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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1655138[Last 50 Posts]

space x caught there booster, pretty impressive fogotage


no need to post the clip. we rather look it up ourselves


I used to post the clips, but then I took an arrow to the knee.


🚨 Breaking: today threads are now ESL 🚨


sorry i'll just keep to myself from now on….


did they grab it by the pussy?


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here go, fukn impressive


just bants bud dont think anyone actually gaf


no worries, i just wanted to make you feel BAD


how is this possible? according to reddit the company is run by an idiot


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jokes on you i'm a truepilled sigmacel


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dont worry big daddy is gonna save the plebbits from mean words and tech innovation


its just CGI, musk is fleecing your idiots he's just using his failing AI business to make fake video to hold up his failing space business


thats an EXCELLENT reason to turn away investment
bravo california!


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pissrael immune to any sort of response yet again


well as long as spacex makes impressive footages


wtf is a feel gtfo with this witchcraft whorb


shit man that's actually really cool


the un literally never does anything idk why this would surprise you. apparently some micks with a tank successfully told them to fuck off recently tho, dunno if that had anything to do with the un or if it was just micks being the only hwites left with some balls tho


>kamelas agenda is they/them not (you)
lel that trump ad with the prisoner sex change is pretty good


i have a feeling if, say, Sri Lanka started shooting at UN peacekeepers– the response wouldn't be absolutely nothing.


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vance has been seeking out hostile roasties to hsv left and right its beautiful. now /myguy/ just for not cowering in fear of foid tut-tuts lik the rest of the closet fag (R)s
dup's doin an all whorb town hall about wahmens issues 17th too lel


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lelmao they interviewed that fag who did the cummylots men ad


you must have the most fucked up knees on planet earth. has anyone given you a prize yet?


nah they won't do shit there either, especially when the usa can't or won't heh even back up their precious piss hell buddies. just like gay toe the un is nothing without america bc everyone else that used to be able to provide reliable military support either faggotized themselves or is borderline outright hostile to western aims now




>If you read the actual announcement is is far less conclusive, there is no finding of jewish DNA/connection to any jewish population set. It just shows that he probably wasn't ethnic Genoese

>They took the finding that his ancestry was mostly Western Med instead of Central Med and then said "that means the theory that he was jewish is true!"

It's typical pop 'science'

>The big thing with DNA testing that people miss is that there is nothing in the DNA itself that could ever say "this is Italian/Chinese/Jewish DNA". What they are doing when you get your ancestry.com or whatever is seeing where it lines up with other sets of DNA from populations identified as Italian/Chinese/Jewish etc. It works best at comparing to large data sets and marginal amounts don't mean much.

>And in this case they are not even claiming to have matched his DNA to a jewish set. Their reasoning is:

>Columbus claimed to be of Genoese ancestry. His DNA doesn't match up with the Genoese DNA set we have, it corresponds more with the wider Western Med (Iberian and southern France) set.

>Therefore the main counterclaim against the theory of Columbus being a jew, that there was no Genoese jewish population, is disproven. Therefore he must have been a jew!

>It is very fallacious reasoning and there is no positive evidence for him being jewish.

>Even assuming the DNA testing is 100% accurate, the only thing it tells us is that Columbus was not ethnic Genoese. It doesn't even tell us that he wasn't a native of Genoa, or that he lied about being from Genoa, because of course he could have been descended from an Iberian or Marseillais or whatever family in Genoa and not even known he wasn't Italian.


this is the worst today tomorrow yesterday thread ive seen in my life


File: 1728851793633.mp4 (3.95 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 4_5792065648389526874.mp4)

ha ha oh tim ur so silly


of course they would
if the situation was reversed and sri lankan tanks shot at a kike UN tower the entire world would declare war on sri lanka


>Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco says Trump was “probably” just targeted in a third assassination attempt after Vem Miller was arrested outside of Trump’s Coachella rally with an illegally obtained shotgun, a loaded handgun, a fake VIP passes
>The individual reportedly expressed an intent to “kill the President.”
legit surprised they havent domed dup yet


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released same day on 5k bail


the cringiest thing about this isn't the fact that its staged with kumala asking stupid shit, or walz fumbling the fuck out of getting the bolt locked back, but how he talks about the buttpad:
>i brought– i bought it when i was shooting a lot of trap, because it has their– kinda a patented thing you can take off [holds up shotgun and taps the buttpad repeatedly with his
as if it wasn't obvious enough already– this is one goofy motherfucker


they're tryin their best, bro.


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chomo allegations finally coming out
the nigger dropping em is taking forever though


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this dudes a fucking jew


what gave it away


probly the fact that its another 'DERANGE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST WITH GUNS'
they use that one too often
having the last name 'miller' and a stereotype happy merchant nose doens't help either


lel i didnt catch that pad thing. lik spigga ive got an adjustable on my mav88
dudes got no business runnin a semi in a group hunt


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couple guys who got touched by walz reached out to a retarded nigger on the internet cont.


