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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1667882[Last 50 Posts]


ay ton dey fucked up my back so i gave him a whack, see? -GHOSTido Pizzapasta



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>Investigators revealed that finding Mr Mangione was a complete surprise, as they did not have his name on a list of suspects before Monday.
>It was ultimately a McDonald's customer in Altoona that recognised the suspect from media coverage and alerted an employee, who then tipped off the police.
lesson to be learned here: stay away from the goyslop and the people who consume it. also if you want to commit a crime and have your face on every cctv camera in ny make sure you get one of thos hyperrealistic latex masks of a black or middle eastern man and don't spread your dna like a poplar tree. ted was never that sloppy


ted wouldve been caught a thousand times over if he had to deal w modern cctv coverage and DNA and all this orwellian shit

luigi lasted a week
thats more than he prolly expected


>staying in the cunt after committing murder
>going to mcburger WITH the fake id and wepon in your backpack
dude started rly strong but just got more rarted as time went on, should've had a flight to poccnr or some african cunt booked from another state. i'm sure bubba will enjoy his company


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can't download vid cuz jewtube being a bitch again but bibi now saying blu team controls golan control points


feels like he only wanted to get the guy. there was no plan for what came after. i wouldn't be surprised if he gets the ted treatment with super max and so on just to send a message. can't have a guy going round shooting ceos, right?


Who ever snitched on him needs stitches NOW


theres no way he had any illusion of getting away with this shit longterm


some mcbitch apparently it wasnt the drive-thru mcwagie. they saw em then said they thought they recognized him, and some other cunt reported it to get the $10k or whatever the reward was


god i hate bibi so much. i don't have high hopes for trump getting vengeance on him but he deserves that and then some


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It was some boomer


ofc. hope his healthcare provider denies his cancer treatment


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the eternal boomer
>now listen here, if you want better healthcare just pull yourself up by the bootstraps, walk into hospital, shake the mans hand, sit down and start WORKING for it
>cant go shooting people to get what you want, we arent some dangun communist liberal nazi country like China, this is AMERICA, land of the FREE

fracking boomers really TICK me the HECK off


probably how it went down except you forgot chicoms


>Luigi Mangione suffered a back injury so severe he was unable to have sex
its always the incels


dat dhs snitch on everyone program in high effect aka brainwashing


you think the regime puts this out there just to try and fuck the guy over ?

next they will tell us he had one testicle and ED and IBS and a micropenis


been thinking about port union guido lately, think heem gonna go on strike again when dup is in?


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manifesto luigi magilololo


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p understandable, if i had to see my mom like that every night i'd want blood too
total ceo death


lel whats with breloom?
i mean i think fighting/grass is p sick too, but uh wut?


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should i apply budys?


i dont get the whole commie angle tbh
UHC is one of the worst in the whole cunt in terms of claim denials, but theres absolutely zero chance it wouldve been better on a completely socialized healthcare system. nvm a socialized healthcare system in the US, w as many useless eaters as it has.


donit and figure out what cubicle poop pedophile works in and poison his lunch


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i'll see if they'll transfer me to the kc office after my training at quantico


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I just bought this from sals to honor Luigi.


252+ Atk Technician Breloom Bullet Seed (3 hits) vs. 0 HP / 0+ Def Unaware Brian Thompson: 840-1008 (253.7 - 304.5%) – guaranteed OHKO


damn that looks gud
get me one too and a diet pepsi


Uncle tedish there. Hits my feels tbh. In spite of everything I still keep asking myself, was it really him? Seems too outlandish to go to that extent to create a scape GOAT imo. Still, there’s always that nagging doubt, knowing these fucks in power are deranged enough, with enough resources to pull off a stunt. prolly really was him tho :/


xwitards are going spastic NUH UH HIS EYEBROWS TOO BIG comparing the lowres photo of him at starcucks to his arrest photo


Are pokemon autists the most dangerous kind of autist ?


sounds like hes mad because medicine can't cure everything
in canada his mom would have been euthanized


Of course he is, I'm unfortunately very familiar with that union and while the members like dup, leadership is so deeply in bed with the democrats that they have to go after dup with mass strikes. Half of the international ATU that runs American trukr/bus unions are on the Epstein client list, at least one had a mental breakdown at a local AFLCIO meeting when the plumber's union president said he was backing dup and accused him of wanting union leadership arrested for "fake sex crimes against kids."


Might as well they're going through mass firings in a couple months so if you do a good job you'll keep your job.


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so fucking based
kill your local CEO, in minecraft and only because they were racist, sexist and homophobic


yea thats the thing
in canada the story wouldve stopped at the first visit where they told her she was just making shit up. then she wouldve had to wait for lik 3yrs till the next visit. then maybe schedule some surgery in another 3yrs

thats why i dont get the "muh crapitalism" warbling. the racket UHC is running where they deny 33% of all claims is fucking criminal. but if it was socialized healthcare lik EU or leafland she wouldve basically never been able to see a doc in the first place. nvm doing anything about it


twitch is prolly more likely to die from fucking hyperventilating than the kid is from suffocating tbh


>when a bunch of strangers care more for the baby than his own mother
Modern WOmen.


slight tangent, but tbf when most ppl complain about "capitalism" nowadays they're really just complaining about corporate greed
and while you could maybe argue that they're kind of related, i'm p sure nobody aside from extreme fukin weirdos gives a shit about abolishing the concept of private property


hes pleading not guilty


>ay tone, his eyebrows looks like two catapillas kissing! Fuckin fanook!


this guy is so fucking retard
why the fuck is out out all
why the fuck didn't he have like an entire months worth of stoffers stocked so he didn't have to leave at all
why the fuck did he remove his mask


he left marked casings, his pack of monopoly money and had a "manifesto" dude wanted to get caught


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free my nigga lou


Is Dickey the Cochran of our era?


if pokefags went after ceos and politicians instead of children i would actually start to respect them
speaking as a pokefag myself


>ghost gun
hoo boy this is gonna be used for shenanigans isn't it?
don't care tho more ceos should be ghosted with "ghost guns"


yo if luigi here gets anything other than max everything in ultramax, hes far better than cochran ever was
OJ didnt leave a manifesto about killing his bitch and sign it with his name.
OJ didnt sign his bullet casings.
OJ actually wore gloves to his murder.
he also didnt murder her in the streets of manhattan on 1000s of CCTV cameras.
OJ was rich af and wanted to live.
by contrast, luigi wants to make a public spectacle for the cause. dickey knows this and is glad to do his part and make it take as long as possible

just think, breloom is gonna be used as evidence in a high-profile murder case in >our lifetime
mark my words, thats the straw that breaks it all
if he hadnt used such a specific mon he might have had some plausible deniability.
pikachu? sure, coulda been anyone breloom? brelooms a diff story tho


i cannot wait to hear some state prosecutor suit talking about brelooms learnset unironically
>breloom is a fighting/grass pokemon
>brelooms hidden ability is "technician"
>an ability that boosts the power of low-powered moves
>moves like bullet seed
>a multi-hit grass move that hits 2-5 times
>the most common amount of hits?
>3 hits
>the state rests
pray this shit gets televised
its gonna be an absolute shitstorm


don't worry the billion dollar won't just throw more money into security (except when the ceo in question is being investigated for insider trading). Just consume ceo and wait for new ceo


cyberpunk mullato future rats breeding in my pfas soy flour bakery drains


yah srsly
its all very self-rightious and all that, but its not rly a gud way to enact change
more ceos will now have private security. thats the difference.
theyll keep charging lik $50k for standard ass shit lik c-sections, and theyll keep denying lik 1/3rd of the claims they receive, cuz they fucking can


we're hitting fake and gay levels that shouldn't be possible


if Papuans can make guns I'm pretty sure anyone could


forgot the part where a reasonable thang, insurance be cruel and unusual punishment (now $ opt out only thanks to nigger roberts jr), intentionally gets turned into free healthcare4all bipoc and fields of windmill punchers do the electric slide for chomos
i hope bobby gives all these "medicine"fags stone cold stunners on ppv tbqfh


yea thats the shit that might actually change shit is legislation
the largest healthcare company in the US shouldnt also have the largest claims denial rate
thats literally just racketeering


yah ok? that wasn't what i meant by shenanigans i meant the media and governments are about to rally start faggoting about homemade guns again. won't be surprised if recucklicans push more gun cuntrol through either nearly every fuckin major push for stricter gun shit has happened when recucklicans had the ability to stop it dead in its tracks


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its gonna be a fuckin legal spaghetti bowl, prob at XO level, to untangle if heem does it
them fuckers buy politicians lik furries buy custom art, so even if smth does pass theres good chance it'll be niggercare 2.0 called 'anti toe stub' and they mandate gnomes to move your coffee table an inch every night


>pray this shit gets televised
i bet we won't see or hear anything about that case. two years from now we'll get a 2liner from ap that be pleaded guilty and sentenced to life without parole and that's that. don't be surprised when his lawyer suddenly steps down and judy clarke takes over his defense


just kill some other CEOs


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whorb broke the record


>mid bitch gets deep sixed by the cocks of 100 guys all of her own volition

dont even need to read the article to know the outcome


Pelosi apparently told her archbishop to go fuck himself. Not sure if that reflects more on Pelosi or on the priest directly ignoring the archbishop.


