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its a birthday kinda day
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 No.1637939[Last 50 Posts]

watch weird sparts and protests and shiet


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>A fan invasion in the opening match of the Olympic football tournament between Argentina and Morocco on Wednesday caused chaos, with Argentina eventually beaten 2-1 following a VAR review after play was suspended with the score tied at 2-2.
>Argentina's Cristian Medina scored deep in injury time to salvage what looked like a 2-2 draw, but the decision ruling out the goal for offside was delivered about two hours after play was suspended.
>After order was restored in Saint-Etienne and the teams had left the field following the fan invasion, they discovered that the match had not been completed but suspended by officials.
>The venue manager told Reuters the game had been interrupted, adding that a decision about whether the match would be completed was being discussed.
>The teams re-emerged on to the pitch to finish the match in an empty stadium, playing for three minutes and 15 seconds after VAR completed its review and disallowed the goal.
>"I don't remember something like this happening at this level, that the match is suspended for an hour and a half, warming up for 10 minutes and then play three," said Argentina manager Javier Mascherano. "What happened on the pitch was a scandal, it's not a neighbourhood tournament, it's the Olympics."
off to a good start


IOC just approved esports as an olympic event
get ready to watch 400lb ForeskinVelourskin take home the gold in Overwatch next year


most esports fags look really skinny or skinny fat at best


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>"We encourage them, if they go out of the village, not to go out on their own, not to wear team uniform, just to wear plain clothes," she said.


Lapd is there and allowed to carry firearms wew




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thats just a problem with moba and tactikool shooter players. being out of shape doesn't affect performance that much in those.
twitch shooter players are a different breed altogether. many use physical training to keep their reaction time sharp. there are exceptions of course, but there are literally no fatties playing at the top tiers of competition in something like quake live/quake champions for example.

although that being said, letting esports become a lolympic spart is pretty stupid. if esports gets in then auto racism should too, since both involve sitting in a chair for hours on end (and only auto racism requires physical endurance).


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>quake live/quake champions
people still play that? thought it was dead on launch
quake 3 forever


racism makes way more sense than a fuckin gay computer game tbh


i bet i could beat anyone here in q3 and q3 arena 1v1


when bunda


uh huh yeah sur thing budy
can i get ur ferrari when i maek u suk it down?


what you want my ferrari for? you can't drive stick


even if you're going to make esparts a thing, how would you decide the vidya? i mean one of the main features of physical sports is that you can do them anywhere without having to pay for a loicense
i'm not even a freetard or anything, but you'd prolly have to use some autistic foss game if you want to make esports a global standard, anything else just seems kinda wrong on some level


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theyre 60-70 bucks and anyone competing already bought em


soon my gud budy. mebe even milk truk too


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true but that doesn't disprove my point
like i said, imo the spirit of sports is that you can play them without having to pay for anything other than some equipment, and so making paid blizzard/activision shit a globally recognized sport just seems kinda gay
lik olympic sports should be about games made by the whole world, not some faggy company

then again maybe i'm just autistic or smth idk


i'm not a fan of speed climbing but i'm looking forward to the bouldering competition. pretty entertaining imho


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ahh i get ur point now. $ is probably comparable. lotta sparts equipment co's are prob faggy and owned by dupoint or smth right? i should look later
are most events still from pottery land? honestly dont know

IATA budy it feels lik a giant ad and w/troon epidemic & vidya pozz esparts is pretty gay in general


lel wew
this is fukn gay
does anyone care about esports anymore?


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not sure about champions but quake live still has a small but dedicated community mostly in europe (as it always was even pre-steam). hilariously quake live and quake 3 are still more alive than quake 4 multiplayer. quake 4 always sucked though, everyone left it for quake live even during quake live's beta days.
sadly q3 itself is pretty much dead unless you want to join some discord cpma circlejerk or have a ctf fetish, and even then most of the populated servers are in europe.


depends on the sport, equipment costs for some can be far more than usable pc hardware ($1000 "gaming rigs" aren't strictly necessary for most of them using the right competition settings) and whatever online game is involved. i used to play quake live on roughly $300 worth of hardware (in 2006-2008 money) and kept up with players with far better hardware just fine. i'd spend a lot more on equipment + fees if i wanted to play something like baseball semi-competitively.
>lik olympic sports should be about games made by the whole world, not some faggy company
problem with that is open sores games tend to be half-assed and have zero publicity behind them. there are a few that are competition oriented (warfork for example) but aren't popular enough to have small tournaments let alone something global. besides, corporations are already deeply embedded in and ruining the olympics, so its not much different really.

>lotta sparts equipment co's are prob faggy and owned by dupoint or smth right?
mostly owned by the ((usual suspects))
>t feels lik a giant ad and w/troon epidemic & vidya pozz esparts is pretty gay in general
zoomers arent watching real sports like at all, and this e-sport thing is their way of appealing to that demographic. same reason auto racing (indiacar and noosecar mostly) is pushing iracing so hard despite being unaffordable for most people. same reason they are pushing electric car racing so hard too, millenials arent watching either.

>does anyone care about esports anymore?
zoomers are absolutely crazy for it, although most other generations seem to have moved on. i know a few who still think fortnite is serious fucking business.


>like i said, imo the spirit of sports is that you can play them without having to pay for anything other than some equipment
tbh a lotta sparts are not only rly expensive but also cant be played at all without the proper facility/field/whatev
cant play hockey too well without equipment, but you cant play at all without a rink. swimming needs a specifically-sized pool; golf, a well groomed golf course etc etc

>making paid blizzard/activision shit a globally recognized sport just seems kinda gay

thats why thats exactly what will happen. it potentially means LOADSA MONEY for both sides.
whatever the game/publisher is gets mad free intl advertising, and it brings in twitch viewers for olympic shit maybeprolly not even that much tho cuz theyre psychological cucks who can only watch ppl watch thangs. and iirc strimmers get b& for streaming olympics

>then again maybe i'm just autistic or smth id

no. the whole things autistic tbphwu. vidya should be vidya, not an intlly recognized competitive spart. if they wanna compete they should do their own events. and itd prolly make tons of money, idk why no ones rly doing that outside of EVO.
but putting it in the same thang as actual irl sparts is kinda insulting to sparts and spartists and sparistas


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>coordinated attack on infrastructure
why isn't this called terror?


