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its a tampa kinda day
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is that guy who wouldn't shut up about niggers finally gone?


heem jus slepp


im still here


>>1665185 (OP)
he just wants to be a BBC owned Sissy Diaper Bimbo, leave him alone


you accused me of being that a couple times when i made offhand remarks about niggers so maybe youre just a faggot that can't handle the nigger word?


>>1665185 (OP)
He’s a low t balding manlet, give him a break.


hes a high t chad beta fapfic writer actually


*the entire speeee userbase goes away*


File: 1732476783762.jpg (108.59 KB, 616x616, 1:1, 100% Hood.jpg)

herd u was talkin shit cuh


>>1665185 (OP)
>wouldn't shut up about niggers
Was he saying good or bad things about them?


File: 1732491056296.jpeg (39.71 KB, 534x400, 267:200, 1000006064.jpeg)

fuk u nigga wuts relly hood?!


>crt with built in speakers
dis nigga rich af fr


Probably robbed it


i think the fag youre talking about just started getting uppity again because you said something so thanks a lot i guess


File: 1732495116119.mp4 (26.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Charleston White Death to ….mp4) [play once] [loop]

death to all crips and bloods



>spreadsheets and shit
>not 1.6
gaynigga fake hours


according to the thread OP is like 5 different (you)s at once

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