>Broke the record
For OnlyFans? Because I know for a fact there's a vid of a whorb breaking that record back in like the 90s.


lel what is the actual record

also yah 90s pron was fuckin wildwest shit


you thinking of the same one i am? the one where the winner was competing with like two or three other whorbs and the losers had total mental breakdowns? iir there was also a point where the camera zoomed in on one of their cunts and it was these almost black beef curtains and they edited in a foghorn sound effect for it that shit had me questioning a lot of things


man can you imagine getting str8 fucked by 100 dudes and you dont even get a world record out of it?


lik at that point you gotta just hold out for a little longer, ya know?
lik ur already an whorb. might as well be THE whorb, not just a notable whorb


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>iran mothership
ya ok budy


there probably a point where that shit gets painful tho like thats a lotta nerve endings just getting PLAPPED relentlessly for hours
>if i say the sources are really really reliable it'll make this believable
>the same iran that still can't slap down piss hell which is much closer
this dudes a fuckin retard


no pain, no gain

>a point
yah im sure that points after lik 2 or 3 dudes. youre def not supposed to get raped for lik 10hrs straight


>Phillips has now set herself the new target of breaking a world record by sleeping with 1,000 men in 24 hours.
now how tfs that gonna work?
thats lik a minute and a half per
i guess if its DP that brings it up to about 3mins per? but still, that sounds lik an excellent way to be shitting in a diaper for the rest of your days
bitches pussy gonna rip in half and just turn into a giant asshole
shit must look absolutely FUCKT


>from a wealthy family
so its just a fucking hobby then
thats just her thang, getting raped within an inch of her life

>The current record holder is a woman called Lisa Sparks who had sex with 919 men in Warsaw, Poland, in a day in 2004.
thats prolly the vid then, huh?


that bitches pussy must look like something straight outta silent hill after they were done

abstract daddy looking ass pussy


i think so, with club music in the background and "reporters" interviewing the girls while they were fucking, innit


>82mb for a 3 min vid
/sp/ro I have potato internet the video doesn't even load at least download it in like 720p


Bitches don't calculate this shit out they just think "well 100 dudes only took about 8 hours with some breaks inbetween so I can probably handle adding a zero, right?"


The only way I can see this is if they have some weird ruling where they count it as sex if there was penetration and the dude just yeeted his dick in and fucked right off. That's a dude every 94 seconds, and that's including prep time to mosy up to the whorb and jam it in. I know guys are quickshots but 919 dudes were quickshots?


>Lisa Sparks

gud vid but it sure as fuck wasn't 900 or whatever the fuck


a single penetrating thrust done as carefully as possible so it doesn't turn into a bloody mess counts as an act of coitus and each guy that's there will do it a few dozen times, there was a good gaping maw article with interviews of people involved in these events


Did you ever see this?
>NYAG changes gun buyback rules after man claims he made $21K trading 3D-printed guns at Utica event


no but i do remember some /k/ faggots made a boatload by trading in shitty homemade slam fire shotguns that were made with stuff from home depot like a decade ago. i think it was colorado where it happened but im not sure, only reason i remember it is because they wrote some STALKER yims in cyrillic on the "guns" and retard journalists were saying it was sekrit nazi slogans


That specific one? No, but that's generally why gun buybacks stopped happening around my area. Police chief said "no more slamfires" so people just 3D printed shit instead and then used the funds to buy nicer guns from fudds coming to destroy their collection which they then resold for a hefty profit.


ok this is a real gonspiracy now
>In October 2004, Sparxxx participated in what was advertised as the "Third Annual World Gangbang Championship" at the Eroticon 2004 convention in Warsaw, Poland. While initial reports claimed she had sexual encounters with 919 men over 22 hours, Sparxxx later stated the event actually involved approximately 150 participants over a 7.5-hour period[4].[better source needed]
the source is her own site where she says
>I took part in the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship, which was supposed to be the largest gangbang in a 7.5 hour period on October 16, 2004, in Warsaw, Poland at a porn convention called Eroticon 2004. The Polish government found out about the event and threatened arrest on-site for anyone involved. So the event organizers moved the event to an undisclosed warehouse where approximately 150+ different guys showed up. Flutters were getting the guys ready to fuck. The specifics were each guy fucked either/or Patricia or me and they would fuck us for 30 seconds then the next guy who would fuck us

so the actual record is lik 150 some odd
i hope the zoomer bitch does zero research, tries for a thousand anyways, and her pussy prolapses


>biden pardons 39 people, commutes 1500 sentences
>trump to pardon j6th rioters
wtf is this shit, the who can pardon the mostb owl?!


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Dup pardonned a bunch of niggaz like lil wayne on his final day in 2021


its p standard
obongo released lik a bajillion gangbangers on his way out
literally every pres ever does this on the way out.
idk why all the kvetching from MSM other than they dont have anything to talk about which is ironic given how insane the news cycle has been lately


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any better? or smaller

for the person that posted the original:

ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 newfilename.mp4


they can't talk about shit in the ME because now it's another blatant land grab in syria by piss hell and t*rks and obviously they're never gonna say anything about either of them + nutty yoohoo is gr8test ally that got a standing ovation at congress so you won't hear a damn thing about his corruption trial which is currently underway


this septic tank is on video with 600+ so zoomer has a long way to go


dup is Time's person of the year again


also fbi director is resigning


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habibi al-yahu runs dis shieeet nigga


rip bozo


they should have pardoned ted


i got it how i found it


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>they should start buying graves to sell us when we're all dead
prolly already a thing in many places tbh, wouldn't surprise me at least.
on a health related note i got prescribed prednisone when i tore the shit out of several muscles at work and it gave me some of the worst nightmares i have ever had in my life and apparently i was supposed to taper off of it but i didn't and had full on withdrawals. next time i'll just lay down until i'm better fuck meds don't take meds even if you're schizo, especially if you're schizo, let god flow through you and explode people's brains with rants and no logic


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>in america we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences

What a dunce, this is just the decree of pacification from the master and or the cry of weak from the slave. Every single revolutionary change in human history was made with a little bit of bloodshed of your enemies.


tell us about your nightmares


police coons r guuuuuuud


one i remember i was in a big ass fancy dining room where people were eating fresh corpses and then hornets started crawling out of their ears and noses and flying at me and i ran the fuck away and there were body parts strewn around in the halls of this giant mansion/castle(?) with more hornets chewing through the walls and i jumped out a window at the end of a hall and landed in the ocean below where i was immediately surrounded by sharks and then i woke up it was like a dumb silly nightmare i would have as a kid but way more intense i wish i could draw it


reminds me of the corpse dreams i used to have when i lived in my old house


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People are honestly indoctrinated from birth to be as conformative and non-violent to the point that any act of violence against tyranny is still wrong in their eyes. Considering the country they live in, the irony is completely lost on burgers that spout this crap.


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he did it again


>It's the geriatric narcissistic oligarch Olympics


not fun, when they had me taper off i was having mood swings all over the fukn place, completely fine one day then suicidal the next. fucking awful


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do you think he's lying


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>Onion blocked from buying InfoWars
jonesbros we are back



is alex jones okay ?
isnt info wars like completely liquidated at this point ?


its fashionable rn in american politics to be seen as the one worthy of being assassinated
dup won in a landslide, in part, due to him nearly getting his face btfo on live tv. ppl see that and think, wow he must be super important and the heckin globalisterinos h8 him
fear of the other is the most powerful psychological tool around

this guy is a literal who rep from ohio, one of the least important states in the entire union
unless of course, someones trying to kill him
in which case, wow he must be lik sooper important/one of the gud guys


>one of the least important states in the entire union


blocked how?


i looked it up and apparently the judge blocked it because the $1.75m was under value


With this renewed talk for healthcare, let us guarantee universal healthcare for all and address furher attacks on abortion and trans healthcare too. Republicans and Democrats alike allowed this awful healthcare system fester and financially strangle patients until one of them snapped and shot a big player.

Hopefully American politicians finally get the memo at how much damage they've caused >us.


Fuck abortions and birth control access. Fuck healthcare.
Return to fraternal societies they were unironically better and made doctors reeee in pain from middle class wages.


dont stop at healthcare
anything that you have an issue with should result in total CEO death of that organization
create a total breakdown of the typical corporate structure to the point where nobody wants to be CEO or in any kind of leadership position
let everything crumble
bathe in the blood of executives
be your own executive
be your own CEO
then kill yourself for being a CEO


them would still be in servitude to the same masters as things are. malpractice insurance, $1000 bolts, etc. shit makes halliburton look lik dollar general general
just take the gAy.I. pill and self medicate


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yah thats the thing
everythings a fuckin battle nowadays and ppl think theyre some guerilla freedom fighter over every fucking issue
its p gay, and arguably quite inefficient.

cutting off the head in a military or some other hierarchy like that where chain of command actually fucking matters is totally crippling. but in a corporate structure? the CFOs prolly lik
>oh neat
>a promotion
thats why usually when you hear of these shady corporate deals gone bad where the CEO accidentallies himself out the 122nd floor window of his office, they got someone in line to actually take their place afterwards
cuz otherwise its a total crap shoot if itll change much of anything for the better

lik im sure whoevers heading UHC now is some greedy cunt too maybe a bit more paranoid and focused on personal security lel. so GG i guess.
dude prolly couldve side-stepped the whole imminent life imprisonment by making a fucking youtube video with sad piano music in the background and accomplished p much the same thing

at least it makes for an interesting news cycle
the halfwit copycats are gonna be where the real laffrs are at. im betting itll be some gamers rise up type


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lik you know a lot of these suit's egos are unreal and cant handle bein mocked let alone genuinely afraid
my guess is some will start implementing even more pathological policies as a "fuck you gonna do bitch?" move to feel big pp
i mean theyre not completely wrong tbh & basically owning da gubmint would do weird things to anyone's mental


that's banging ese


>pass the controller ese


All that stuff is a result of interfacing with the hospital and AMA.
Shit is so much cheaper when you are "doctor for Amazon fraternal society" or "doctor for electrical union 118 fraternal society" because the fraternal society handles that shit (E.G. haggles on your behalf) instead of the AMA dictating prices down the line by forcing stupid standards because of the 1 in 10,000 issue rate (that a personal doctor for a fraternal society would be aware of already).


Spartman that is already happening that's why we have these issues in the first place. There is a management crisis in the first world because everyone qualified is unwilling/incapable and everyone with the spark is unqualified.


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penguin ass looking hands


Hey better a mitten than no fingers at all.