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i think the distinction is that they targeted infrastructure, not people.
much like russia lobbing missiles at civilian buildings full of ordinary people isn't declared terrorism since they are targeting the building and not what is inside.


fuck you stop defending terrorists

because the French government eats this shit up it lets them maintain their iron fist over the populace


>French government eats this shit up it lets them maintain their iron fist over the populace
aint just the french thas for shure


wasnt there lik 3 protest groups wilding and sum big erection owl kerfuffle?


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get yer schedule from a random site i havent checked


wonder if nigress from team usa is gonna quit again


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idk but tpastes have a child rapist, 12 yr old at 19 too :(
its like pottery


>why isnt this called terror?
tbh probably because sandniggers did it


opening ceremony in 1 hour

i guess it will be full of satanic, jewish or freemason symbology


I lik bangladesh


holy shit is this bad


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should've just played this on the jumbotron with some fireworks, would've been 10/10 ceremony


lol 55 yo woman from georgia with her 10th olympics




ok so they ARE startin today i thot someone said it was tomorrow


some competitions started a few days ago


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lol french national anthem sung by negress ofc. feels like 60% of all the performers are niggers or mutts


those didnt count tho cuz there was no fire


paki dawgs


>dont even pick and attractive black girl

french are a genetic waste anyway
just genocide them and the british and europe would be 100% better off


wat happens if at the end of the olympics when whoever wins they decide to take the darklord ending instead of linking the fire? no more olympics?


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i hat frogs


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can't have olympics without troons, right?


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dup is right



why are they like this ?


they lose all their souls and have to restart from the last bonfire


the whole olympic organization is 100% globohomo illuminati


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moot that you???


no there isnt a cock in his mouth


wow! I can't wait…to watch all these…great…s-ports?….. *Sleeps forever*


yah i was gonna shitpost about limpdick sparts here but after seeing that shit i lost all interest in watching any of it. i dont even care about injuries/deaths, fuckin tranny shit ruins everything


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sure there's already dancing on ice skates and gymnasts have dance routines but breakdancing?


welcome to america… bastion of the Great American Nigger


when is dancing horsey tiem?


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>The opening ceremony, which featured a group of performers including drag queens recreating the Last Supper, was criticized by some Christian social media users who saw it as a mockery.
actually satanic


gayest shit im glad i didnt have to see


its replaced by horse cock rape


> i know a few who still think fortnite is serious fucking business.
the one fortnite doood i know is a 30 year old manchild 420woahweedudelmao retard

fortnite is brainrot


>fortnite is brainrot
arguably most modern games are


gayest most jew controlled anti western faggotry of an opening ceremony ever


idk about god… but demons are real.




who else here


change your style to rugby RIGHT NOW


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I lik roogby


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touch dong france.


I still have no idea why snoop dogg is part of team USA


nigger worship


france winning rugby gold is bad
please islambros do the thing


we need to see niggers on screen every one and a half minutes or else its white supremacy


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dude weed


drag queen faggotry everywhere
death to america


someones gotta bring the weed


bud the french could easily be doing this shit of their own accord they were known far and wide for being the biggest degenerates in yurup well before the usgay started dominating everyone


Those french are long dead
all of this is coordinated jewish american faggotry on a world scale


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need more vault grils


lel i only wish >we could live long enough for >us to witness america falling and watch the french continue to crossdress and sniff brown peepees while their neglected females continue to never shave their smelly armpits


now vs Serbia



all serbia
top performance
the niggers look scared
usa to die


come on serbia


we need death to america to happen immediately


reminder that Kosovo IS Serbia


jokic do something


Did Serbia the stronk? Going to bed, don't know.


SRB 42:46 US




doing p gud against the satanist niggers


>6 seconds on the clock
>takes 10 minutes


serbia 49 niggers 58
kevin durannt the only reason


serbia not shooting well. they miss too many easy shots


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>tfw no cute judo gf


>contest decided by penalty point for inactivity
womens sparts in a nutshell


serbs fucking this up. 5 for 24 3pt


surfing competition from tahiti now


usgay niggers were ripe to lose this
Serbia had great looks and shot poorly
durant not missing fucked it all away

death to america


imagine thinking some non-cunt lik serbia could defeat >US in apehoop of all thangs


holy shit this is boring as fuck


why wouldnt they do it in biarritz? thats some of the best surf in the entire northern hemisphere. its literally THE most legendary surf spot in yurop. i mean sure its not in paris but lik fuck its not THAT far. its def less far than fucking french tahiti on the other side of the fucking planet

competition surfan is kinda whack tbh. everyones trying to play it safe and just not wipe out.
also surfing is entirely dependent on having gud waves to surf. moreover its not an easy thing to film and accurately catch the scope of. you end up just looking at a frame where it hardly even looks lik theyre moving. 20ft waves end up looking lik lil babby shit you see in a lake


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>competitive surfing?
>thats for faggots, kikes, and kooks
>t. miki dora prolly c.1967


us of gays will lose in this tournament
serbia is qn actual country
us gay is a fake trade union


hey amerifaggots
how does it feel to have literally zero ethnic identity?
any random nigger or spic or street shitting subhuman can just walk into your fake country and automatically become just like you with the same status


serbia weak
couldn't even remove kebab properly


lel its gotta be a lot better than bein a s*rb thats for sure


meanwhile millions of ayyrabs and africans waltz into the eee yew and rape to their hearts' content and are treated as untouchable gods
at least i can shoot thebguy raping my daughter lel


>implying im not doing the raping


hi toothpaste


oh well in that case brown people opinions are retarded wastes of time and who cares


brown people have an identity
americans are a shit mix of nothing with no identity or anything worth fighting for other than faggotry and mentally ill anal sex training for children before cutting your penis off

western europe is just brainwashed by the same american satanic jewry


i disagree


Reminder that athletes in the olympics are sluts, so getting raping a slut is not a crime.


kc tier gb2krautchan loser


Raping a women as a muslim is not a crime in europa.


