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its a tampa kinda day
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 No.1629899[View All]

here, queer, spend your money
how you peppering that angussy?
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how are you guys fucking up stove rice?
they rally that big of an upgrade if ur rice game is gud?
hot sauce, or just buy whatev veg is on special. greens r gud in it, can eat dandelion greens if ur super poor budy but then u should just do a garden


>cooking rice on a stove top makes me want to commit violent murders
its not that bad
just give it a lil more water than usual
i usually throw some butter or oil in it too so then even if im totally retarded and forget i was cookin it doesnt get all fucked to the bottom of the pot


they're so legit they need an mc hammer endorsement
the rice is perfect every time, they can do all kinds of rice, and cooking is so goddamn easy
>add water
>add rice
>push button
>wait for beep
but that's not even the best part
if you get one of the fancy jap models that lock and seal they can keep your rice fresh cooked for like 24 hours after it finishes


my rice is nice already add 2 cardamom pod and 2 anise to 1C rice but
>fresh cooked for like 24 hours
may have sold me. hows jap material these days?
leaving sketch MTR teflon on heat sounds iffy


if your stove sucks it's easy to accidentally turn the whole pot into one giant sticky ball of bullshit. just gotta watch it more closely in that case but you could also just get a rice cooker i guess


i already have a pressure cooker that i got for free cuz my sister bought one for my mom for Christmas but Macy's fucked up and delivered two at no extra charge so i got the other one. rly nice for cooking beans, can have dried beans ready to eat in under an hour without soaking, shit's great.
also have a meat grinder and pasta cutter that i have yet to use, could i just buy cheap cuts that they're about to trash anyways and grind em up?


problem is it boils over really fuckn easily if you add too much water then you got rise residue all over your pot and stove that you have to clean up, too little water and it all becomes a burnt mess by the end
even when ur doing it in an instant pot when you open the pressure release all the rice residue sprays out like a volcano


its not about fucking it up, its that to get it consistent you really need to be on it the whole time

its also highly dependent on your stove top type, i mean god forbid you are a electric top user trying to make rice

with a rice cooker, its just wash the rice, add some water, add your chosen spices, DONE and clean up is so fucking easy


sounds lik you guys are converted but 3:2 w:r, cover, bring to boil, shake or stir, low for 20-25 mins. less work than ramen
they sound nice tho, just have bunch of appliances already ig not poo pooing em


>i mean god forbid you are a electric top user trying to make rice
electric stoves are unbelievably gay and shitty, but that shouldnt be an issue either, frankly
are you lik adding the rice before the waters boiling or some retard shit?

just wait till it boils, add rice, stir it a bit, throw in sum oil/butter, and cover it and drop the heat


>just have bunch of appliances
single-purpose appliances are memes for bored housewives who already have enough dildos
imo at least


if my stove wasn't shit i'd just use that, but it works well enough for most other stuff and i'd rather just buy a rice cooker for less than $100 than spend minimum $500 on a lower end new stove


muh rice goes into cold water, comes out fluffy as a geisha's bush
i do lower temp for longer on the actual cooking but basically gordong vers


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>already have enough dildos
like shoes, women can never have too many dildos


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I didn't feel like playing guessing games with the wordfilter so enjoy some FAT TEXT
I have no idea what the teflon guy was on about, Maybe it’s a different kinda rice cooker

i had a cheap one which was just a pot, a lid, and an on button that switched off when it was done, but then i tried the fancy ones that seal up, and those Are the ones that do the fancy shit I was talking about. Those are like computers minus all the soyboy IOT faggotry So idk how you could ever fuck it up if you’re just doing rice/butter/water But I don’t add butter so YMMV I guess? If you’re worried about quality as long as your rice cooker comes from a civilized country (NOT CHINKSHIT)you shouldn’t have to worry。 Japs, koreans, etc. can’t afford proper doors or beds but everyone has a rice cooker
while you’re at it look up prewashed rice. it’s the new sliced bread
Not wrong but unless you’re keto or something every meal involves rice or bread (unless its noodles), so any single use appliance that solves the bread and/or rice problem is worth it


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🇨🇳📉❓🇯🇵🖨📈 Japanese bonds trade lower than China's for the first time ever

🔶 Japanese 30 year government bonds now yield more interest than Chinese 10 year bonds.

🔶 Deflationary conditions have rocked China's economy as the PBoC has refused to devalue the Yuan, a move historically done to maintain Chinese industrial competitiveness.

🔶 Chinese officials and central bank authorities unleashed strong domestic stimulus shortly after the US Fed cut rates in September in hopes of lifting the Chinese economy and Chinese stock prices.

🔶 Beijing has been reluctant to stimulate its economy or devalue the Yuan, as devaluation would damage the Yuan's nascent attempt at becoming a credible reserve currency overseas.

🔶 At the same time, Japan has finally seen a whiff of inflation not seen since the 1980s. This has put the Bank of Japan on its current path of rate hikes, while the rest of the world, and especially China, are on a path of rate cuts and disinflation.

🔶 This is likely due to Japan running out of workers now outweighing depressed spending caused by an older population skew.

🔶 Similar to Europe a decade ago, China is now experiencing its first wave of mass retirement, while the baby bust has not yet fully caught up to drastically erode the size of the Chinese labor force.


should i buy nippongo stonks and see what happens?


Given Chinese laws on taking care of senior citizens and the state of their housing market, deflation is gonna hurt bad even if inflation is the devil.