Some lady in Florida got arrested for telling the insurance clerk "you people are next." Really tells you what's in your wallet, or well, who's in these insurance companies wallets lmao


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>haggles on your behalf
does or would that work now? can see bezos having some pull but whats stoppin em from gouging the water buffalers
also what would it take to legally operate outside AMA jurisdickshun these days? rally close to bein sold on your idea but cant see over this mountain of cynicism


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its rude to leave this young lady hanging


well they make a lotta lotta money
and not just for insurance companies either, but for the hospitals and docs too
its lik usury but w medical bills


honestly, thumb and one """finger""" will get you farther than youd think


bish does anal/8


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to all the spartmans sayin "he dindu nuffin just one ceo means nuthin"



time to murder all them CEOs


Imagine having to live in Belgium


for one, that absolutely is fucking nothin
thats literally a PR stunt. its an olive branch w no olives on it
and two, thats actually on journos for making that shit public. luigi didnt say shit about that cuz he prolly didnt know since it didnt happen to his fam

no, these companies need to be fundamentally changed at the core of how they work, as do hospitals, for anything to change longterm. otherwise theyll just pass the buck and fuck over the next batch to make that money back and more. fucking healthcare corporations shouldnt be able to put a fucking lien on your house thats utterly insane. who tf they think they are JP morgan?
its literally racketeering, and we literally have laws against that already, they just need to be actually held accountable for it. not handwave 5% of their fixed-income portfolio away as charity then be left to their own devices. cuz theyll just do it again


ill be there on sunday
t. ravelbro


all the pics i ever seen of it was just lik a trillion muslims and it looked lik fucking iran


brustles is the head of EU satanist kikes so of course it is full of sportschanic jihadists


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belgians rise up


>but whats stoppin em from gouging the water buffalers
The suppliers or the doctors? On the doctor end they caused the formation of the AMA because doctors were sick and tired of getting paid middle-class wages to look at poor people all day. On the supplier end there's examples of medicare/medicaid implementing stuff like "hip replacement vouchers" that brought the price of a hip replacement down about $20,000 because they just told senior citizens "you have this much money towards it, you haggle instead." When insurance/government healthcare don't cover the costs people haggle down prices. Same reason telling someone you don't have insurance is cheaper for minor surgeries than having your insurance deny coverage. At my dentist office they charge medicare recipients $500 for a general inspection/cleaning vs. $70 out-of-pocket, but if the medicare recipient is denied coverage they are on the hook for the $500.

>what would it take to legally operate outside AMA jurisdickshun these days?

Congressional laws. The AMA has a legal stranglehold in most states. There's an exception for private practice (which fraternal societies fall under) but it's on a state-by-state basis.


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>Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was hospitalized Friday after sustaining an injury during a congressional delegation trip abroad.


crabs on standby 🦀


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>in america
The West is cucked beyond belief


Millennialshit news:
>Half a million kids missing in the USA because of border policies
>Sheboon admits she lied about the Duke Lacrosse rapeshit
>Illegals who raped and killed the 12 y/o in Texas likely to receive the death penalty
>Chinese national admits to kidnapping a human smuggler (restaurant worker) in Seattle for not getting the payment from the illegals before smuggling
>AP in Washington facing charges for raping middle schoolers
>Kayaker who faked his own death arrested after reentering the cunt
>Party City to file for bankruptcy again
>NASDAQ gets slapdown for trying to enforce race and gender quotas on publicly traded companies
>Texas to purchase border wall fencing being sold by the federal government
>Homan vows to prosecute mayors refusing to comply with mass deportations
>Trump vows to end Daylight Savings
>Climate scientists panic that doge will end studies about trans impact on methane releases or some shit
>Open AI, Facebook, and Amazon pledge millions to Trump's inauguration fund
>Tranny took over a Utah Republican club and barred women from entering
>FBI and DHS claim no knowledge of drones in Jersey as Trump tells citizens to shoot 'em down (and they are lmao)


lotta news for a hired poster


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as someone concerned with proportions, i have to say that the boniness of her legs contrasts with the plumpness of her chest in an unpleasant way


grorious nippon has been making deals to accept more indian dicks in their ass. meanwhile you're here getting poopy mads at based elon


>>Kayaker who faked his own death arrested after reentering the cunt
what a fuckin dipshit why would he come back


well >we got some p dope kayaking, as far as those things go


please tell me pelosi is dead


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>Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi was hospitalized after falling and fracturing her hip during an event in Luxembourg, sources close to the congresswoman told sportschan.org.
>She is “currently receiving excellent treatment from doctors and medical professionals,” a Pelosi spokesperson wrote in a statement Friday.
>Pelosi tripped while descending a marble staircase at the Grand Ducal Palace and took a hard fall
sheem not ded but she likely has to spent 2 months or so immobilized in the hospital. don't think she can go potty on her own thehehe


>don't think she can go potty on her own

i only hope she gets the biggest blackest niggerest of nurse aids gets fed up with her "cracka ass whitey shit" and bounces her head off like a basketball off the custom marble counter tops right in front of her double viking refrigerators of her 5 ? 7 ? 12 !?!?!?million dollar californian mansion

a man can dream


>She is “currently receiving excellent treatment from doctors and medical professionals,”
in other words, they're injecting her with the finest gaza infant stem cells available?


if she dies before being trapped in the crystal ill be p pissed


prolly more like the taliban special ie a fucking ton of opiates


as a guy whos willingly fallen on marble a number of times, i can say that it def hurts
so at least >we know she hurts


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bitch mcconnell also had a whoopsie on the same day i think


sue luxembourg
theyre def gud for it


budy the abusive jamaican nurses are for plebs like you and me not our precious insider trading leadership
whatever hospital room shes in is prolly like a 5 star hotel room compared to the drafty dungeons anyone else would get


i've never lived somewhere where the ice would pile up like that on the stairs wtf do you even do if you have to go up that? crawl?


i hope that bitch is painfully crippled for the time she has left before descending to hell




niggerstomper 3000


souf korean pres gettin put in da peach


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oh neat it's like slip on cleats


this is why you make sure the body is ashes and scatter it in a river in a different state


I have.
>What do?
Walk RALLY slow and hold the side-rails. Or just walk on the snowy hill next to icy stairs and get dirty looks


Why do murder women ALWAYS have that bitchy fetal alcohol syndrome face structure?


well for one you gotta shovel it otherwise you soon wont have stairs at all, obv
and then you salt it so it doesnt freeze
if it does freeze you gotta go break it off w lik a shovel or a hoe or somethin, and thats way shittier than shoveling snow, so just shovel it and salt it

if you have boots its not that big a deal
most ppl keep shit clean if theyre actually open cuz they dont wanna get sued, so unless you just got btfo by an icestorm, or are a mailman/pizzaboy in da hood negroes dont into shoveling, its just not something that comes up that much


>be haitian crimelord
>actually in haiti tho
>not an illegal
>kid gets sick
>its haiti tho
>so no doc
>consult priest instead
>priest says its cuz demons cuz niggas in nearby village be doin voodoo an shieet
>kid dies since thats not particularly helpful medical advice
>round up your gang and slaughter 200 ppl in the nearby village with machetes in "retaliation" for the demonic murder of your child
based haiti


lmao the comments on this vid
holy fuck dup send em back now pls
too stupid to exist


and ppl wonder why everyone thought they ate cats
fucking haiti man
its crazy too cuz dominican republic is actually p nice as far as tropical turdworld cunts go. youd never know youre on the same cursed fucking island as haiti


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their faces don't show any signs of fasd. the primary features are
- smooth philtrum (4 or 5 on the chart)
- thin upper lip (4 or 5 on the chart)
- short palpebral fissure length


that under nose wrinkle thang is surefire
ive never met anyone without one of those that wasnt literally fucking retarded


k but like murder girls always got that thicc nose cleft and the small chin/extra fat stores in the forehead
Like every time


File: 1734218178422.mp4 (5.98 MB, 480x852, 40:71, Ps9saq4DABzAv1vd.mp4)

*x-spiles music starts*


shitok zoomers should kys themselves tbh
this is some of the most embarrassing shit ive seen in a while


i really hate how every single song has to have some nigger making monkey noises for zoomers to understand it as music


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idk wat gorg santo did but he got a lil spill on his shirt for it thatll show em!!


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>he doesn't know
gay faggot recucklican senator that was corrupt as fuck
dude deserved that and more


>aggravated identity theft
lel doesnt aggravated in a charge mean he was ongery when he did it


how the fuck did he even recognize him?? he looks liek every other amerigoblino


he was the one that had his aggravated identity stolen


he planned it himself


i mean it's not that crazy, the dominican half of the island didn't murder all yt and half-yts until the only thing left was unevolved niggers, meanwhile haiti killed everyone with yt blood and then proceeded to starve for 200 some years
it's only surprising if you're still under the delusion that niggers are the same species as everyone else. they're not even a subspecies they are entirely separate, calling them human is like calling a chimp a gorilla


why does it sound like some chanting straight outta the Exorcist 2 happening in times square ?

also this seems like it might be fake, his reaction is bizarre


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there here ella. there here.


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i sure hope by 'there' you mean pic related


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idrc about the nj drone stuff other than its kinda funny but this vid is cool


that's kinda neat, seems like a better set up than the osprey


is this what ppl are wigging out about?
how do ppl still not know drones exist?
and theyre above the capital building
what do they think, its the fucking chinese?


the one thing i remember is that he would steal his campaign donors credit card information and go to lik casinos or on vacation w it
thats what he got indicted for, fraud and id theft
he also just lied about literally his whole life, to the point where its actually somewhat unclear if/when he was a brazilian dragqueen


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Palantir bros


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>for the first time argentina doesn't have a budget deficit


thats actually fucking crazy how fast javier managed to pull that off
thats what, a year?


and dudes lik some literal who outsider 3rd party
how tf do you get an entire parliament that politically opposes you to play ball enough to where you can even do anything in a year? nvm do that

that worst korea guy who just got impeached had several years and a much much smaller majority opposing him, and accomplished literally nothing. he got so flustered he 86d his whole career by calling martial law
just goes to show, angry yelling sudaca archetype >>>>>> aging gook femboy w plastic surgery archetype


>Upon assuming office as a deputy, Milei fulfilled one of his campaign promises by raffling off his salary to a random person each month, aiming to "return money to the citizens". He described this monthly raffle, which is open to anyone,[64][65] as a way to get rid of what he considered dirty money, saying: "The state is a criminal organization that finances itself through taxes levied on people by force. We are returning the money that the political caste stole."[3] His monthly raffle for his salary has given away more than seven million pesos since his parliamentary election.
dude is so cool tbh
actually putting your money where your mouth is