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heil hortler faggot


hate to pull a cuc/k/, but lol shut up autist


ok nigger


there are probably like five different people you refer to as the cuc/k/ at this point btw


lol shut up autist


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ha ha


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whats the story here


oh she lost to a uzbeki lel but got the gold last time around so hey at least shes not a TOTAL LOSER


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Abe siblings in Tokyo 2020 olympics both won gold and were ready to do so a 2nd time in paris. She was a favourite to win but shockingly lost in the 2nd round to the world no. 1 and eventual gold medalist. Her brother went on to win gold, making him a 2 time gold medalist.

Nip grlls get very emotional losing in big tournaments like this.


It was rough to watch, hope she can be happy for bro.


im certain thats not how it works
failure is failure. esp in japan
and at the olympics, thats global-level failure


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It's not showa era anymore, they've relaxed a bunch of things now so people don't get that mad at others failures as before. That being said, they individually do put a lot of pressure on themselves so even if everyone else tries to cheer them up, they'll still bear their crosses.

She was still emotional when he won but is likely happy for him, they seem pretty close. In a post match interview he said that he did it for her.


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A trio of teenagers won medals for female skateboard, aged 14, 15 and 16. The youngest won gold. Japan won gold and silver. I remember last time a 13 year old girl won gold. What's up with japamese schoolgirls and skateboard?


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did they get training from tony hawk?


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When it comes to France, I'll always point out that Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) was the last time France wasn't filled with niggers and shitskins. Watch the whole movie and there isn't a single prominent non-white.


>they individually do put a lot of pressure on themselves
thats what im talking about tho
lik youre at the olympics. you only get to do that once or twice rly. and erryone h8s silver cuz getting that close and losing blows
i lik silver tho it shiny




Age 8-14 is basically "prime" for skateboarding. After puberty your center-of-mass is thrown off (doubly so for women) and the more challenging/technical tricks become virtually impossible. By mid-20s it starts eating away at the cartilage in your legs.

Couldn't tell you why it's so popular in Japan though.


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I know for a fact Tony Hawk has reacted to this video but I can't find that video.


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kinda sad that more people know him from the games than his actual skateboarding skills


this sounds like bs
i think its just because you look goofy as fuck skateboarding as a grown ass adult

i know plenty of people who surf into their 60's which is way harder on the body than skateboarding


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only hurts if you fall off


He is a retard that doesn't know how to handle name recognition and normalfags.


It is a really comfy and funny movie, good on Mr. Bean showing how Europa is suppose to look like.


lol shut up autist


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professional skateboarding wasn't really that well known of a thing other than silly xgames things on espn2 that only hardcore spartmen watched. it didn't really last long enough to become truly mainstream either. espn2 being mostly known for its obscure shit nobody would have watched on normal espn probably didn't help matters either.
normalfags just assumed skateboarding was some amatuer recreational fad for stoners like surfing was before it. now its not even shown on the jewish idiot box anymore so that generation's pro skaters are largely forgotten as well as whatever the current ones are, and its mostly relegated to just some counter-culture thing rebellious stoner teenagers do as it always was.

most people (mostly niggers) who play madden games dont know who madden was either. guaranteed its the same for all sparts games with some famous has-been in the title. hell, many probably don't even watch the real thing and just play because of peer pressure.


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she hasn't lost in 5 years and thought she was hot shit. pretty disgusting display tbh. especially coming from a culture where losing face is the worst. strong uzbek girl beat her fair and square with a nice sweeper. last year abe beat her in the world championship final so uzbek gril wasn't a slouch. btw she went on to win gold


cuc/k/ off retard


grills cry all the time at the limp dicks, at least she wasn't glaring bitterly at her opponents back after losing like a certain burger niggress runner from last time


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tonys so fucking sick
look at this kid. 1985 trying fakie 720s. lik what the actual fuck


you try thinking, then repeatedly demonstrating for several consecutive years, that youre the best in the world, only to find out youre wrong in front of millions of ppl globally
i bet youd spill way more retarded spaghetti


>losing at a spart you practically invented and are supposed to be good at
like canadians losing at hockey


>this sounds like bs
Bro there's a reason most of the world records and "impossible trick" records in skateboarding are held by 10-13 y/o boys


i guess if you mean just lik str8 spinning around then yea sure prolly. i think the kid who did 1080 is lik 12. but little kids arent usually the ones doin BEEG thangs, cuz they literally cant yet. the guys that do that stuff are usually in their 20s. or just got raly tall/big early when they were lik 15 like tony. you kinda need to be bigger to be able to skate big ramps to their fullest.

but ppl can do some crazy shit if they feel lik it. and so long as they dont literally break.
this part, even tho its half a fake fuck around on a dirtbike part, has some crazy shit in it. JJ was an old vert skater contemporary with tony. hes lik almost 50 here doin all kindsa crazy full retard shit. tony too. hes finally slowing down now but heem was still doin 720s till just a few yrs ago. just a different breed that never learned fear properly



there's no reason to break down like this. what spartman can't take an L with a shred of dignity after winning everything the past five years. fucking embarassing


Women have all those hormones in them so they can act a little irrational


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Doesn't explain why the men's winners are all adults.


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Should I /sp/?


>queer lesbian
Sounds like a double negative


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wtf are these


>wtf are these
French buttplugs




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>the guy in the costume is not a cripple


>whoa the mens sparts look harder than da womens sparts
a shocking revelation
theyre lucky they even found enough grils globally who were willing to throw themselves down stairs and handrails to run a contest


>mens sparts look harder than da women’s sparts
That’s why so many men are turning into women and playing women’s sports :D :D :::DD


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Apparently France is considering turning the triathlon into a duathlon because the heavy rains caused too much shit to leak into the river off the streets of the city leading to heightened risk of E. Coli poisoning. This is after they spent $1.5 Billion cleaning the damn thing.


pretty sure thats from all the indians shitting in the street, not due to the rain


>t. never been to paris
place has been covered in small dog shit for lik a hundred yrs
they just let dogs shit anywhere its fucking crazy


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it was just a prank bro


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ya man the french are fukn disgusting
on our tour bus going around the arc de triumph we saw some guy just pissing on a tree by the sidewalk
fuck the french


larry nassar bros…


time for your pelvic floor exam


i dont want to watch the troonfist


is that some sort of special attack?


