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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1675121[View All]

all whorbs have until Monday to find a man to impregnate them or else one will be automatically assigned to you by Your Federal Government -GHOST, Head of Project 2025

vary vary soon
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dup just mentioned "j6 hostages"
now talking about how they deleted evidence about it


>liz cheney is a crying lunatic


wew kissinger krew btfo


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melania looks lik a fucking secret agent tbh


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ruh roh


blumpf gonna give him the ol corrective raep


sheem looks like she really doesn't want to be there
>talking about her feet
dup what the fuck


j6 QATRIOT talking somewhere but i can't see him


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there he is


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he's gonna start signing things


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signing in cabinet members


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>order that flags will now be flown at full-mast on inauguration days
old men better start timing their deaths better


melania with the hat man drip




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a diet coke for the king




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not like it matters beaners can't read english anyways


enron talking now


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They're all legally liable this time if they don't.


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Vivek has fallen out of favor for actually wanting to fix the cunt. It's ogre.


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only vivec i want to hear about is this girl-man, god-man, is-isnt, god-notgod could really clean shit up with a little bit of chim


oh shit is he talking about killing cianiggers yet?


God wants him on that throne and the will of the people will be heard regardless of what these slimy reptilian bastards want. They knew they had to back down or else it would be war.


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heem transported into our world it can't be helped spro


i can't belieb ghost marked me as a bot wtf


she got thrown out with the bathwater when dup found out she got a nosejob to pretend to be Jewish
was getting too schizo for her own good


it got to the point where my mom was asking me who she was and i had to bluntly tell her that she is insane and not to believe anything that comes out of her mouth
also chek'd


>He got us fiber
WHERE? I'm sitting here with 40mbps and that's considered corporate-tier top gud speeds around here worth spending $100 dollarydoos a month lmao


what part of bumfuck nowhere you live in budy? starlink prolly gives better speeds than that
my aunt and uncle have it and they live in a cabin way out in the sticks and can stream 4k movies no problem


It's got iron-rich soil it's not about the resources it's about establishing a base of operations to ship He-3 and platinum back to Earth from distant asteroids.


Colorado, in one of the urban areas. Fucking mountains keep us from getting cheap West Coast internet and distance keeps up from getting East Coast internet and our governor signed a 30 year contract with fucking CENTURYLINK AND COMCAST of all people man. Starlink don't work because of the housing density and mountains.


mountains are tough


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lotta people just standing along the side of the road waiting for dup to drive past them, i'd assume most of them prolly couldn't get tickets into da arena and are trying convince themselves it was all worth it
glad i didn't go tbqhwyfam


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i was wondering if there was any protests
found one stream of a single protest in DC. a bunch of lefties taking turns talking about palestinian genocide. no massive fake and gay protest of crippled afro-indian ximmin representation in central banking
>we rly are in a new paradigm




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>Attendance at the Washington march was, according to the Associated Press, "far fewer than the expected 50,000 participants, already just one-tenth the size of the first [2017] march".
lel completely castrated, can't even protest anymore


i cant wait until theyre all trapped in crystals
whens that supposed to start?


its more that in the past, there was a tad more funding




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‘Don Colossus’: why a 15ft bronze Trump statue will tower over Ohio
>‘Crypto bros’ have clubbed together for a $400,000 tribute to Donald Trump’s defiance of his assassination attempt — ready in time for his inauguration
>On a rainy afternoon in the hills of eastern Ohio, half a dozen bronzesmiths stood and marvelled as a giant was winched to its feet, sparkling in the lights.
It was Donald Trump as they had never seen him before — 15ft tall, one fist punching the air and looking a little slimmer than usual.
The sculptor, Alan Cottrill, said his patrons wanted a Trump without too many folds of skin under his chin. “I had a good turkey neck on him,” he said, but it had to go.
>The clients were also insistent that the sculpture should look as if it were made of gold.
Cottrill, 72, is a prolific sculptor who has made bronze statues of 16 past presidents, casting them at the foundry he and his friend Charlie Leasure built on a hilltop at Leasure’s hay farm. His bronze of Thomas Edison stands in National Statuary Hall in the US Capitol building.
Usually, the statues are lifesize, although Cottrill has produced a couple of “ten-footers”, of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.


sheem don't wanna be there at all, but hubby is a good man to her so she keeps it to herself


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