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you think he bangs his VP? he dont got a wife as far as i can tell.
or maybe hes gay who knows? i mean hes hardcore anarcho-lolberg after all


he needs an asian wife to complete fit


is that a thing?
i know at least BR have a lot of jap diaspora. cant imagine anyone willingly moving to argentina at any time in its recent history tho


lolberts/tech/crypto bros always have an asian wife


he hardly even needs a wife at this point
if he can butt budy up w dup and the rest of sudacaland gets tariffed instead, argentina could ez btfo the entire rest of their continent low bar, but still
they got the dopest port around, they actually have industry, theyre not retardedly pegged to the US dollar anymore, theyre not controlled by weird fascist-commies that close off all foreign trade tho their parliament still is, apparently, and there hasnt even been a junta or massive state-funded terrorism campaign in at least a few decades

it seems goofy to think about cuz its fucking argentina, but the place used to be top-ten richest cunts in the world. they went indie from spain and very quickly usurped their old colonizers again, low bar, but still notable, only to pick the losing side in WWII and get lost in some weird mussolini-flavored gommunism sauce for lik 80yrs
if he can manage to not get juntad, keep up the momentum, and avoid tariffs, theyre in a decent position rn

and rly, theres no reason dup wouldnt wanna work with the guy
they both hate fake and gay neoliberalism, both looking to annihilate most govt spending govt departments and govt jobs, and are both fully freemarketarded and looking to make £oadsa money and balance their cunts budgets
i hope he does it tbh
of all the shitholes in the world, argentina deserves a gud comeback story the most
imagine watching an economic catastrophe lik modern-day argentina surpass modern-day EU shitholes. the salt would be immeasurable

tl;dr argentina potentially STRONK


i love how he did some of the most basic econ 101 shit that all the keynesians were pissing and shitting their pants about how it will destroy the country but instead it did exactly what they were planning
actually makes me very angry because all these cunts had the tools which basically consist of dont overspend and generally stay out of it but nooooooooooooooo jews have to ruin everything


and thats the other big thing, and unfortunately the other shoe thats prolly about to drop in the next few yrs: fucking usury
theyre still in a spot from the decades of aimless intl borrowing, and theyre gonna have to start paying that shit back sooner than later
but if they can keep their head above water lik they have been, that shouldnt rly be an issue either. tho that is a big "if", considering argentinian history

rly his big threat is if he gets juntad or overthrown by some gay hangry peasant revolt thang
hangry argies fucking LUV juntas and gommunism
easily their biggest failing as a ppl and a cunt. and those fags still do have parliament, so hes def not out of the woods yet

still prolly the best position argentinas ever been in, in my lifetime


Yeah, turns out when you stop spending money and get rid of things keeping people from working, that people will work and earn money.
Novel concept.


this is extremely ableist and problematic, tin pot dicktator milei is taking away programs that the average argentinians RELY on to survive, all so his billionaire buddys can make a couple more bucks


nah heem into sum kinda tantric sox thang they were tryin use that against him when he was runnin lik o noooo heem FUX and takes it SRSBSNS cant have that nooo!


whole foods eggs are so much fucking better than costco eggs

costco eggs are a light yellow yolk with a mild less creamy texture

whole food eggs are deep orange thick with a full body and velvety cream yolk

little cocnut oil, slice of butter and a dab of tabasco and i suck that shit down with the yolkd still raw


that's the shit idg about gommies, they're paradoxically some of the sickest sex pests out there but somehow also rally mad about comparatively regular sex stuff. tantric shit is just fucking with yoga mumbo jumbo bullshit dressing, it's otherwise not any different or more noteworthy than what most people do and sure af doesn't match up to bdsm strap on sissy shit you see commies get up to. like how tf are you gonna screech and say "WTF IS THAT WEIRD BONING" when you're also openly encouraging deranged tranny and homo shit? i think i'd rather listen to outright sex-averse puritan christians, at least they've got a pretty clear logical process behind their pearl clutching


grow ur own
theyre even better
and chicken feed is even cheaper than costco eggs


>tantric shit is just fucking with yoga mumbo jumbo bullshit dressing
its more lik edging, but w discipline
also breathing techniques instead of, ya know, huffing amyl nitrate


deep orange yolks can be replicated with minor alterations to chiken feed. if you have space to raise yer own like >>1668696 said u shuld go fer it. theyre dirty and retarded but super easy to raise


I get my eggs from my backyard


He's like the Huey Long our times in Argentina


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israel is dropping tac nukes on syria ?


yeah nah they have no reason to do that, they're beating up a completely defenseless cunt so they have no reason to go nuclear and reveal their only trap card which isn't a trap card at all everyone knows they got nukes but they can still keep the game of "nuh uh no we don't" goin


File: 1734312334172.mp4 (29.68 MB, 480x852, 40:71, some fat guy.mp4)

so is there a nuke in NJ probably trying to make its way down to DC to stop Hitler from being inaugurated ???


File: 1734312502355.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tacticool nukes.webm)

i doubt it actually is, but i can def see why shed think its a nuke
looks lik fucking fallout


syrian girl also just rally rally hates kikes and israel and has been pretty salty about assad getting deposed


File: 1734313088466.webm (509.84 KB, 720x404, 180:101, syria gril reluctant orga….webm)

yea it sucks being simultaneously proven right, and somehow still looking lik a fool at the end of it all anyways
bummer about getting fired too lel
at least i hope she was getting a little kickback from ruskies or assad or someone. she stuck her neck out pretty far, farther than any news media station by far, for lik 10yrs str8


she is still good enough to a poke
those lips are meant to be sucking dick


im p sure thats a rly old clip
i havent actually seen what she looks since lik 2015
im sure shes still fine. ayyyrab grils dont spoil as fast
dry desert air or somethin


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>A Chinese tourist in Australia recorded close-up footage of Australian warships, with the drone even landing on the ships.

>The footage was then posted on Weibo, and police reportedly told him not to do it again when he was caught.


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Donald Trump campaign advisor Alex Bruesewitz passes out on stage at NYYRC Gala.


Faucci's revenge


idk how to play chess fight me irl (online)


the police and the navy were probably Chinese as well


She's in Perth looking for a man


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i lik thicc weathergirls


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so its unclear what exactly blew up, but it was a munitions depot that was targeted, and as you can see in the vid see all the firecracker stuff popping off in the ones on the sides, these are all secondary explosions from that strike
so it mightve actually been assads tactikool nooks

also assad finally released a statement
doesnt rly say much
>he was in damascus on 7th (D-day)
>SAA was defecting en masse
>HTS arrives in damascus
>used tunnels to escape, then fell back to latakia to regroup w ruskies
>the rest of SAA folded as well
>ruskies decided to gtfo
>asked if assad needed a ride too
>he did
>flew to moscow
the end


hard to respect a captain what dont go down with the ship he sunk


frankly i think its bull anyways
im p sure he left before
dude didnt even make a statement for the whole weeks prior when he was getting invaded?
nah i think he took off


she is on a love quest for a girlfriend free boy


She found two in a dominos bathroom allegedly


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>yo bro i heard you lik panhandles, so we got u sum panhandles for ur panhandles


ask gaddaffi how that went for him


you stupid nigga ?
have you seen what the "moderate rebels" are doing to anyone associated with assad ?

yeah let me just stick around and have some feral 80 IQ desert monkey beat me with pipes and then slowly saw my head off with a machete while screaming ALLLALLALLLAAAHHHALA ACKABAAAAAAR


so nu-al-ciada✡︎ in syria, putler prob gonna get a holhol doggie bag, dup's talkin about going apeshit on brics
whats the next step in the master plan? is >we gettin dat pipeline & back to playin MENA fuck-fuck-go?


idfk man i'm just tired of kikes kiking


iunno but usgay has been missin a nook or two for years iirc, think them went missin under obomber
upcoming transition does feel quiet but anything would feel tame after that round of psyop
still side-eyein soros fast buyin all them radio stations (EBS control) myself. little bit of good ol' fashion orwell prankin mitebfun they rally need to crank it up to 11 to punch thru dopamine burnout tbh


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so rip kurds
didnt even have to wait for dup


electrical transformers being moved out of raqqa


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ohio base got drone deded


houthi leader been calling it lik it is
saying HTS are useful idiots for israel. launched a missile vaguely in the direction of israel in show of solidarity or whatever. it got btfo obv

not that it rly fucking matters what yemen thinks, but he is right


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must be weird livin in ME and basically forced to listen to murica propaganda
lik how >we look at the norks


either he's lying or rarted, prolly both
tards in the gubmint still think they can just control what goes through the series of tubes and just handwave sumthin away if they want to control it, yeah good luck getting ai shut down when we already have plenty of models that you can run and train locally


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that bad huh?


the avg sunni peasant is rly fuckn dumb tho
i doubt they notice anything yet


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moar project blueballs


srsly tho
kots outta the bag already
retards unironically think its the cold war rn. which i suppose isnt surprising given how fucking dense and detached these fuckers are
its still quite shocking to see the atcual lvl of detachment tho


of note, hes not necessarily wrong on the whole shutting down areas of physics in coldwar

science goes nowhere without money
cut funding for anyone else, then hire the dudes who know about that field and move em to los alamos and give em security clearance
thats how they did it, and still do it
most fusion labs, for ex, are DoE funded entirely

not rly applicable to AI, seeing how its all already out there rn. but without funding research will be crippled significantly


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have no doubt they ackshually said that tbh, they still think they can heem water car (or insert your flavor) dudes
could be talkin about the good top shelf AGI stuff or, more likely, the incorporation of it. and hes right about them classifying certain maths
lik just look at public facing quantum physics explanations, its absurd. last paragraph is lel


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you can see the internal struggle
dude just wants to jihad, but hes forced to play politics in a purple suit while the IDF continues to destroy the southern half of his cunt


gril skool shotter?


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this the gril supposedly
ded now
WI christcuck school, 12 injured idk how many kil

the moids made her do it, apparently


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lel reads lik some lolcow.farm schizopost
right on dude


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idk how shitscord works but allegedly hers


so 3 kil i guess
i suppose thats not bad for some 14yo thot


2 + an hero


damn 14? never shoulda let kids listen to kmfdm smdh


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the enemy of my enemy is my friend


we sure this isnt a tranny
a gril does not write like this


if quads the leafs will win the cup


6 more injured, 2 still in critical. heemed student, teacher, self. confirmed handgun only
need to see how many reloads before performance review
dude sperging about knowing her says gril. def looks female
she was apparently terminally online and into some man hating whorb called "radfemhitler" but only know the name from people dunking on her


sick knfdm shirt bro


first, i can fix her
second, this is why they should have kept asheras garden up, to wrangle and crab bucket these NERFs




idk why christian schools and other institutions aren't arming themselves by now there's been enough attacks against them in the past decade to justify it


sure they do man
go look at CC or lolcow or KF
its literally their rhetoric, their terms, errytang
14 tho, so sheem prolly in some dicksword/leddit off-shoot
but thats the world >we live in. tranny fatigue is so high you got teenage grils goin out to an hero elementary schools


prelude to a shart. current thing is nigger hating radfems, you love to see it.