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that's not on my list


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thats because its a new lolympic spart


>chong pong
>not ching pong
this list is bullshit
so is one or both of those a "woman"? tbh i can understand trooning out just so you can punch women in public with impunity


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the 'algerian'
this spaghetti whorb gonna get bopped


but wait! there is more!
>In March 2023, Khelif was disqualified from the 2023 IBA Women's World Boxing Championships shortly before her gold medal bout against Yang Liu for failing a gender eligibility test. International Boxing Association (IBA) president Umar Kremlev said that a DNA test had shown Khelif to have XY chromosomes, and that they "were trying to fool their colleagues and pretend to be women". The International Olympic Committee (IOC) later said that Khelif had been disqualified due to elevated levels of testosterone. In response, Khelif claimed that the disqualification was a conspiracy to prevent an Algerian boxer from winning.
>Due to previous governance issues and judging scandals, the IBA was banned from running the boxing competitions at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. The IOC assumed responsibility for the tournament, using a different set of rules that were based on the rules from previous Summer Olympics.[5] The IOC cleared Khelif to compete under these criteria, stating that she complied "with the competition's eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations". The IOC's decision was the subject of controversy and criticism, including from former boxing world champion Barry McGuigan.


doesn't algeria execute trannies though?
i mean they are sand niggers after all


somehow Muslims are cool with trannies and uncool with fags.


fuck this gay earth


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mohammad was the first troon


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what is 3x3 apehoop and why did USA americans get btfo in it?


if you have to ask you'll never know.


Muslims don't co sider it gay if you get a sex change.
tbh what's the GDP of Algeria? That $30,000 for Gold is probably like 10 years wages in that shithole.


Literally in the name, 3v3 competition. USA does shitty at the sports they do good domestically because professional athletes make too much money to participate in Olympics. They lose more money on their contract than they gain fame showing up for it.


lol is this a real event or a showcase event?


>Muslims don't co sider it gay if you get a sex change.
im p sure thats just iran
lik theyll cut ur dick off whether you want it or not if you get caught bein a fag

algeria just wants a medal and knows, under the current rules, its an ez win. just gotta get ur boi to wear the pantsu for a week or two and knock a couple broads into next week
not the first time, thats for sure. didnt the soviets do the same shit decades ago?


or maybe it was the other way around, with them juicing their female athletes till they looked lik troons. i cant remember but it def happened before. they got DQd iirc


>In the New Delhi 2018 AIBA Women's World Boxing Championships, Imane Khelif participated for the first time, where she ranked 17th after being eliminated from the first round. Then she represented Algeria in the 2019 AIBA Women's World Boxing Championships held in Russia, where she ranked 33rd after being eliminated from the first round against Natalia Shadrina.
>Khelif represented Algeria in the lightweight event at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. She was defeated by Ireland's Kellie Harrington in the quarterfinals.[2]
>Khelif participated in the 2022 IBA Women's World Boxing Championships and became the first Algerian female boxer to reach the final when she defeated the Netherlands' Chelsey Heijnen.[3] She faced Ireland's Amy Broadhurst in the final and was defeated.[4]
imagine transitioning for an ez win and getting btfo not once, but twice, by some ~130lbs irish lass
based ireland and their reverence for fisticuffs. even the chicks can beat tf outta ya


theres a reason why irish boys gotta beat tf out of them lel


its kinda like team deathmatch but gay


allegedly that is what russia got caught doing years ago


>not the first time, thats for sure. didnt the soviets do the same shit decades ago?
The Soviets were a little more subtle about it. They found women with XXY chromosome deformities (still women, still capable of giving birth usually, but usually they got stupidly high testosterone or they got internal glands that produce male hormones in addition to female hormones), and then trained them to be Olympic athletes. This is just flat out having a dude call himself a chick.


Everyone juices. The Russians just got caught because the IOC decided to change the testing rules and tell the Americans/Europeans about the changes before they were implemented so everyone else got caught with their pants down while the Americans/Europeans had time to lay off the juice.

Honestly juicing should be a requirement for Olympic sports. This notion that it's "cheating" is a load of crap and I never got why athletes back in highschool/college got so mad when I'd tell them as much. Having special $1000 designer running shoes so you can run faster is 10x worse than a little extra test circulating in the blood since at least the steroids are cheap enough for 3rd world athletes to afford it.


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>Having special $1000 designer running shoes so you can run faster is 10x worse
don't make much sense to me why they don't use standardized equipment. with all this nonsense about fairness and equity you'd think they would force both rich and poor countries to use the same shit. seems like it is one of the few areas of "professional" sparts where there are little to no standards when it comes to equipment. likely because all the major sparts brands pay off the IOC to keep it that way.

as for juicing, taking a decade or so off of your life just to win some medal probably isn't the best thing to encourage especially considering many athletes participating are little more than teenagers who are still developing physically. raising the minimum age for participation seems to be extremely unpopular however, especially for the more sexualized sparts for some reason.
i do agree though its not really cheating since you are still running up against the limits of human potential no matter how many roids you take and most sparts still require a lot of physical and skills training roids or not.


americans and other brainwashed yuro cunts are full DEI rosters
niggers ruining everything


usa niggers apehoop
vs souf sudan now

usa needed a last second layup by lebitch to beat souf sudan by 1 point a couple weeks ago


who is here to watch a MAN beat the shit out of a woman LEGALLY?



i want to become trans just so i can beat the shit out of women


its p cool you don't even need to take the hormones or cut your dick off anymore
just identify as a foid and get a license to brutalize them in the ring


i want to wear feminine sporting attire so they can see my big 8 inch hog so they can know terror in the ring and than the terror after the ring


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This is interesting. Dutch beach volleyball player convicted for rape of 12 year old is playing in the olympics. Yet, the captain of Japan's female gymnastic team was forced to quit because she was caught smoking and drinking and is underaged (she's 19 and the legal aged in Japan is 20).