Japan dropped below 1.6 which is the minimum fertility rate necessary to prevent complete societal collapse (1.3 in 2022), so long-term investment is suicidal.
If they start mass-importing foreigners then short-term investments are likely viable.


japan about to be full of crikmonkers


i need to visit japan before globohomo adds 20 million shitskins to it


it was pretty great. filled with japanese people everywhere you looked
a wonderful thing.
one of the worlds last bastions soon to be gone…


muh credit score keeps going down in 1 - 4 point increments wtf. as far as i can tell nothing new has been opened in my name and my spending habits haven't changed, i always pay my credit cards off in full at the end of the pay period. wtf is even the point in being a good plastic card goy if stupid shit like this is gonna happen anyway i may as well just debntsmax not like i actually own anything in this gay fuckin world


stop feeding the jew and ditch the cards altogether


Only way to increase credit score is to hold long-term debt and make minimum payments on it but maintain enough in savings to pay off at least 1/3rd of it at any time.


>he doesn't open new cards to take advantage of introductory 0% rates for 12-36 months
>he doesn't use this to get interest free loans
>he doesn't use introductory 0% balance transfers when opening new cards to keep it going for years at a time
>he doesn't take advantage of 2-6% cash back while paying off in full
wtf anon lmfao


you're right i'll just stop buying stuff i need or want online and can't find anywhere locally because there's no fuckin economy to speak of here how silly of me
i do all of that it's only the past couple months that shot got weird. fuck man i really hope some criknigger didn't get ahold of my identity and i just can't see what they're doing


mines been all over lately too. up and down 15-20 points, miteb fico10 move but have no idea. 1-4 isn't an alarm tho
shits talmudic nonsense


uhm excuse me but some of us are number spergs this is vary much an alarm tyvm


only problem with my credit score is my length of credit, only got my first card a few years ago and that's dragging everything down
still at about 700 something though


maybe dont buy thangs you cant afford



i knew a guy who was all about that shit, and relatively successful at it
seemed appealing
then i went over to his house once and saw him """doing taxes""" and it was lik that one ep of always sunny where charlie loses his mind from his mailroom job


>>>paid off in full every month
maybe learn to read
or not, every bort has to have a dummy after all otherwise it's boring


same didnt have a bank account until 2019 and meem hospice
700+ is damn gud for only couple years fwiw hit 800 from zero after ~4 years and had same random jumps/drops while spergmaxxing at exactly 4% utilization every month
its just goblins playing darts


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BRICS doin a summit oct 22-24
them talking about releasing UNIT on mbridge next summer, first picrel backed by 40% gold is interesting
whitepaper for the tismos https://wp.unitfoundation.org/


so its lik a crypto currency, but actually backed by gold and irl currencies instead of fuckall and a prayer?
cryptofags btfo
i dont see how that would be much more resistant to interference than anything else tho. they can and will fuck with FX, and metals is the most controlled market of all


>no plan to enable reverse convertibility
plus from what i was reading it was invite deal, not open air crypto. so just an internal BRICS thang, them still rightly mad af about swift


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Like >>1655751 said you won't be able to trade it for dollars in large quantities; money changers have always existed historically and you will be able to buy BRICs-coins or whatever if you only need like $5,000 worth for a vacation or something.


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great effortpost budy
saudis off petrodollar, them and UAE in BRICS, i dont feel so good fiat flock


it seems lik a cool idea tbh
the only problem i see is the idea of entering a longterm economic thang w china
thats just asking to be fucked over. practically begging for it


well tbf chinr is less likely to mujahedin your bordering cunts
plus theyre prob all sussy af about each other which makes for gud international business


wouldnt this totally cuck BR tho?
as i understand it, BRs entire economy has been built up from having pretty severe tariffs on foreign goods. that all goes out the window if you can now trade directly, without even currency exchange, for cheap chink shit. theyll flood your cunt with it and any sort of hope for competitive manufacturing is fucking toast. NAFTA tier. youll have entire cities turning to ghostowns lik the rustbelt in the 90s


idk all im saying is drop china. thats like asking to be turned into some banana republic, just for the far east this time instead


lik if they think that 30% limit of yuan is gonna keep chang from fucking around, theyre clueless. that countrys entire history is so scheisty, its literally baked into their culture at this point. give em an in, and theyll fuck you


Nah, Shina imports a shit ton of raw goods/agriculture goods from the Brrrrs. Huezil makes about 30 billion annually off of trading with the chinks (90 billion - 60 billion in imports from yellow land). Under the petrodollar Br has lost 20% of their GDP in the last decade so they're pissed/want out.
it's not that simple /sp/ro the chinks are slimy bastards but when it comes to large-scale trade they are fairly stable/trustworthy (as far as international trade goes)
it's just dumb cunts let them buy a naval base or some crap to cover their trade deficit debts and then they're a vassal within a decade if they allow that shit (see: Africa)


the other options realistically are IMF or solo. rest of BRIS would live up to its name and peepee cut em if they fuck around while making all these moves against mcbux. them chinky not suicidal


>Bank of America warns that gold may be the final safe haven as US Treasuries face risks from rising national debt.

remember when i made these threads and i told you to buy shiny? you remember not buying shiny? haha those were fun times


i member i couldn't afford gold two years ago and i sure af can't afford it now
got some silver tho even if it winds up meaningless i've got something to look at
luv shiny
kill 4 shiny


10-4 budy


i rember i couldn't afford it then and i sure as shit can't afford it now
i was fucked the moment my little bro lost his job and i covered his ass tho' debating just going homeless and paying off student loans in the next 3 months so i can file for bankruptcy on the rest of my debt

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