File: 1734387495898.webm (2.47 MB, 960x540, 16:9, ifh29f.webm)

bet i looked a little bit like this but with guns


ive always said chudcels and radfemcels are made for each other
hatred can be an incredibly unifying force. just sprinkle in enemy of my enemy, and a lil sexual frustration


bc the jewish kids go to special private schools


bitch looked strung out af i bet she was on psych meds like all these fuckin shootaroo retards
what gay show is this
ok what does that have to do with christian places not arming themselves





>cc will get v&
>sportschan will outlive 8chan, zchan, julay, and now cc
glory to duddr, the immortal admin
blessed be


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that just sounds lik some lesbo ERP shit tbh
you trying to say thats the shooter?


prolly not but they're all womyn who tf knows


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gud lord, don't you know anything??? show is called vivid strike!


my bet is some discord
chick was 14
i know 12 and wat is this is a yim, but its not rly that common these days. zoomers literally fear cuckchan, nvm branching out into some obscure altchan



i dont bother with cuckime and only want to see that scene with original audio


What is her name? ED has to have an article started.


no name yet from what ive seen
apparently she was 17, not 14


Samantha Rupnow
735 on the list, no article. At least she tried to break the glass ceiling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


equal opportunity indeed
kinda surprising it took this long tbh
considering how many deranged thots schlick themselves to spreekillers


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>radfem hitler
i dont even wanna look
that just sounds annoying


File: 1734392490862.png (1.72 MB, 1828x1244, 457:311, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking gibberish


tldr. Radfem in the rye


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>The White House said Monday that drones spotted over the northeastern United States were all operating “legally and lawfully,” after President-elect Donald Trump called on the US government to be transparent on a situation that has sparked a public uproar.
>“Our assessment at this stage is that the activity represents commercial, hobbyist, or law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawfully,” along with some aircraft or even stars mistaken for drones, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said

kthx faggots now i think it might be nooks, ayys, or iran fatherships


this spigga be lookin kinda…zesty…


so i guess she had an e-bf
anime avatar, so prolly a faggot/troon
sounds like he knew beforehand and/or had access to the manifesto

classic discord shenanagans


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that boy spawned good yims


looking lik might actually be an underage tranny
getting groomed
in a discord
how novel

dont do anigay kids


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e-bf is adamant its not a troon tho
they/them pronouns, i guess thats just modern day for "im not like other grils"


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modern day twitards are far bigger shitlords than ppl give em credit for
i thought 4chins was supposed to be the place for all the meanies


Guys I went on the Magnum Condom tour and Mr. Magnum himself said that I was "ribbed for his pleasure". Should I be worried?


i'll tl;dr what little i skimmed over when i looked it up
>kill all men and niggers and politicians
>literally all men btw
>womyn will make utopia or something
typical feminist horseshit that ruined another most likely drugged up teenager
>discord shenanigans
does anyone even actually use discord for just games, its intended purpose? like i know there's vidger germ groups but every time i hear about any of them they're also up to bizarre sexual shit or trying to stir up drama
4gag still has meanie faggots but they get swept up by jannies unless they're being mean on specific borts. it's weird seeing the overly sensitive retards that report them pretend to be "oldfags" too as if they wouldn't have been eaten alive by anons and the faggot jannies/mods before jewt sold everyone out to rainbow hairs


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i actually found the unironic qrd
i just didnt wanna keep spamming the thread with it



the radfemhitler was what i was summarizing i didnt read anything about the shooter herself


>shutting down runways/airspace
So is that a precedent?


i'll show you a prissy dent
*spreads ass cheeks*


radfemhitler her name irl is like Sophie Himmler or some shit and is some retarded "right wing ?!?!?!" personality/blogger who really hates men and niggers


real insane bullshit but fun to follow because she is constantly sperging and causing sperg outs


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>trump elected
>trudeau called a faggot to his face



>stick around so the CIA can rape you on video before murdering you
how about no? wtf is the point? it was over. at least this way people will seeth for eternity


WOAH! when did fags start calling each other fags?


why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly


isn't cantada uk tire now where that can get you arrested?


not just arrested but forcibly sewercided by the state

still worth it, because justo is a big time FAGGOT
he has such a punchable face, real cock gobbler looking ass nigga


Feminism has ruined women to the point where they use male genitalia jokes these days so I don't even know. Tranny wouldn't surprise me but white nigger wouldn't either.


Well shit, I guess the leafs will win the cup.


look at this faggot


shaddap, your sabres won't even make the playoffs FOR THE 14th YEAR IN A ROW!


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>losing parental rights
>as a woman

i knew this bitch was nutterbar but i didnt think she was THAT nutterbar



gloria steinem (checkum guy's stepmother beeteedub) & naomi wolf were on glow payrolls, js


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oregano tincture didnt work this tiem ;_; who wants my vhs collection?


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leaf sitch is p dire. castro had to hold some rigged snap erection couple years ago too iir
multiple cunts just fallin apart at the seams


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rob ford was the right guy to lead the cunt but they cast him aside smh


rip rob ford crack lord
you will be missed


>2nd vid
Oh please they mute people's cheers/jeers at sparts games on the fly you really expect me to belieb they failed to mute him accidentally? Canadian Jews wants him gone.


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say what you want about rob but he was a true spartman and well liked by pretty much everyone except leftist elites and jornos


Reminder Canada is poorer than Mississippi. The state we make fun of for being a broke-ass shithole with an average IQ that required the lowering of the mental retardation line by 10 points to keep them from being under it.


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sir, he's outside
>Canadian Jews wants him gone
ya idk. syria sure, but the matza's definitely leaking next battleground is gonna be 4th industrial revolucione bs if you rally wanna chase cars


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>radioactive material missing in joisey
>container was damaged and found empty
also jersey girls mak muh gock feel funy


aren't there units in the military that use drones to detect radiation too? lines up with all the drone shenanigans over the last month if so


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>radioactive material missing
found it, you just gotta take a few steps back


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ya them called lik HSV4 or something
apparently the notice was for a geranium-68 calibration pin for a PET scanner 'Eckert & Ziegler model HEGL-0132'
lotta fuckin drones for a pin tho, maybe Al-Macguyvallah is on the loose


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honestly, please just nuke new jersey
you will be doing the world a favor


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hill air force base yesterday so the med device is horseshit (not that it needed to be said)
schizers sayin the drones are investing orbs lel. chinks did buy grips of land near bases in utah prob false faggotry idk why i'm payin attention to this tbh


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ok i give up wtf is going on


patriots are on the move
watch the skies
we are waiting


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wiga wiga
watch the sky
the assassin is stalking you


the world is gay and retarded and you're watching fags on every level try to play pretend like they're not also gay and retarded
the gay retards go all the way to the top IT'S A GAYSPIRACY OF THE RETARDEST ORDER


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i knew there was a reason i instinctively disliked these people


>oregano tincture
shit does work p gud tho for some hippy shit, doesnt it?


somekind of airbone aids going around
luckily i think i might be immune as i have been around multiple people with it
i been dosing vitamin c, d and zinc on the reg along with nude bathbathing so my D counts are through the roof

might have saved me


no kidding, fucking shit ton of people at my job sick
ton of people at my wifes job sick
maybe just compromised immune system from experimental nanolipid MRNA injections
i was sick for 3 days and im fine now


its winter and people get sick this time of year + amerigayans being fat as shit = bad immune systems and more sick lard goblins
cuck cough vaccine shit probably plays a part too but fat fatty fats that consume nothing but processed hell slop were never going to have a good time in winter


my job mostly consists of relatively healthy tradies tho
don't get me wrong, your average tradie is NOT healthy, but as far as i've seen, they're not generally morbidly obese or wtver


fully remotechad so i don't have to worry about getting infected but i already have a chronic condition from the wu flu so it doesn't really matter i guess fuck bugmen nuke the entire fukn cunt


New Swabian patriots are in control. Canadian freedom will not be impinged


hot stuff coming through


caramelized onions ?


ime a trade worker not being fat doesn't necessarily mean shit tho a lot of those guys make up for not being fat in other ways like doing a shitload of drugs and simply powering through colds and fevers then dying early bc they they burned themselves out or their fuckin livers rotted
which reminds me one welder i worked with was always high af on meth and then one day he stopped showing up and i learned later he apparently had a complete psychotic episode and ran into the woods and fell into a ravine and died, rip lawrence that last hike you went on must've been wild


Yee somethin' going around I been fasting in the day and sloshing it at night with cheap liquor. Nurses laugh at me but they all been fucked up with the plague while I am clean, damn it.


p rockerfeller pilled but hadnt heard of it, always keep that thang on me now. of meny


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same, so i get shrek'd when typhoid mary returns from harvest
whats ur chronic budy? everybody (correctly) laffs at housewives but the frankendocs are on record sayin they were targeting certain haplogroups


fucking bugmen gave me ulcerative colitis and i was in the process of moving so there was no point in scheduling a visit to a specialist until after that was done, then a lot of experimenting with drugs (including prednisone which raly fucked with me) until they finally settled on humira shots every two weeks. it's annoying and probably shaved years off my life but it's liveable now
just for the lulz i asked the insurance agent what each shot would cost without insurance and their good goy helper program and it would've been $11k per fucking shot lmao


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jfc those symptoms, glad its liveable at least. howd u find out it was the coof?


because they came out of nowhere about two weeks after i got the coof
death to la


pretty sure you can cure UC with coconut oil


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>Russian Lieutenant General Kirillov was blown up in Moscow
>Kirillov was Russia’s chief of the military’s nuclear, biological, and chemical protection forces


how did he died?


The (((USA))) goverment is testing a new spying system on the burgers.


So, Why is the little loli killing students?


