate) and avoid learning the langauge which is fucking absurdly hard and retarded when my brain is already 99% full of obscure engineering shit that would get wiped the moment i put any new info in
theres no worship here, its just an inevitability
>>1666617they're white with little red dots on the tops of the feet so kuh why eeeeee
>>1666661any positive mention of something i don't like = worship
t. cuckime poster
>>1666758only one i can think of rn is tokyo godfathers, but one of the main characters is a fag so idk how well that would go over with everyone
>>1666768>only one i can think of rn is tokyo godfathersThere are monstergirls in tokyo godfathers?
>>1666758all i know is i want to FUCK the ring girl
that bitch comes croaking outta my closet or climbing out my TV she is getting 9.5 inches of BWC throated down the croak hole
bout to turn a house ghost into a house wife
>>1666785no i misunderstood i thought you were asking for both and either/or suggestions
i definitely have no idea in regards to monster girls, is christmas even really that big of a deal in nipland? i thought it was just basically a kfc holiday there
>>1666784the lowest bidder obviously
>>1666813christmas is for dates and kfc in nipland. So yeah, its a big thing for romcoms and stuff.
>>1666909well there's plenty of shitty romcom animes aren't there?
some of them have to at least have a chrimmus episode
>>1666787in the books she's canonically a futanari
>>1666935boy what the in the dang hell does that even mean ?
we speak English roun' these here parts
>>1666939it means xe's got a cock and a pussy at the same time
>>1666945im going to need the science on how that works and like a venn diagram on how gay that is
>>1666758Did Monmusume have a christmas episode?
>>1666784That's Soy-ence Saru for you, enjoy your slop.
I wouldn't be surprised if they outsourced it, but it could just be their natural shittiness.
>>1667484>It is not permissible to wear anything on which there is an image of an animal or human. >It says in Mataalib Ooli’l-Nuha (1/353): >It is haram (impermissible) for both males and females to wear anything on which there is an image of an animal, because of the hadeeth of Abu Talhah who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is an image or a dog.” (Agreed upon) >Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on wearing clothes on which there is an image of an animal or human. He replied: It is not permissible for a person to wear a garment on which there is an image of an animal or a human. It is also not permissible for him to wear a headcover or the like on which there is an image of a human or an animal, because it is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is an image.” End quote. >What appears to be the case is that wearing something that is made in the shape of an animal is more contrary to sharee‘ah than wearing regular clothes like shirts and so on, on which there is the image of an animal. >Thus it is clear that there is no concession with regard to what you have mentioned about wearing a costume in the form of a human or animal, even if the aim is to take part in a program for children so that they can have fun. >And Allah knows best.according to imam dudder monstergirls are a gateway to furfaggotry and furfaggotry is haram!
this thread turned me trans bc of all the androgynous male femboy characters in anime
>>1667498Watch MANime instead.
>go to watch the new ep of dan machi yesterday
>no episode
>studio: no episodes for the forseeable future due to production issues
dude wtf is wrong with studios these day, can't even get through an entire fucking season??
who the fuck is doing the planning over there
>>1670776Is time to get a real job shinji!
>>1670776What the fuck lol
>>1671274i think you should watch it with subs first, ofc
once you know what it says than you can pick out stuff listening the secnd time
>>1671444generic elf gurl and the big tits of nippongo isekai sugoi hawaii
>>1671445>Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster!i think i used it as the OP image for last season, since it was announced then
first ep was ok (compared to anime as a whole), it could go either way and nothing particularly stood out other than some nice echi and exposed nipple
if you compare it to shows in its genre, it was decent (because most things in the genre are fucking TRASH)
>>1671460Oh, I dropped the mango, one to many faggots and for some strange reason they added isekai characters.
>>1671486wtf i was really hoping the faggot guild bartender thing was just a one off yim making fun of fags
>>1671613One of the members of the an adventure team is a faggot, the one were the elf teams up to kill a bad guy, but not fanbloyant like the guild bartender, he is suppose to be like a joke, should be less yaoi and more yuri with bestiality correction.
>>1671866Ranma is more genderfluid than a detransitioner since xe can switch to male/female whenever xe wants.
>inb4 it's water bc xe can jump in and out of water whenever lel. No.1671944
>>1671864>english VAsJoin the 50% you faggot.
>>1671866You do reliaze that the whole Ranma show is about a bunch of characters being cursed right? Ranma is cursed to transform into a girl, which he fucking hates because he becomes weaker.
>>1671945i know thats what im saying
the idea that ranma is le trans representation makes no sense even if you only have a cursory knowledge of the shows plot
>>1672110I hope you stretched it and fucked up the aspect ratio because the "Original" is QUALITY
im trans also
>>1671705>she wants to fuck the catoh man this is degenerate
note to self not to watch in front of my gf
>>1672517Don't worry, it is ok, the cat is really a guy that died in the dungeon and resurrected as a rare super monster cat.
>>1672600ya but sheem doesn't know this
why does sheem wanna fuck a CAT??
i mean i know its a white elf, but that would only explain DOGS
>>1672603Because the cat saved her life, it is an elf thing.
>>1672517fr between that and heart nips idk bout this one
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>>1672970use your imagination
>>1672970If you penetrated female ranma and then she gets transformed back into a guy, where would your dick be in him?
>>1670776I tried the Rei burger
>ザク切りポテト&肉厚ビーフ コク旨ガーリックマヨ, translates to: Crunchy-cut potatoes & thick beef with rich garlic mayoWas pretty good. The garilic mayo sauce complemented the beef patty and potato quite well. I'll see if I can try thr others. Less inclined for the shinji one because that isn't new and is regularly available.
>>1672995FUCK im jealous..
go to a soapland later, duder
duddder wtf
im in japan too
meet me in roppongi tomorrow
>>1672995Ate the Asuka burger
>Mexican Cheese ChickenNot bad but personally not a huge fan of whatever mexican sauce they used, so in my opinion Rei burger > Asuka Burger
>>1673145>soaplandWhat kinda sexy things do they do there? Do they just bathe you and jerk you off?
duder meet up with travelbro and fuck some nip slags
>>1673199from what one of the crusty old boatswain mates i served with said, they wash you down, oil you up, then slide around on your neked till you cum.
pretty BASED if you ask me
>>1673189im not in japan anymore… thats someone else
>>1673187don't worry, i've denied 5 of your resumes today.
>>1672970The King of Kings smites them all as abominations. The One True God smiles as Sodom (Hollywood Hills) burns
>>1673330>all 5 are in japan>nobody meets up>goes home and post about it on sportchonwtf guys
I am leaving for India on Saturday
>>1673378helo budy i am from punjab pls cum to meet me
>>1673380ok budy drive your taxicab to bangalore airport and pick me up you benchod fucking asshole budy
leaving Japan now
this trip compared to when I was last here in June has exponentially more pajeets working menial service industry jobs
they are being obnoxious, littering, and not respectful of Japanese way of life
Some are OK but its evident seeing them throughout the city that they don't fucking get it
Sorry pajeetbro but your countrymen are going to make Japan do another Pearl Harbor
>>1673585nippongoyim started cracking down on the streamer niggers that have been shitting up their streets lately so maybe they'll see the results of pajeet infestation and bring out the pooper scooper
ok budys just landed in india
i lik crik
>>1673672dont eat the street food
>>1673743ofc not lmao why would you just pick up turds off the street and bite them?
just wait until 2030 bitch basterd bitch
fuck last season was so fucking slow the thread is still up
gonna lock this thread so the next seasons stuff can get front and center