>Roger Stone called Walz a faggot

can i get a clip of this ?


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gay chomo october supplies is so brat


>roofied at an indigo grils concert by your school teacher
yah thats so gay and so specific that i actually believe it
problem is, heem a dude, so the whole "believe all victims" crowd def wont just take his word for it.
and how do you prove something that happened 30 yrs ago?


scar on his chest. but it'll get whitewashed, witness v witness, the kids life will get ruined until months after election


now were gettin somewhere

dudes life is already ruined
heem got raped by a fucking muppet


someone pointed out comma discrepancy in the dates here >>1655216
dont care tbh i believe all non commies


considering the entire planet hasnt declared war on yemen or iran i'm gonna say you're a faggot


youre a fucking faggot tbh


top ten reasons yeeting blue helmets is helping israel's pr


it's much harder to get to someone after a failed attempt on their life bc now they're actively looking for assassins. also the first and only almost successful attempt was foiled by a slight gust of wind and a slight turn of the head so maybe the moloch worshipers are panicking
at least i don't worship kikes


apparently dude was legit pro dup and sheriff just popped off or some shit
kinda fun that media lies so much that only reliable info comes from 'citizen journalist' grifters who either make cash off the same bullshit or have been dummy rayed into the same psychos
would be surprised if he doesnt have private security tho


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huh. my brain breaks when niggers attempt communication, heres his @
too hospice and dont care enough for sekrit squirrel shit


>7 minutes





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me either. guy makes tpaste look like a poet laureate
kids apparently going public though


if it's a bizarre nigger babble statement no one's gonna take it seriously


fag capitol.mp4


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haha boomer joke is funy


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okay, but what about your gay sissy baby son ?


Those damn russians! Who do I vote for to stop those commies!


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dam these fuckers are really gonna kill franz dupinand and blame iran as a pretext



hes busy cutting his hair again to try and hide from gwen breaking wooden spoons over the back of his legs


File: 1728936167023.jpg (193.85 KB, 1290x1118, 15:13, dod directive 5240dot01.jpg)

zogbots can officially lethally assist keystone kops in yeeting magats now, drones included
dod directive 5240.01, effective sept 27th. specifically invokes fisa and patriot act xo's for civilian nsa monitoring too


the good dr happening did an ep if anyones interested


oh yeah she definitely gives him spankings
he just cries and it hurts and her pussy gets all juicy and moist, her nipples get hard it makes her feel powerful

shes a sicko bitch


>i-it was the russians I swear we have proof i've seent it
>and totally not your own goobermint doing it no way no how
>please believe us


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i'm no miga but i'd gladly help one put down tranny zogbots


also in a genuine lethal civil unrest scenario no one gaf about text on paper the zogbots will kill who they please no matter what that's why you should be glad our pigs and soldiers and increasingly incompetent and their ranks continue to dwindle. the moment soldiers start helping pigs kill civies then all of that legalese bullshit along with the cunt of two shins is utterly meaningless at that point and you better use those guns or put your ass in the air because no other choice will be offered to you


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see it as for a one off. i mean they domed babbit, gave fagkop an award, then crip walked back to """normal"""
just know these corrupt pedos still have wet dreams about ordering DEI paul blart to vent plebs in the deity's kingdom
them pieces of paper & media pp smacks are garlic to anglo rightoids for a bit longer yet


error making mnf thread but i cant kak so prob for the best


i just don't get why people think these legal documents would matter at all if it actually came to zogbots outright killing their own citizens. that's peak authoritarian police state, it doesn't get worse than that you're just done, it's over at that point, not even the veneer of freedumbs is there anymore.
this shit is just a big mexican standoff anyway bc the ziocucks can't actually say for certain that people won't retaliate in large enough numbers to fuckin ruin them (especially with how fucked the military is rn all those fancy toys don't mean shit if the operators are all brown retarded and fried from hrt, or worse, female) and citizens still have just enough to lose that they're prolly not gonna make the first move any time soon. accelerationists better hope the starvation kicks in soon otherwise >we're in for a rally long gay couple of decades


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most people already know legal means fuckall its been completely normalized yet >we persist
unless a grip of mil and poli brass agrees and rebels good luck post obongo a defensive rebellion would be worse case tbh. them got michelin star psyop gravy
lik if feds droned based on ideals at random a 1/4 the cunt would prob cheer, and the side that got hit would infight on keyboards and further splinter into niche faggotry
thats assuming they dont unplug comms or a couple other cunts dont airdrop democracy either outright or via small insurgency destabilization units

acceleration would end up just as retarded but with severe lack of resources, and the very few capable places would be stuck with constant defending from covert and overt infiltration internally and externally

may be wrong just my .02 obv, but gotta retake information distribution and go from there. guds news is its happening, and i think its inevitable, but ya its going to a long gay couple decades for anyone paying attention any way you slice it