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remotely detonated bomb in a electric scooter outside his apartment. brutal
dude has been talkin about usgay's biolabs in yuke and bidup ties to them. apparently vodkaniks have been sending 2000 page reports to the u.n. but y'know


didn't rusia monke purge every single cia asset in his cun? unless vlad vladikov here did something else that got him on his heemlist
also do other cunts really think complaining to the un will do anything


Glownigger purges ebb and flow. You purge a batch and then the ones not purged grow stronger while there are always degenerates who think they can do it without getting purged too.


they bullied her and she missed the call from her grampa before he died


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>Russia's top missile expert gunned down in Moscow park
>Russians ‘burning faces’ of dead North Koreans to keep them secret
>Donald Trump trash talks fired finance minister Chrystia Freeland
>Thirteen dead after naval speedboat hits ferry off Mumbai
ukro agents running amok in moscow


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uzbekistani arrested. glownigs just ubereats ops now
nah they know un=usarael. think its kinda lik when ur girl starts saving text messages
>Thirteen dead after naval speedboat hits ferry off Mumbai
crikr didnt bote so gud


hohols are throwing as much of a shitfit as possible to make it hard for dup to end things w/o a shitload of collateral and i'm sure bidup or bidup affiliates are giving plenty of help
honestly idc who comes out on top because it's just slavs who are barely above niggers as far as i'm concerned but this past year has made me really hate gay toe and anything that benefits them so fuck ukraine lmao go ahead cry zigger or whatever


it was fun for the like first month or so then it just got boring and sad
hat hohols, hat vatniks, hat jewtin, hat jewlensky, hat gayto, simple as




we need beger boaters budy stoopid sark did the no needful


i'm at awe about how retarded you'd have to be to do that lmao


you're now remembering that the amerigay navy did that exact shit with full sized naval vessels twice in one summer
there's unfathomable levels of retarded that should be regarded as sins against the universe and you never know when you're gonna be a victim of it


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lmao this motherfucker sees it coming and can't be bothered to give a shit, he just accepts his fate on the 'jeetboat.


I dunno, it's hard to tell if he's straining trying to turn the wheel or if he has resolve and is doing it intentionally. I think he tried to do a niggerish pass-by based on the angle, but he hit some choppy waters and the boat didn't turn so gud.


what do you expect from female bridge crew and officers lmao– an inevitability.
seriously one of the japan collisions was because the two womyn officers on duty were in a spat and weren't talking to eachother…
please fucking nuke us


Nah spro, we don't need full nukes, just a good war. All it'll take is about a year of shitty losses where losing isn't an option followed by a draft and this new-age shit is cooked when the boys come home to an even more broken-ass system and give the women the option to throw out the strays or they'll burn the whole fucking thing down.

We just had it too good for too long and the hippies need to rember what hard times be like. They'll do the job themselves either nutting up or killing themselves. Same with the whorbs either settling down or killing themselves when the SSRI factory got converted into an army meth factory.


>I dunno
i do
theres no situation where youd try to pass by a much larger boat by cutting in front of it perpendicularly. and for p obv fucking reasons.

you are the smol maneuverable boat. you yield to bigger boats and any sailboats too, obv, always. they literally CANT, so you have to. thats how it works.
hes supposed to throttle wayyyyy back so he can turn and go around behind it. not speed up and try to action-hero your way past them
its not some last-minute call you make on-the-fly.

thats the most rarted shit ive seen in a while
its lik watching someone willingly drive fullspeed into oncoming traffic. wtf you think was gonna happen?


this isnt even in the same arena of retardation as that
not even close
and that shit WAS stupid too. but larger boats take longer to move. someone on the bridge reacts 20secs too late and its already way too late. those things cannot simply stop, or even rly turn. nvm in some massive heavy traffic intl shipping lane where theres a dozen other giant boats all around you

smol powerboats absolutely can tho.
and those things can turn on a dime, ive seen coasties doing donuts in those things lik theyre jetskis ffs.
you throttle back so it comes off-plane and then turn and add back power
def NOT full-steam-ahead straight into their hull then last minute "OH SHI-" and try to cut IN FRONT OF THEM

other fag has it right
absolute awe of the stupidity at display here


>this isnt even in the same arena of retardation as that
lmao i take it you didn't see the path one of those big boats took before crashing into a cargo ship that was going in a straight line at steady speed then


it doesnt rly matter
big boats arent comparable to dinky little dinghies lik that. it is an entirely diff realm of stupid
if you cut power in a giant boat thats loaded with tons of shit, you dont just stop. you DO p much completely lose the ability to steer tho.
that, combined with the bridge being idiot women who werent talking to each other, was what caused that crash

this is just one lone jeet with the wheel and the throttle. and lik half a minute + to react and think, "hmm maybe this isnt such a gud idea"
you cut power in those things and the MOMENT it comes off plane its like someone just SLAMMED on the brakes.
if you then turn the wheel and chop the power on and off quickly, itll basically just spin around right where it is lik a top. the entire reason coasties and navy use those things is because they can move fast and can maneuver absolutely anywhere, even in extremely shallow water

its lik trying to compare a 4-wheeler to a tractor trailer truk
yes, theyre both land vehicles
no, they dont drive the same


personally, i think its unironic suicide
you dont just drive into a wall full-speed and expect to live


Johnson on suicide watch after Trump told him to take his "continuing spending resolution" and shove it where the sun don't shine. Told him to pass the minimum or fuck off lmao


i like how dup is basically already acting as president before he is even in the office


makes sense tho
not lik it makes much sense trying to cozy up to the bossman who just put in his two weeks notice

the real diff is that usually theyd just fuck off and go on a victory lap after they win an erection. take a month off.
dup just snapped right back into political mode and started flying out to meet w random world leaders


dup probably doesnt wnt to do the rally thang given the fact that the secret service will give another whacko another shot most likely


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>ukraine claimed responsibility for the btfo of igor
surely this will not backfire and result in no retaliation whatsoever


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40% pay increase for congress, paid for em to get off obongocare, made certain deepfakes illegal, carte blanche let house ignore info requests, bill was nuts
ziclops farding and shiddin his pants rn which is always a bonus


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>The Advanced Clean Cars II rule means 35% of cars sold in California in 2026 will be zero-emissions, 68% in 2030, and 100% in 2035
bidup went around the courts and allowed newscums ev shit. enjoy the brownouts. auctioning the border wall so abbot has to buy it back too lel
dr jill blinken is on a petty one lamo, reminds me of clinton stealing furniture and the W's from keyboards


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>ziclops getting ratio'd that hard and getting that angry over magatard twitter user "catturd"

Israel's strongest soldier.


>uhhh dave, we are in America


lelohel, lmao even


>it doesn't matter
doing figure 8s and random turns kinda does idk what the argument is that shit was retarded beyond just one idiot steering into the waie of a bigger boat it was a whole crew if DIEversity retards completely fumbling on every level lmao this argument is stupid


>FBI raids LA deputy mayor over bomb threats
>Chinese spy pleads guilty to running secret police base in Manhatten
>Georgia appeals court disqualifies Fani from Trump case
>Washington deputy mayor's car stolen while she was being sworn in
>Montreal synagogue firebombed again
>Bezos spotted dining with Trump in advance of the East Coast union strikes
>Democrat donors to meet up in Palm Beach to discuss how Cameltoe lost $2.5 billion


lel and tegans elected this idiot
skimming through the replies it looks like even the "ty 4 ur service :)" dicksuckers are reaming him out too lmao


Y'all ever hear something from supposed "family" member that just immediately sends you into a frothing rage and makes you want to cut off all contact with this person asap with no right of return ?


About on a weekly basis. Then I remember they have children and their kids aren't worth exiling just to teach the adult a lesson since it's better to make their parents look bad.
Then you get sneers and jeers from the freeloaders for making the kids' parents look bad because they know they don't have a leg to stand on and need that herd mentality.


yah but then i remember he's also on legal meth (adderall) and that it turns him into a big retarded babby in regards to emotionally charged stuff when he's otherwise intelligent and also that neither of our shitty takes really affect anything at the end of the day
idk how bad your particular family member is but actually going over the edge and cutting them off usually is an overreaction. like unless they're a psychopath if you find out they're an actual honest to god psychopath you probably should cut em off they probably still love you and fall for retarded shit purely out of fear or laziness


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nigger wants to go home


yah man you need actual snow tires when it snows
i know, crazy


idk going back to africa seems lik a p gud strat


bet it's more than just the snow, i bet mgumbe found out the hard way how soul crushing low level work in amerigay actually is and the snow was just the straw that broke the camel's back and now he wants to go back to where he can sit in front of a hut all day not giving a shit about anything


I never got snow tires and I've driven on some shitty shit
like i drive a shitty rear-wheel light truk and if the snow is actually bad enough to stop me up then havin funny tires ain't gonn make a difference you know spro?


>shitty rear-wheel light truk
put bags of crappy cement in the back

and no idk
it makes an enormous difference
most of the time the roads are cleared and salted, or sand if youre in some memestate that doesnt rly snow, so it hardly matters.
its for the edge cases. if youre out in a blizzard and you got regular tires or even all-memeson tires its like loony toons shit. youll be goin lik 20mph tops, or risk spinning tf out into some ditch. or having some other fellow retard w out snow tires try to play bumper cars w you


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they're charging him with terrorism


dups gonna pardon him


idk joe's on a hot streak >>1669318 prolly just signing whatever's in front of him at this point without reading


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heard a gud point that UHC has lik 5 felonies, pfizer has about the same. lotta states lock up at 3 to prevent reoffense
so every death, and theres thousands, is on the state. fun and cool that corps are now people half the time but also get to give infinity campaign mcbucks bypassing personal donation limits
oh and those felonies only result in fines that are a meaningless percentage of the profit made off the felony and no individual goes to jail anymore


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>Spicolas J. Feduentes nearly killed with a crossbow by an assassin

if that gay spic manlet fed got bolted to death it would have made my fucking Christmas


not too late to give yourself a christmas gift
where does this fag live anyways, langley?


>kill 3 ppl
>drive ~ an hr away
>try to kill nick for bonus pts
>get cucked by door
>shoot neighbors dogs in frustration
>get policed to death
remember when i said the hilarity will be from all the copycats?
whos next?
shame it wasnt just nick tbh


shitcago, apparently


should've gotten eden too


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it's like people are suddenly remembering that they can just remove the people that are fucking their lives over. wonder who's next


Do you hear what I hear?


File: 1734719607582.gif (2.16 MB, 460x308, 115:77, o shit what dis.gif)

what u hear budy?