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20km Female Olympic walking is wrapping up. Women walking in rather short shorts.


>do serious crimes and you can still play
letting niggers play sparts was a mistake, now any criminal can do whatever
>wrecking your body gets you banned though
well at least that


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>wrecking your body
lel you sound like a fucking faggot
bro its the lelympics. a bunch of hotshot athletes from around the world, aged teenager to 20-something, getting free room and board in a major intl city. every single one of these fuckers is out partying. and theyre allowed to. just prolly not the night before their own events

let the nip whorb have a fucking smoke. not like shes not under enough pressure as is. and its literally legal for her to buy them in paris.
the chomo faggot on the other hand shouldve had his balls removed. but unfortunately he just gets jeered at everywhere he goes, and is allowed to play because toothpastian legislation says AoC is 12 "with parental consent". which apparently translates to "you can just rape passed out 12yos after you get them drunk enough", which is exactly what he did. it was also 10yrs ago so even if he was from a normal cunt and not toothpaste, hed be out.

in either case, nip whorb did nothing wrong according to both french and local parisian law. you cant catch charges for breaking the rules of the cunt youre not even currently in. this is some shady back room shit trying to win an advantage for their own teams. point blank. same shit US did against russia a few lelympics back


unironically gnarly

speaking of partying at the lelympics, holy fuckin moly i bet they got some srs drugs out in polynesia rn
buncha intl surf rats participating in a global competition, and they got sent to the wrong side of the planet


You're aware that most of the underageb& at the Olympics see more seggs in a week than you've seen in your life, right? A little booze is nothing.

Different cultures have different levels of acceptance for different crimes. I'm assuming it was their home countries that said yes/no and not the IOC
IOC is pretty anti-yellow tho'


>you cant catch charges for breaking the rules of the cunt youre not even currently in
You actually can. At least if you're an American all of the laws of America apply to you while overseas in addition to local laws. I imagine the same is true of a lot of shit. This is how the FBI goes after child rapists for sex tourism since usually the sex tourism takes place in countries where you got 13y/o whorbs running around.


are you srsly comparing chomos traveling overseas and renting a 13yo for the night to a literal adult buying a pack of smokes?

regardless, thatd up to nippon, not anyone else. and im p fucking shure they want their team captain to compete and not be DQd.
i said it before: this is just cheating. some 4th place bench-warmers now have a slightly higher statistical chance of getting a medal, and thats all this is. and it only took destroying some grils life over literally nothing to do it


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She was caught during training camp at Monaco. It's the Japan Gymnastics Association being rulecucks about it because she broke their code of conduct more than actually comitting a crime.
Since she was sent home, the team competed with just 4 women instead of 5 and ended up dead last in their competition.


>The Japan Gymnastic Association are being rulecucks about it because it breaks their code of conduct
guess im wrong then
nips are just fucking psycho rulecucks i guess. i kinda already knew it, but christ. who fuckin cares? oh no some 19yo chick had a cigarette, sound the fucking alarms and destroy her life and embarrass her intlly
buncha fucking bugmen holy hell. no wonder they all kys themselves to death

i still wouldnt rule out someone getting paid behind the scenes tho tbh
this is the most competitive that most competitive sparts ever get. i never doubt someone would be willing to pull some shit for even a slight advantage


>She was caught during training camp at Monaco
so its def NOT illegal there either

idk man i smell foul play
esp after seeing
>the team competed with just 4 women instead of 5 and ended up dead last in their competition
yea i bet. get your team capt btfo over literally nothing, then have to just show up and fucking improvise


also applies to koreans as well, their gubmit bans them from smoking weed overseas and they have to take a drug test when they come back into the country and could get arrested if it comes up positive
sk such a fukn shithole wew, at least best korea doesn't try to hide that it's a totalitarian ass backwards cunt but sk tries to paint over it work kpop and samsung and idols n shit but they're even worse


In june a similar incident occurred where 4 underaged japanese skateboarders competing for olympocs qualifiers were caught for underaged drinking. Their names were not made public and were let off with only a verbal warning. Skateboarders less rulecucked than gymnastics.



>sk such a fukn shithole wew, at least best korea doesn't try to hide that it's a totalitarian ass backwards cunt
it seems like its kinda the whole of SEA, or maybe just asia at large tbh
singapores literally an autocracy, chinas a communist dystopia, worst korea and japan a rulecuck nightmare, thailand has some goofy kang and qwayne bullshit, indonesia is a vassal state for saudi royalty. whole hemisphere is just rulecuck fuckery, no wonder they all hate themselves
born under rule of bugmen, forced to bugmanify yourself or perish


In other news, huezilian swimmer got sent back home for breaking protocols by leaving the Olympic village with her boyfriend. Rulecucks everywhere.


shouldnt be an issue at all frankly
thats time-honored tradition in the spart
underage smoking and drinking is when you SHOULD be doing that as a pro skater. gotta do it, realize it makes you kinda shit at skating, then stop. thats what reynolds did. and they dont call him the boss for nothing


at least they hid the kids names tho
lik holy fuck i hate rulecucks and journalists in equal measure.
that nip gymnastics chick is gonna throw herself off a building. just rake her over intlly lik that



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Can't find the full video but the Algerian tranny man beat his female opponent in 46 seconds after just one hit, then she quit the fight and cried after her loss.


Also, he's not the only tranny involved in boxing. There's a Taiwanese dude competing in a different division.


it's called an allegory/analogy
>It's the Japan Gymnastics Association being rulecucks

It's Japan being faggots about their laws while their citizens are abroad, sure. I had a similar thing happen when I was 23 and almost got DQ'd for having a beer while on my own time at dinner post-event because the college had paid for the trip for a bomb disposal competition. They were threatening to sue me for the cost of the tickets, to DQ me from the competition, etc. even though I was of legal age and "off-the-clock."
>this is the most competitive that most competitive sparts ever get.
The more prestige attached the more rulecucks rulecuck, bruv. They get off to that shit.


