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 No.1632877[View All]

I'm traveling to America for the first time today. How do I stay alive and maybe even enjoy my time there.
358 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


all i see is some wily coon


that coon is RABID


dude wtf how are you here BOTH times someone tries to assasinate dRumpf


>trump shot at when indiabro first visited
>trump shot at again during indiabro's second visit
polidicks aside are you enjoying your trip more this time around?


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Yes I am here on a mission to btfo dup. I swear it, weird shit happens where ever I go.
Weather is cooler than the last time I was here so it is pleasant. Been busy with work so haven't been hanging on much. Next week I made some plans to go to the Pacific coast and go hiking so I'm looking forward to that.


>go hiking
real pretty out there. hope you enjoy it


tell weird stories budy. you conjure a chaos tulpa or what?
sweet, PNW hiking is prob the best hiking in the cunt


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Normally nothing big, and it's typically interesting coincidences to me personally.

Well the first month I arrived in Japan, Typhoon Hagibis hit the Tokyo and it was the biggest typhoon to ever hit Japan. Then 3 months after that the Covid-19 pandemic began can't really count that though.

I think the weirdest thing was the first week I moved to my first job in Japan. I went to a fast food joint in the next town and the person I sat next to suddenly spoke to me in English, saying that he's a local politician that used to be the mayor of the town and invited me to see city hall. A few years later on he invited me to a get together where the former prefectural governor attended so I met him too.

A few years ago I climbed Mt. Fuji but it was raining the whole time so it was a terrible climb. But luckily, because of the rain, when I reached the summit, it was full of snow, was beautiful. I was told that normally people don't get to see snow on the peak of Mt. Fuji so I was pretty lucky, it even made the news. Also I met a group of hikers at the summit, got friendly with then and descended together, made friends with them which was neat.

Oh just to be clear, the pacific coast and hiking trips are separate, not sure where I will hike yet.


>subhas chandra bose


a lot of indians speak some level of english right? the nip politician probably noticed you because "brown indian guy in japan" stands out and he probably figured you were more fluent in english than japanese. it's p cool though especially since you wound up meeting a fuckin governor because of it. makes me wonder how many random encounters like that happen on the daily


Yeah basically that. He spoke to me, introduced himself to me, gave me his business card and said to contact him whenever. In Japan most people keep to themselves so I was surprised he even started to talk to me. Really incredible. Thought stuff like that only happens on TV or something.

Though being an Indian in Japan especially in a small town, I stand out a lot and sometimes people talk to me, typically store people at a restaurant or old men in hot springs. Since I also speak Japanese, the older generation seem more inerested to talk to me, I guess in their time foreigners speaking Japanese was rarer that's why. Younger people don't seem to care that much.


i wish the local mayor went to talk with me when i was in japan ;_;


My white American co-worker who's big and /fit/ told me that the first day he came to Japan, some nip guy on the street came up to him and said "Wow! You American! BIG COCK!". I guess white people have that kind of experience.


ah i wish i had that experience
i really wanted to interact with the locals but i wasn't going to impose myself on them. if they had interacted with me at all i would have been very frendly


please do sum obnoxious perverted indian stuff while you are in oregon
mak rapr on some stupid leftist feminist whorb


As a tourist yeah it's tough, especially if you can't speak japanese. When I was in Tokyo I rarely had these experiences but it's a lot better in smaller towns.


all I got were American Boomers who got mad at me when I talked to them in Japanese when it came to Tokyo
now Sendai area, their government is suuuuuuper anti-gaijin compared to 90% of Japan because of the whole WWII firebombings, but the people there love talking to froeigners


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how does every travel thread eventually become a japan thread?
in a week it'll be /djt/


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>Everywhere that is cheap is dangerous
>Everywhere that is nice is $$$
>Everywhere that is affordable is just bastardized American culture without any of the freedoms
>Everywhere that is affordable, safe, and not just a concrete jungle disbars you from ever working in a field that requires some kind of security clearance if you go there
unless you are going for bsns/CIA raisins
Japan strikes that sweet spot of affordable, safe, and unique without banning you from ever working in like 80% of STEM jobs because they have that one military contract that requires clearance


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that image would look better without a background


citation needed


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How should I celebrate the 10th anniversary of independent /sp/?


do a school shootaroo


red ryder truk rental


>go to da sauna
>eat apples
>drink water


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Co-worker invited me to dinner with other people to a korean restaurant. Food was tasty. Got drunk on gook booze. Not a bad night.


>working for glowniggers


Soju is so good. Tastes a lot better than schochu. Just gotta avoid mixing it up with that other corn liquor they make that tastes like satan's asshole


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funny man you go to 731-2 last


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I went hiking near Tillamook state park. Nothing too fancy but was a comfy hike. There were a lot of weird mushrooms along the way.


holy shit that looks like a nice place. was there a trail leading to those railroad tracks or did you just wander off and happen to find those? it looks like pretty thick vegetation there


Tillamook makes pretty good cheese and ice cream


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There was a trail that led to the tracks. Took a detour and walked on the tracks for a while but it was a dead end. It was a nice 3.5 mile trail that looped back. Weather was cool, air was good, felt really nice.

Yeah I heard. Wanted to check it out but another time I guess.


at least nobody ripped em up and paved it for once.
seems very common here to rip up old tracks and make nature trails for cripples instead of leaving american railroading history alone.


did it simply dead end into the woods? or was there like a caved in tunnel or something? the weather on most of the west coast is great
they simply may have not gotten around to it yet, it's a state park and they don't typically have the level of funding that the national ones do. at least the ones in my state sure as fuck don't


oh wait it's actually a state forest so they probably won't be putting asphalt down or really messing with it at all outside of maintaining dirt trails


Dead end to the woods. Nothing much after it so I went back to the original trail.


i lik trans


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I lik trans


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Finally got to see the Pacific Coast, went to Cannon Beach. It was beautiful. A lot of seagulls and dead washed up jellyfish.


put your peepee on that jelly fosh and see what happens


hell ya that place is gorgeous. hit any restaurants? hows the water levels looking?


famous place from the goonies movie
the house is in Astoria


High tide, pretty strong waves. I ate fish and chips at a Pub, was delicious.

Shook it a bit with my foot. Was very jiggly and slimy.


find the most endangered one then grind it into a powder and sell it to some chinese people as an erectile dysfunction cure


what gta 5 mod is this?


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Flying back to Japan today. Overall fine trip. Was a bit more busy at work so I didn't go out as much as before but whenever I did, it was fun. Had an early flight from Portland, sky seen in pic related. In San Francisco airport now having a cold brew coffee, passing the time till my flight.

Until next time!


nice pic. safe flying budy


safe travels budy. let >us know if you come back before november and >we'll take bets on if trump gets another assassination attempt


no what you want is the clams
i used to know a guy who did that in the PNW. theres a specific type thats exclusively around there and theyre p shit for eating, but the chinese unironically use em as boner pills so they pay out the ass for these otherwise kinda useless clams
hed just walk up and down the beach and blast the clams out of their holes with compressed air or some shit lik that i cant remember.
sounds retarded and shitty, but less so than the chinese

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