>GOP refused to pass Trump's spending plan as part of an "epic own against dup"
>Dup laughed at them and said "go for it bitches, just make sure the no funding is before I get in next month"
>PA woman charged with registering dead pipo to vote
>Pajeet NDP leader vows to oust Cuckdeau next parliamentary session because he might lose his pension in February if he doesn't
>Tucker's ALP product ships across the USA, it's p. gud the tropical flavor is shit tho' t. Spartman


File: 1734726815997.mp4 (368.86 KB, 364x640, 91:160, germoney prank.mp4)

truk of peace
dune coons need to stahp around christmas tbqh its vary rude


where did the car go?
it looks lik it just disappears in the crowd?


wtf i thought yuruo had started putting bollards up all over bc of this shit. germs better hitler tf up soon b4 they become uk tire
you can see it turning right at the end of that alley/street/whatever


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I happen to be in belgium at a big christmas market RIGHT NOW
what next?


The normalfags will never Hitler up, they will just take it like good goys.


shut up retard


rent car do prank blame allah, belgium deserves it


I've been here for a week
its an absurd amount of browns even in the rural areas


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i saw some kraut saying the same thang
said they DO put up the jersey barriers of peace at most events lik this nowadays, but this particular spot was somewhere w comparatively little immigration so they didnt bother.
bit of an oopsie


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no barriers at all just drive right in


Also I am in Antwerp which is full of globalhomo multiculti bullshit may as well be sudan or syria here


You're an twerp


jihadis are such fucking spergs tbh
imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and someone pulled this on them during ramadan. youd never hear the end of it.
wasnt the first truck of peace from some dude who made a drawing?
whatta buncha crybully fags

and then they wonder why everyone sees them as feral apes




the 'suspect' is a doctor originally from saudi who been living in germany since 2006

he had enough of the faggot yuros


then fucking leave
no one wants em there anyways


that would be racist to expect them to leave
easier to just die


eu headquarters is in belgium, of course there's gonna be uk/france tier levels of brown. they deserve it for being the physical representation of the damnation of yurup. also belgium has always been full of evil assholes


he'd unironically have a better life back in saudi arabia the dudes an experienced fuckin doctor he could have literal slaves and prolly a full on harem too, and he went and threw it all away just to kill 2 infidels and impact fuckall beyond helping prove hitler was right simply because of retard arab butthurt


File: 1734739982157.jpeg (176.32 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, OIG (13).jpeg)

>Leopold II


nato too
belgium not even trying to wear the mask


lovin the aesthetic and sound
female va totally FUCKS


spend 1 minute with dutch speaking faggots and I promise you will want to run them down too


you should look up marc dutrox and realize belgium is run entirely by epsteins


well this sandnigger spent 18 years with them he coulda fucked off any time
fuck i hat muslims, the only good thing about them is they occasionally kill jews


Saudi Arabia has a class system you get treated like shit and can't be a doctor if you aren't from the right family.


lmao stay mad


>the driver was apparently a zionist atheist
i'm already over it cuck


Citizens united was only passed to protect property imo and let corps reap extra benefits for their shinanagains


>congressman reserved my ticket for the inaugurationb owl
friend described it as being in the splash zone i think that sums it up pretty well


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also found the photo


File: 1734808437686.jpg (39.2 KB, 394x501, 394:501, bibi al-yahu.jpg)

i lik this one better


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gud digits satan


didnt notice the watermark tho
have to deal w that


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cheapest coke in europe


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File: 1734825567800-0.mp4 (7.46 MB, 480x852, 40:71, nigger nigging1.mp4)

File: 1734825567800-1.mp4 (1.9 MB, 480x734, 240:367, nigger nigging2.mp4)

is anyone else just tired of niggers ?

like i have just had enough
send them all back to africa and lets just be done with it


>see first one
>niggery and annoying but he isn't beating anyone so nbd for a nigger honestly
>see 2nd one
holy shit that should actually net him a death penalty. that's way insidious even for a nigger


Huh. This makes me want to spray paint I HATE NIGGERS on my car so everyone knows my feelings




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File: 1734834268346-1.mp4 (249.96 KB, 480x676, 120:169, civilian targets holhols.mp4)

is this just normal now ?


nine blyatleven


NATO is going to use the hohols as a terror group to attack the slavs for all eternity.


i feel like its kind of insane bro
do they think russia is just going to take terrorist attacks funded by the west on the chin forever without doing anything about it ?

russia is going to eventually hit back


it's just the old guard throwing a bitchfit during their last month in august hoping to start a major popoff, putler is smart enough to just take the blows since once dup comes in all this will be over


last month in office, not august


They're probably gonna fund the Mexican Cartels. Maybe the Chinks in Canada. Definitely the Pakis in the UK.


This nigger is doing gods work. You love to see this kind of pr for the melinated race.


oh no they will invade??


>is this just normal now ?
yea kinda
you wanna send a message?
you kill civilians
warcrimes are literally for losers
look what >we did to japan

besides, ayyyrabs been doin this shit since the literal 11th century. rest of the worlds just playing catch-up
you strike asymmetrically. you ALWAYS look lik ur goin for str8 jab, and then just never ever do it, and instead just play footsie w em forever and fuck w their minds until something breaks


Sounds like mudslims are mindfucked sissies who need to be exterminated


>This is just new normal now
FTFY deal with it forget the fact that normal is subjective and used to be something everyone accepted your masters want you to accept even more subjective trash as rational


might be
cant argue w results tho. relatively smol forces can reliably beat out much much larger armies just by playing the mental game
thats why everyone else is doin it now too
its def not going anywhere


File: 1734870546113.jpg (36.74 KB, 868x546, 62:39, atheist scourge.jpg)

i think this is the guy that went for a drive in germany recently


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nah they released his name
>Taleb al-Abdulmohsen


now thats a bit fucking odd, innit?
dude did a 45min interview online a week ago?
havent watched past the 2min mark yet, but uhhhhhhh wtf is this all about?


imam dudddder radicalized him


>specialist in psychiatry
figures a practitioner of jewish pseudoscience would go insane and try to kill ypipo because he hates muslims or some shit. just glass the middle east the only things worth a shit in that entire region are beneath the ground


in a week?
dudderer jihadi conversion (Any%) WR?


File: 1734882842709-0.jpg (162.16 KB, 1170x1616, 585:808, GfaXcINXEAARKYO.jpg)

File: 1734882842709-1.mp4 (1.12 MB, 480x852, 40:71, the BRO.mp4)

why do all zoomer males have the look of "this is one month on HRT" ?

how much gay frog chemicals have they been putting in the water this last decade ?


it's prolly more the food than the water everything's pumped full of titty making hormones particularly chicken. the water mostly turns them tarded with fluoride, tho i guess there's also birth control piss being recycled back into the supply too
idk man even out in the country most everyone that's 10 years or more younger than me is either some skinny pube face twink or a walking orb of lard


>one month of HRT
dude looks like he never hit puberty
seriously, he looks like he doesn't have a single hair on his entire body


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theres something way weirder going on here imo
kraut media is apparently still talking about it, but framing it as some far-right afd thang to try to somehow spin it as pro-immigration. which is just insane obv, but i guess thats krauts now.
meanwhile western MSM is blacking it out. elon supposedly reinstated his twitter account, but w much of his pro-israel posts removed. elon is a ziocuck, so thats not entirely surprising, but it is painfully stupid, and seemingly intentional.
but then you listen to the guy talk and hes some secular ex-muslim trying to smuggle out fellow ex-muslims who had pissed off the saudi crown?

im not sold on any of those being a real story tbh. none of them make any sense to the rest of his backstory, and none of them line up with a by-the-books jihadi-style truck of peace attack.
i have a sneaking suspicion that this guy was def NOT secular, and neither were these supposed refugees hes been sneaking into germany for years
its like he purposefully was LARPing as something else to create as much confusion as possible once he finally decided to bring the vehicle of peace to the krauts for xmas

i think this guy is deepcover speehadi and has been smuggling terrorists into yurop for yrs


That only works until big army decides they've had enough and invade your ass.


>Muh 'bortions!
At this point I'm starting to think repeal the 19th is a sound policy position and not a meme.


secular muslims are just a bad day away from goin full jihad mode
i fully believe most secular muslims are just practicing taqiyya more than anything– like how the fuck do you read the koran and than square that hole by not being a fucking jihadist??


yah that's why afghanistan is still under soviet, no wait, amerigay control


>America and USSR
>Two cunts that BTFO a huge-ass cunt and only left when domestic issues arose
Wow, it's almost like the raghead tactics don't work and they only accomplish anything when fighting a foe weakened by economic woes/domestic issues. Much like all of Muslim history.
Muslim terrorists are to make bleeding hearts infight because they know the second any of those cunts organize it's game over for them.


>the invaders took a really long time to leave that menas they won
oh ok you're one of those. a loss is a loss and obviously it fuckin worked because literally the moment both invaders fucked off afghanistan was right back to doing the same shit they were before they showed up. that doesn't happen when you lose, to put it in 4gag words cope seethe and deal with it


File: 1734904746149-0.mp4 (1009.58 KB, 364x640, 91:160, woman lit on fire nyc.mp4)

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Sleeping woman is set on fire in NYC subway, get up, dies and smolders in place like some shit straight out of a war movie.


>Took a long time to leave
No, it's more like
>Soviets came in kicked ass and took over in 4 months
>Decided to nation-build and do the hearts and minds shit despite achieving objectives
>Eventually Americans fund their expulsion
>Americans roll in and take over in 3 months
>Decide to nationbuild and do the hearts and minds bullshit
>Eventually Chinese fund their expulsion
>(You) are here
They won, then instead of saying "mission complete" they stuck around for another decade fucking around with hearts and minds shit. When you just go in and kill the Muslims/take their land they can't do shit. It's the hearts and minds shit that saves their butts.


If anyone has tried to help her she would have survived probably. But this is Jew York rat tunnels where the definition of human being is nebulous


holy shit
thats the guy
the guy sitting on the bench
he just lit her on fire and sat there fucking watching it
what a fucking psycho


all i'm seeing is everyone didnt accomplish shit but their own destruction aka "losing"


wtf why are people just looking and walking by as if it's just a another day.


