>>1676765ya just skipped thru that track of urs and it sux
whats one of ur fav alan lomax recordings
his dad john lomax did a lot of great work to
>>1676773i don't listen to communists
>>1676723bartok did it better tbh
his recording equipment was a LOT worse tho. if he hadnt gone out when he did to record, and later transcribe, most of that shit it prolly wouldve been lost forever due to fucking gommunism
also balkan folk music is crazy af
when heem was trying to figure out wtf to do in 20th century classical music he heard some servant gril singing old folk songs. he remembered how strange a lot of that stuff was, and portable recording had just been invented, so he set out for several years all across the balkans and eastern yurop to try to transcribe it
most of his melodies
and that song specifically are literally just that: old folk melodies from wherever. he obviously gets a bit more weird w it sometimes, but odd time signatures and polytonality arent even rly that foreign of concepts to balkan music, so it ended up being a p gud fit.
thats why his shit is so radically different from all of his contemporaries. they were all getting lost in the sauce with stupid shit lik serialism or whatever, meanwhile his stuff was actually based on something real
either way, gud thing he did, cuz if he waited a couple extra decades a lot of that stuff prolly wouldve been wiped out cuz commies think folk
anything is muh counter-revolutionary.
hes one of the first, if not outright the first, real ethnomusicologists in modern history
>>1676868thats raly cool budy i had no idea. im gonna look more into his werk, ty. i rly lik that kinda stuff but get "lost in the soss" of just focusing on one or two dudes and then forgetting about it all for a year or more
>>1676779yah it's worse you listen to maidcore
>>1676870did i ever bully you into listening to ravel?
listen to ravel
im not gonna dl this whole thing cuz itll be enormous adagio in the middle is prolly the best thing ever written imo. all the classical nerds always clown on the 1st/3rd movements but thats just cuz they cant into jazz. the cross-pollination is cool af and conservatory music nerditry prolly wouldve become less irrelevant now if they followed that train of thought
ravels, i think, the perfect representation of wtf studying music at that lvl your whole life can mean. an intersection of max-autism lvl virtuosity and unrestrained creativity
>>1676992>bully you into listening to ravel?no it wouldnt have worked cuz idgaf about bein bullyed nor mattered cus i have listened to gravel before. ill listen to that ditty tho since i enjoy stuff lik that n yu sound vary stoked about it
heres an unrelated composition by sum spic band thats ok i guess. gud energy at least.
>>1677880duno why but this is making me think of point and click games from the 90s
File: 1739018601055.mp4 (10.12 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Meg Myers Something To Hol….mp4)

File: 1739041194607.mp4 (41.15 MB, 922x720, 461:360, Chiphead - an Atari 2600 d….mp4)

yu guys lik sum atari chiptunes?
>>1679826tbh i never knew the 2600 actually had enough audio channels to do something lik that
not that 3 is a lot, but every atari game i ever played had simple beeps and occasional white noise for when youd blow up/die or whatever
this land is my land
it isnt your land
i got a shotgun
and you aint got one
ill blow your head off
if you dont get off
this land was made for only me
get off of my property
>>1680800its lik apparently playing with timings and da instruments
vid unrelated but more atari chiptunes is p gud