-sent via tapatalk


i don't see the ranks being overwhelmingly united like that at all. maybe the top brass would be but grunts are a whole other story especially nowadays bc you can't beat or humiliate them into submission like you could a couple decades ago, then there's the fact there's spic and nigger gang members in the military and if shit pops off like that then said gangs are most definitely gonna be selective about who they shoot which by itself would cause fracture points in the ranks. trannoids and girls would most likely go awol bc they're not actually interested in fighting at all, female soldiers are infamous for getting knocked up to avoid deployment.
pigs are by no means some monolithic entity either they've got all the same problems as the military and then some. you should also never forget just how fucking huge the cunt is and how many wildly varying communities there are here. like yah comms fuckery would slow things down for a little while but there's plenty of ways to work around that. there's also plenty of lone wolf types that would act as wild cards
it's vary hard to sum up how much of a clusterfuck usa society actually is in a couple posts, the level of control the government actually has is a whole lot more limited than you would think, that's why they try to keep >us as divided compartmentalized and focusing on stupid petty shit as possible. destroying comms could potentially backfire horrendously too, if you take away those brain breaking waves that social media shit puts out more people will start to connect some dots a fednigger might not want connected
and then there's the millions of illegal foreigners, think they'll have anything resembling loyalty or compliance with martial law? lmao no fuckin way, most of them ran away from authoritarian shitholes and once the gibs run out here everyone is on their chopping block regardless of what uniform they wear
but i'm also not a time wizard so it's not like i know either. not giving you 2 cents tho those pennies are MINE


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💯 to all. meant united in the rebellion but that all tracks for either. didnt think about illegals lmao. citizenship for service to shot web civvies would be vary brat 🌴🥥
much as i'd like to i just dont see civvies going ham winning anything other than a bunch of scared trigger happy boots and justification for some alex jones vindicating type shit
lone woofs get disavowed immediately, sucks but the western man is cuck chaired to hell. that mental slavery shit werks and the western spirit must be mainstream nurtured again and consensus must be remanufactured
as rarted as da system is its also fuckyuge and has serious tech. most its failings are incompetence. be much better for the average man, as well as any goal of revising the vulgar state of things, to do the same shit bolsheviks did and usurp it back from the inside into capable confident hands imo. those jewrat fucks played in decades but shits only gone super skiwompus p recently


Funny I’m reading a book about Rwanda called, “Shake Hands With The Devil”. It’s the same thing only different.


think i'm just a little more optimistic than you about it tbh, ypipo are far more altruistic than other races yah but they can get just as mean and vicious as anyone once woken up and comparing nowadays to just ten years ago you can already see the cracks in the nice pussy facade. plus i think that whole ww2 guilt fading away has a big part in it too, jews really fucked up playing that card too much for too long
.>we'll see tho unless >we die lel


man i know better than to bet against anything anymore. just diff approaches tbh, but i do think shits gonna get gud soonish unless spoiler then its just fun


what happen rwanda?


they raly hate tootsie rolls


I had a LOT of fun in rwanda back in 94


File: 1728963093308.png (16.93 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dey got RABID


fake tweet


Average ameribrapp encounter in the wild.




nah that guys def illegal
dudes driving around without a loicense in a u-haul using stolen cards to try to rip off a bunch of walmarts to pay out to his coyote

the avg ameribrapp in this video is the fat lady shopping at walmart wearing a tupac sweatshirt


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lel was that a fucking steak knife?
what a fucking retard


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>got him in the face
imagine getting permanently disfigured by bigdickbitchdotcom


File: 1728999874682.mp4 (3.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lmao_mong.mp4)

>a steak knife
why, what kinda cold steel would the yman use? a katana?


first off, thats literally a tranny hooker. darnellqua standing lik 6ft+ tall, no heels. i can tell from the pixels.
secondly, literally any other kitchen knife would prolly be better. or, ya know, a gun.
mfers actin all hard af, tryna kill cops, doesnt even have a gun
amateur hour


>if you celebrate kikes getting btfo then you think mudslimes are your allies
people like this should be castrated


>palestine is literally saudi arabia
based retard
gonna wish he hadnt said that

not entirely wrong tho
the mideast is a cursed land, and its mostly due to the ppl that live there. ironically, the quran is prolly the singular thing stopping it from going full dark ages


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another 6'6" brave queen slayed by racist kkkops




but he dindu nuffin


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lmao, this image could be added as sprite to any boomer shooter
it literally looks like that god awful niggeress they put in every single video game now, its like pottery, it rhymes
uhhhhh asmongold ?
what the fuck, lmao
he is going to get so much backlash for this one

what is it with streamers feeling like they need to insert their hot takes into shit ?


File: 1729033437273.jpg (237.72 KB, 1107x847, 1107:847, hey would you just sign th….jpg)

Are you gonna sign this petition or will it be your surviving family members?


you are a minority of a minority lmao


the quran is literally the reason that region entered the dark ages


>uses pistol
>shotgun sounds
One fucking job, anon.


File: 1729037943083.jpg (118.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, dup fries.jpg)

>dup gonna run the fries at a shittsburgh mcslop on sunday
if this doesnt get him killed nothing will

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