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/sp/ - Sparts

its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1637939[View All]

watch weird sparts and protests and shiet
533 posts and 176 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1723232082803.mp4 (17.69 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, usa v ausfail.mp4)

new this year unless i'm in a fever dream
sick vid


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>using their fake names
oh fuck that means we really are going to see foreskinvelourskin at the olympic esports


niggers maybe


is this raly lolympic level breakdancing?
ive seen rando street performers doin way crazier shit


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women BTFO
algeria wins gold


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shouldnt use that word, theres no way to tell scientifically
BRICS is gonna start their own limpdicks at this point


>scientifically solid system how to identify men and women


Dr. /sp/ will need to perform a pelvic floor exam


certified icoc penis inspector


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may this /sp/rother be free


Special Olympics already on?


even a nigger is preferable to a white single mother trying to outnigger a nignognigger


i'll put a yt single mom over a virgin putting niggers above yts
let alone while posting a stupid nigger video with zero self awareness


Brake dancing is in the fucking olympics? What the fuck is this bullshit?
What is next?
Fucking starcraft matches?


just have some faggot shove a finger up their asshole, since im pretty sure troons still have a prostate


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your cunt is smellier than hers tbh fr fr tho


fortnite matches lets gooooo


call your mom and fig it out, or hire a prostitute and just… talk to her
white race is still here for you despite you abandoning it cuz feefees <3


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stop pretending youre white, don't lie on the internet like that


lel, alden++
sorry that you lost the way but it's your fault and not tfwnogf or your dads at this point. come back to the fold my serf


serbs arent white, italians are whiter, the spanish are whiter, the t*rks are whiter, even americans are whiter


much as i hat identifying, bet $ its not the serb. just a lost sheep in my flock


lol shut up autist


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please: either stahp feeding me the ball or stop pretending to fit in


what is this schizo retard babbling about now? did the usa winning apehoop break his brain or something?


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hi guys i like to LARP as anybody that people dislike and try to piss them off with low quality shitposts that seem to always get reply and actually get them mad. I don't really have a real identity neither do I have any allegiances to any side. I'll bat for one team and in the next post will go with the other side. Sometimes I even samefag to create the illusion of a conflict and that gets in other people to believe it and engage in it. I don't have a purpose, I just do it because whatever.


File: 1723278268005.jpeg (406.21 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, GUdSIAGWwAA8KFh.jpeg)

Womens bouldering finals is on.


dotz get outta that phants BUTT


>oceania mackenzie
her parents must have wanted a boy


>no shitskins
>not even in the audience
>grlls look kot, fit and slim bodies albeit flat chested
kino sport


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Nip grll is a 20 year old college student but is a skinny little 5ft tall grll that looks like she's 12. Deceptively strong though.


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I don't get it. What kinda name is that?


Oh her father is french, that's why


japans been in a lot of stuff i didn't expect them to be in this time around, particularly the running events. is grorious nippon training their pipo for something? the anime prophecies said nothing about this


I'll go ahead and come clean I am responsible for arguing with myself, I saw people pointing out my samefagging so I started identifying them and trying to annoy everyone I probably have a mental disorder, but I will not be going back to PLW or trashchan and I will probably have another breakdown and do this again and I apologize in advance. No I probably will not stop.


china way ahead in most golds now
some sprats lik volleyball and water polo were expected to be usa golds but americans fucked up

its p much ogre china wins


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gave her bronze back
appealed after 1min 4 sec, deadline was 1 min lel


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suck my star spangled gock shitskins 🦅


If it isn't gold it's nothing
China winning what matters


Good for them
they better take the medal away from the usa nigger and publicly shame her


usa niggerhoop pushed by france niggers

looks like sudan vs nigeria


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The sandnigger tranny filed a lolsuit


god damn
steff curry did the thing
France was so close
amerinigs lucky


Thread bump limit reached and today is the last day. Using this thread:


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LA 2026
we bang ese


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What did >she do? Aside from being fucking ugly?

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