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Got the video. And post match interview.


look at the size difference between them, unbelieveable
fuck algeria and fuck troons


>nips are just fucking psycho rulecucks
lel yeah even if you're unaware of how they treat their salarymen nintendo's behavior alone should clue anyone in on this with how fuckin nuts their lawyers go over copyright


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>“I’m used to suffering,” Carini said after the fight when she spoke to reporters for 20 minutes through tears. “I’ve never taken a punch like that, it’s impossible to continue. I’m nobody to say it’s illegal. 
>“I got into the ring to fight. But I didn’t feel like it anymore after the first minute. I started to feel a strong pain in my nose. I didn’t give up, but a punch hurt too much and so I said enough. I’m leaving with my head held high.”


translation: im not getting KOd because you faggots want to prove a point. i quit.

way funnier quote from troon
>Khelif stopped briefly to speak to the BBC: “I am here for gold,” the Algerian said. “I will fight anybody, I will fight them all.”
niggas bloodthirsty


nah that's nintendo being pschos, not all nips are crazy like that
sega has never really given a fuck about what people do with sanic or their other IPs. they've acknowledge cwc on multiple occasions too and know he's making money off it


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Manu Bhaker becomes the first Indian since independent India to win 2 medals as she won two bronze medals at Air pistol shooting. Interestingly, the first "Indian" to win two medals in a single event was Norman Pritchard in 1900 for spriting, who was born in colonized India.


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/sp/rothers, don't be such bigots. he's clearly a woman


big win for desi whorbs


lel if i was a troon id be absolutely livid every times the olympics came on
absolutely blowing it on a global stage

also doesnt he still have his cock? italo-whorb shouldve gone for the nads if sheem was just gonna quit anyways


how are the irish grils doin?
that one chick beat xer last time


JD Vance approves


fucking norman reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


should i take the hormones? being able to beat up women for sparts is kinda tempting tbh


You don't need to take hormones anymore
just register as a womyn and beat the shit out of them


i would lick the sweat off that italian fighters ass



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irish gril got eliminated by this hungary whorb

hungary whorb fighting the algerian tranny next


no height advantage for the scrawny faggot this time


when is bitchfist on again?


live events going on now


USA gril lost to uzbek gril
uzbek now has to fight the other tranny from taiwan


the ladyboy is even scrawnier than the algerian
uzbekistan ftw


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bundaball is on!


>That hair
I'm surprised she hasn't been disowned fam


sheem prolly beat up her dad


there's also konami, sony, square enix, bandai, etc etc
they're all lunatics sega is an exception that proves the rule


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>all this rulefaggin
>literal men boxing women


i looked it up
you need a passport that says ur an whorb
thats it. nothing else
not trivial to obtain, but def not impossible


I hope the troon knocks out every fucking woman in this competition in the first round. Womyn spent decades talking shit about how strong, powerful, stunning and brave they were and how they were better than men at everything and now that they’re getting their teeth knocked in by men, after decades of supporting lgbt shit and woke faggotry, they cry about it but only because it affects them personally. I’ve always said that if every illegal immigrant crossing the border was a young hot babe, american womyn would demand a 1000 ft border wall to be built the very next day. All womyn are narcissistic retards who only care about themselves. Ideas like community, honor, dignity, integrity, and responsibility are completely abstract to them. They are the niggers of gender and the only reason we keep them around is because sexbots and artificial wombs haven’t been perfected yet. As soon as those things become widely available for men its over for womyn. When it comes to troons in sparts womyn will have 2 choices: either admit that men are just far physically superior and they can’t compete with them (admitting that womyn’s sparts are irrelevant) or shut up and put up with the trannies. You made your bed now lie in it whorbs.


i wouldnt worry too much m8 it sounds lik youve already removed yourself from the genepool anyways by virtue of being terminally butthurt


speaking of whorbs fighting, what was the one pr0ns where the whorbs all wrassled all oiled up and naked and the loser had to get dicked down by the winner with a strap on?
that shit was p rad
THAT should def be in the olympics


Cool story babe, now make me a sandwich. Hey babe, get back in the kitchen.


>being a literal white knight on an anonymous imageboard


i miss the olympics bros


There is at least one TRUE AND HONEST actual biological woman on /sp/
I will find her and punch her into next week


you should write another essay about it ya sperg
if faggots lik you were in charge itd be state-mandated gay catboi trad wives and fuentes tier faggotry. thats what i see whenever i see butthurt incel ramblings. i see the path that leads to, and imma call it what it is:
vary vary fucking faggy and gay

bitches can be massive bitches, sure, but if you just fucking hate all of em that much then youre literally a faggot by default


>a literal white knight
no no, he's figurative :^)


And xhir name is Dotz.


lol shut up autist


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sounds like you’re angry because no man is interested in you, you ugly bitch. Imagine being a hole that browses imageboards, absolutely fucking pathetic. Tits or GTFO.


>if you just fucking hate all of em that much then youre literally a faggot by default
this is true

but i really would for the record like to be able to get into a ring and SAFELY and LEGALLY beat the shit out of a woman especially if she were a shitlib radfem wahmen or one of these "im a tough guy" lesbos that only act that way because they have yet to be hit by a man

the sad thing about is that olympic spartgirls are probably more conservative in their views


stop replying to yourself you brittney muttni tier lolcow 😂 😂 😂 Name one vagina that posts on imageboard that isn’t a disgusting femcel/lolcow. Don’t worry I’ll wait 😏


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I wish it happened in sparts like tennis where womyn bitch about that more. Don't think anyone cares about female boxing or a bunch of track shit whatever that aren't as lucrative.


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lol shut up autist


>every single one of these fuckers is out partying. and theyre allowed to
No. She was doing an illegal activity and got what she deserve, I bet she is a slut to.