>full on aztec wetback painter
wanna bet money he ain't here on a green card?


because new york is hell


If Thanos Actually Wiped Out Half of All Life, How Would Earth Fare in the Aftermath?


if thats what you call winning– id hate to see what you call losing.


gotta be one of those cons who got released from fuckuadorian prison
dude just set some bitch on fire, simply to watch her burn
bum bashers are always fucking scum, but that takes the psychopathy to an entirely different level


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arr rook same
srsly tho, this guy looks lik every illegal ever
how do >we know this aint his brother or cousin or some shit?


if you have had the misfortune of walking through nyc especially the subway, you know when shit is going down your best bet is to make no eye contact and keep moving like you have somewhere else to be

if you try and interject, you get daniel pennied
if you are caught slacking, you are the the one on fire

its also just the dehumanization of large cities as well, after you have stepped over your tenth dying/dead homeless person passed out on the stairs of the day, you begin to become completely cold to human suffering around you

its part of the reason why neoliberals from major cities are often the most cruel and sadistic amongst us despite their posturing otherwise


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Depends how that half is distributed. Half of each cunt is a lot different than half by lottery. Pics related


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well, i think i found a nice job

>loan collector (armed)

could you imagine the fun of beating the shit out of college degree havers working at starbucks, crying on r/nowork and coping that bernie can still win and you can just come in beat the shit out of them and take their paycheck

my cock is actually fully erect just thinking about it


>menstrual cycle tracker
>gay marriage annulment officer
lel what a job title. what do you even do just file gayboi paperwork when some bald alpha sissies get tired of each other?


looks like hogg


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Cut the circle in half


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Apparently Hello Fresh (meal delivery service) got caught using illegal children to cook and package food to customers lmao


nigger got arrested

>Influencer who filmed himself spraying insect killer on Walmart produce, arrested by the Mesa Police Department.

>27-year-old Charles Smith grabbed the pesticide off the shelf without paying for it before filming himself poisoning the produce.

>“He then sprayed the pesticide on various produce items, including vegetables, fruit and rotisserie chickens that were available for purchase. Smith filmed his face, the pesticide can and the act of spraying. He later posted the video online,” a police statement said.

>Smith was booked into jail and slapped with charges including introducing poison, criminal damage, endangerment and theft.

>Smith is known for his public “/sp/ranks” which he shares to his social media accounts.


apparently sumthin happened with honey
that coupon extension every jewtuber was shilling for years


it rly shows where ppls heads were at, that they ever managed to convince themselves that this shit was legit
on both sides. for the fearful, it makes some sense. theyre dumb, theyve been dumb, and moreover, they are vary afraid.
but for the 4chang knuckledraggers, groypers, those kinds, who prolly still dont even realize it was joke. rly shows the ideological incestuous-ness of both sides


ppl who buy shit from youtubers who are clearly just getting paid to shill [insert product/service] deserve everything coming to them imo


so i guess in addition to not actually giving you the best deals no fuckin shit, its owned by paypal it also poaches the youtubers shilling their affiliate links
it literally pop-unders a new tab which overrides their affiliate cookies at the last step of checkout
git fuckin rekt nerds


>shows up to GHOST's janitor job
>GHOST is STILL posting on /sp/ about how Bernie can still win
>tell my attack CR "it's time"
>commie tears flow
>everyone claps


>elon hates israel now
>dup still mad at bibi over stringing him along over a two-state solution then instantly dumping him for biden
hating israel is cool now


>hating israel is cool now
its def the right political position. both literally, and just for posturing purposes

man i was at this party the other night w tons of normies and its getting wild out there rn. everyone talking about zionists in both parties of the US govt. fucking literal blue-hairs talking about "well at least he didnt start two wars last time"
its never been this joever for israel


>starting a three-front war just to avoid going to jail for bribery
i honestly can't think of anything more jewish


File: 1734966738738.png (125.64 KB, 460x253, 20:11, norm420.png)

He founded Starlink, brings internet to people anywhere in the world, he was a founder of Paypal, huh you use paypal dont you ? The creator of Tesla those are some find electric cars…..WAIT A MINUTE, HOLD THE FORT…HE HATED JEWS


>Fearing Arrest, Netanyahu Reportedly to Skip Auschwitz Liberation's 80th Anniversary in Poland
>The Polish report cited Poland's Deputy FM as saying that his country 'is committed to respecting' the World Court's decisions.
man >we missed some real kino with that arrest
imagine pics/vids of bibi in chains at auschwitz, struggling against armed guards while being escorted into a "temporary holding cell" that was an old prisoner barrack

PROTIP: dont tell the person youre trying to arrest that youre trying to arrest them


the wooden doors though, they wouldnt have been able to hold him


they just wanted to give him a shower, do some dental work, then he could go for a swim in the pool afterwards or see the new charlie chaplain movie


Almost 3% of Poland's population are bonafide kikes it was a warning if anything


>dont tell the person youre trying to arrest that youre trying to arrest them
bibbly ten yoohoos most likely has frens in every single western gubmint and prolly many non-western gubmints that would tip him off regardless, mossad and see eye gays tentacles stretch vary far and for all their retardation and insane psychopathy they're p gud at getting the word out when they want to


i guess they found assads sons or whoever maher al-assad is i cant member speed factory?
internet says fenethyline, which basically just amp. ive heard festies have that shit sometimes, theyll say its mdma so they can rip ppl off. i also remember talking to some lebanese guy who said it was a rly big street drug all across the mideast
guess you gotta beat the sanctions somehow. someone mustve watched breaking bad

what is it with ppl in the desert and making uppers anyways?
some kinda gonspiracy


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lots of it is prolly sold illicitly across asia and the rest of the mideast. member how much bank ISIS had? they weren't funded solely by ciabux, they got their money from plenty of other sources too


most of the heroin near me back when i was a kid was taliban
literally "da bomb"
great stuff, better than the chinkshit fent crap nowadays. poor dumb zoomer junkies cant even buy real heroin anymore


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File: 1734987609819-1.mp4 (4.4 MB, 576x562, 288:281, john rocker edit.mp4)

>john rocker posting the edit himself



downers in the desert prolly sucks a lot especially if you have to pray in the correct direction 5 times a day or risk a beheading/torture


well they def do dope
tho i think its more opium. idk tho i never asked
but i remember seeing some crazy statistic that like 80% of iranian men are addicted to opium. which is bullshit but i believe it. iran must fucking suck to live in and opiums gotta be as cheap as it is anywhere in the world

it was a rhetorical anyways tbh
they do illegal shit inna middle of the desert cuz theres no cops inna desert


he earned that toldyaso


What did she do?


Nah, they will just do the same, like give missiles to Iran and Houthis. Proxy wars all around the world.


It's probably 80% of Iranian men have tried opium. Only 3% of their adult male population is addicted (which is still hell of a lot). Gotta keep in mind in the regions bordering Afghanistan opium is cheaper than beer beer is "legal" and cheap in Iran you just have to pay a tax saying you're a Christian in order to produce/imbibe in it, so the Armenian places that sell it sell A LOT of it and basically just turn the other way and don't ask questions about your religion.


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lel i guess assad got divorced for xmas
bishes rly aint shit but tricks and hoes
the MOMENT the powers gone
>were just not compatible
>i dont see it working out longterm
>sign here pls kthx


>what did she do?
she sat down on the subway


Was asleep when a nigger passed by. See >>1669891
the Jew York rat tunnels are a special kind of hell where even a brief half-second of eye contact or ignoring a nigger having a schizo-fit in "the wrong way" will get you stabbed. Now add illegal beaners to the mix who can literally get away with murder so long as it doesn't hit social media (and just get a slap on the wrist if it does), and it's 10x worse.


vatniks saying is lie blyat

>The Kremlin on Monday rejected Turkish media reports which suggested that Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, wanted a divorce and to leave Russia.

>Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also rejected Turkish media reports which suggested that Assad had been confined to Moscow and had his property assets frozen.
>Asked on a conference call if the reports corresponded to reality, Peskov said: "No they do not correspond to reality."
>Turkish and Arabic media reported on Sunday that Asma al-Assad had filed for divorce in Russia, where the Assad family were granted asylum this month after rebels took control of Damascus following a lightning advance.


>Gotta keep in mind in the regions bordering Afghanistan opium is cheaper than beer
oh i got it in mind thats why i know about it, my budys older bro was a ranger in afghanistan
told me all about the poppy fields and the whole trade, yrs before that news broke, when we were high af on acid
tbh i was still a kid so i didnt know what was real and what was just bullshit
turned out it was all real and he was just telling us the kiddy stories instead of the horrifying stories of hiding in a foxhole with the corpse of his dead friend for a night he wanted to be able to bury him and talibros were just btfoing the whole mt top w rockets all night


now this is a real conundrum, both sides of this are known liars
guess i'll jus believe that assad isn't even in russia


shes got to be pushing 50 by now. time to trade her in for a newer model


it kinda seems too goofy and politically pointless to lie about
like who would they be demoralizing? assad? im sure hes already there

plus women are flighty
thats why assad was always buying her fucking gucci and other western namebrand shit
try to keep her around
now its all gone, so she is too


Commiefornian ballot initiative went into effect. Niggers coping and seething that they gettin' felonies for shoplifting again.


is newscum shitting and farting his pants rn


If I had to take a guess this is just Saudi/Turkish propaganda because their citizens keep fleeing to Russia to go be degenerates, so they are trying to push the "if you go there your wife will leave you for being a loser" narrative. She's like 50 so unless she wants to go back to the UK and face bullshit charges for being his wife, and make mad dosh writing a UK propaganda book saying he raped/abused her (which would be out-of-character for Assad) there's no reason for her to get divorced at this point. Assad divorcing her would make more sense, but he's planning to move to the primarily-Turkish part of Russia IIRC so that would make locals massively shit on him if he did. Unless it's Assad wants the divorce but he's making his wife take the fall in exchange for cash settlement in order to avoid the reputation hit when he moves.

He's probably too busy sucking Xi's dick.


>orange county
>they dont play
ha thats the CA govts hometown
they wont let you shit where they eat


she prolly just wants to disappear tbh
hard to do that when youre married to a dude whos wanted on human rights violations in lik 90% of the world


>goofy and politically pointless to lie about
yah but it's not like mere prettiness is out of anyone's league either


disappear where tho if anyone cares enough they'll find her


>not being petty little fucks
cmon, spanon


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>Former President Bill Clinton is in the hospital after developing a fever, spokesperson says


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>tfw you chew 5 gum


so turns out school breakfasts/lunches only really came about because niggers dont feed their chilluns

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