Anyone have the full fight? I want to see a man beat up a woman legally.



lol shut up autist


both look lik men tbqh
wahmen in combat sports is weird unless theyre swedish amazons and carrying shields
mmm tasty


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>no 6'5" amazon gf
why live


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When is the dancey horsey event


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Lebrun is in the semi finals for mens table tennis


nip grlls are cryin again ;_;


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In table tennis they really keep an eye on the ball when serving.


>Athletes have been victims of thefts at the Paris 2024 Olympic village and the incidents had been reported to the police, organisers said on Thursday.
>The Kyodo news agency on Monday reported that a Japanese rugby sevens player had his wedding ring, a necklace and cash stolen from his room at the village, which is situated just north of central Paris.
>Javier Mascherano, head coach of the Argentine Olympic soccer team, reported last week that some of his players were robbed before their first game last Wednesday.
>"Those incidents have been reported to the police," Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told a press conference.
>"We are supporting the athletes and delegations. The village is a very highly secured place."
>"There are more than 180 security cameras, we're very committed to making the village a safe place for the athletes."


What a shithole


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>i wouldn't go to france


Cheese is good.
Her leotard is too tight.


>when da horsey
it ongoing fam started the 27th


whens the poetry slam?


youre at it fam see the asshurt vs asshurt slapfight above


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lel yah omg i heard they lik both knew each other from another imageboard before they transferred here or something. total yikes. i guess its kinda romantic in lik a gross gay nerd kinda way tho tbh


error posting


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sheem lookin lik a caterpillar wdym not too tight?


ngl she can jump higher than anyone i know. looks fun too i'd do that with a horse sperg gf


Now this is autism


I don't like cheese


>t. never wore a leotard


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the ass was fat


usa soccerball HEEMED THE FUG OUT by based Morocco


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please tell me that's real


it's real. next time you hear about him is after he shot his ex-wife


sportschan approves


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just mythical levels of mogging all around


sharon needs to start sharin time with the kids


turk cant beat srb just like always
great disgrace for turk


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canada abusing spain


first t*rkroach i've ever liked


canadum got lucky


most of the shit they wear is outright illegal in real professional shooting competitions, so good for him


>Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country
error posting the video game


u ever fug a sandwich?


usa ameriniggers getting btfo every game in 3x3 apehoop
gonna go winless in the whole olympics and finish in LAST PLACE lmaooooooooooo

jimmer fredette still cant play any d


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the only competition that counts


You mean you havent?


Niggers being niggers. In other news…


where is the nigger worship and forced lgbtq faggotry? china should be stripped of all medals


>human rights violations
What’s good for the goose isnot good for the gander.


That's bullshit but I believe it. He was part of turkey's armed forces and has competed in pistol events for 10 years


>jimmer fredette still cant play any d
american niggerhoop has no defense whatsoever, its all fancy offensive bullshit


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Time to put women in their place.


absolute dumb cunt who never had reality hit'er in the face


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>Coal davis


what is it with coal burners that makes them talk like that, do they want to be black bitches that bad


davis is just a fuggo big ol refrigerator bodied bitch who guaranteed was laughed at in HS by Chad Thundercock and never recovered from it and now dates black guys to cope


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yeah im done trying to figure out wish word is wrong so heres a scr4eenshot


even the betting odds show people overwhelmingly voted women and men are different. The betting odds if you bet $100 on the pastanigger during the boxing match was a $3 ROI.


I was told uzbek would win
looks like men, even scrawny chink men are still superior to all women


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bonjour, j'aime criket. Ou est le criket?


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Mais qui disez-vous que côntrole le criket? QUI?


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criket will be added in the LA Olympics in 2028.


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apparently pro starcraft players can win in wammen sparts as long as they are male, thats pretty neat


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wonder if the same guy who made that did pic related


usa niggerball LOSING to spic island lol


hungary whorb got beaten up by algerian man

keep crying
world champion women are still inferior to random man


least sheem not a faggot tho


*steps into boxing ring with a man*

lmao, lol even


the whorbs who say that kind of stupid shit also aren't the ones who have to step into the ring. i guarantee you almost none of the women athletes are stupid enough to buy that shit because at that level they're acutely aware of their own limitations. otherwise they wouldn't be at thw fuckin limp dicks in the first place. it's fucked up and stupid that people who actually go and do noteworthy things have to pay the price for the words of some rainbow haired diabetic cunt on the internet


Sure, but until they still go with the feminist narrative. A woman comes out and says "nah I'm not playing that game and ain't facing a mam" and I will support her 100%, but if she comes out with words of support or otherwise doesn't ridicule the system/rock the boat like the eyetalian whorb and my response is "you deserve to be punched in the face"


lel tpaste btfo murrica in 400m relay


>they still go with the feminist narrative
radfems fucking despise troons dude. those are the dreaded TERFs you hear about on twatter. the ones who dont want dudes in their bathroom. prolly the most openly opposed to troons out of anywhere except maybe pol.
either way, they play sparts. they know as well as anyone that this stupid retard shit will destroy their spart, im sure theyre all very opposed to it

>A woman comes out and says "nah I'm not playing that game and ain't facing a mam" and I will support her

if they say it directly theyll undoubtedly be blacklisted from any intl competition, esp seeing how fucking gay the lolympics are now. i doubt they care if some random on the internet """supports""" them when they can never play again.
and lets be real, thats essentially exactly what the shitalian lady did the other day. she got up there and was lik "nah fuck this im not fighting this guy" and quit. she didnt wanna catch flack for her and her fam, so she took the non-confrontational route, made a passing comment about how his punches are obviously unfair for the division, and left.


i get you there, thing is the west is so fuckin retarded that if one of them did rock the boat they'd have their livelihoods destroyed by their own cunts because at the end of the day it's ultimately their country's decision to participate in the delusions and they'll happily toss her aside for someone more pliant.
whatever shits fucked and i'm bitching impotently, but as far as i'm concerned the silver medalist is the actual champ




File: 1722712682910.png (438.11 KB, 860x1295, 172:259, spee 101.png)

never doubt it


I know you are there lurking watching and posting your inane bullshit.
You are worthless
You should kill yourself
You should never once think you are equal in any way to a man ever.
You are merely a hole that men can stick their penis in.
You are not worthy of a name.
You are not worthy of meaningful existence.



>Her life would be ruined
Don't care. Lots of people's lives have been ruined and a whole counter-economy has been built over the last decade around people the establishment told to go die. If they won't stand up to the troons then they deserve to get punched in the face by biological men. Hiding behind "my life will be ruined" is evil through inaction and I'm done having sympathy for effeminate men and whorbs who hide behind "just doing my job." They can burn in hellfire with the troons and abortionists.


lol shut up autist


yeah yeah webring retard
lol shut up autist


is angrybro back?


shut up teen


no this is some vindictive dramatranny from somewhere else. "You are not worthy of a name." lmao, obnoxious boogeyman shit like this is typically a sign you're dealing with a vindictive autist from the webring or some discord server


fuckin asshole showed up a couple weeks ago and now the board kinda sucks to post on now because he just sits there waiting to jump down everyone's throats over trivial shit. fuckin 8gag remnants are worse than jews


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idk starting to think it's the same fag who's an actual schizo


prolly is a schitzo but angrybro didnt do the boogermeng shit tho ans he usually calmed down and didnt shit the board up for weeks on end


should be honored that someone cares about us enough to consider us a threat and shit up the board


Where'd he even get the idea that there's a girl here? I've never seen any evidence of this and I'd be really surprised if there was


i mean its obv true
you can tell from the pixels


nah m8
its just that guy
try it, heemll bite anything you throw at him its wild


someone disagreed about something when he was ranting about whorbs so obviously that means theres a womyn here. not much you can do about these types but call them retards and keep scrolling


File: 1722724524566.jpg (76.69 KB, 996x664, 3:2, annoyed-woman-looking-with….jpg)

getting rly tired of all this misogyny by ommission rn tbh
sportschan has always been proud of its female posters. >we shouldnt let some autist sperging out change that. diversity has always been >our greatest strength


have sex incel, yikes


lik sooooo this omg


death to all femcels


what is with the actual homosexuals posting here lately


File: 1722731188325.jpg (22.61 KB, 602x400, 301:200, Girl.jpg)

it's me


some retard wandered in and got mad and now hes out for vengeance which means having autistic tirades until everyone else gets annoyed and leaves


File: 1722733223889.jpeg (89.72 KB, 600x866, 300:433, ind.jpeg)

helo to hot grll on /sp/. yu ar of veri beutiful nic sexy body i luvr yu lotr. pls cum 2 india delhi bangabandhu sheikh mujib road nd i wil of meetr yu nd sho lots of luv nd yu sho me lovly bobs thank yu


the neetsoc? virgin rage usually isnt far behind
should prob pay more attention to who's posting but i cant be assed


File: 1722734098136.png (1.93 MB, 1595x1289, 1595:1289, ClipboardImage.png)

>60% of all food is vegan
these poor grils need some meat spartmen, will you help?


frogs need to make sure their african niggers get their food


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did she died?


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from some pervs feed


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Why are they blocking the view?


No, because they are sluts.


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File: 1722738386689-1.gif (3.5 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 2hu - very fast cheese eat….gif)

/sp/ should I say that I'm a women and go to beat up women?


why my peepee get hard ?


its a disease that will kill you
hop on spiscord and i'll show you cure


they gave the actual gril a winners purse i guess


>i cant be assed
shouldn't be either fuck all this gay retard drama


lol shut up autist


sorry looks like we have to amputated it, sweetie


File: 1722743522877.png (11.56 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

interpret THIS


File: 1722743547279.png (11.56 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

oh wait you said amputate


Wait she used the smelling salts before lifting? Innit that against the rules? Damn, she fucking crumpled must've landed on her leg wrong causing a blood pressure spike. She's probably ok since she woulda been limp when the barbell hit her head.


There's something off about these bums. the legs aren't muscular enough, but the ass is also lacking enough fat to be appealing


>Why do you keep talking drama?
>There's drama! Please pay attention to the drama!
>Have you heard about the drama? Let me discuss the drama!
lol shut up autist


sar pls stop redeeming the hours old off hand post


File: 1722746760926.png (21.64 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

pthhhhbttttt guess the rest of da 5 fucked off already lel im alone in a seaa of fffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggooooooooootttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssssssssss rn idk they'll prolly be back and you'll fuck off eventually


lmfao on her opening weight too


t. kohlchan


theres more important things to be discussing, like if those elf girls in the anime thread would rim a guy willingly or unwillingly, ESPECIALLY the dark one


i will never do that kind of overhead shit with a barbell i've seen and heard of too much of this shit happening.
is there even any specific advantage to it from a personal strength training perspective?


there are. i'd have to open my references but offhand i imagine it would transfer reasonably well to most sports. probly some interesting nuerological adaptations too
i'd rec them, but only do what you're comfortable with ofc. i only really do power snatches
i never really go for a 1RM tho, and you should know how to bail. bizarre that she fucked the bail up at that level of competition


There is for training the shoulders/legs, but you can get 90% of the benefits with 10% of the risks involved doing push press (military press with a partial squat at the beginning), power cleans (start from a deadlift position and only clean it to your shoulders), and/or hex bar deadlifts. Even a standard clean minus the jerk would accomplish good results for sparts training because of the explosive power involved.

The issue with the Olympic lifts (in full, not in partial) is that they tend to cause irregularities in blood pressure and the end result is you fucking pass out, sometimes even when doing weight that you'd normally be able to manage because your breathing was off or your blood decided it was at the wrong moment in your heartbeat rhythm.


my old roommate used to do that shit and he looked lik the fuckin hulk. so thats prolly an advantage.

do you think it was the salts that caused it?


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>the legs aren't muscular enough
that's when legs r gud budy, firm & tight but soft & squishy. dont like me roided legs
>ass is also lacking
dc. thighs > ass


watched that it was nothing special algerian has no more muscle than anyone else hungarian grille got beaten because she was lamer than the algerian no bone shattering punches nowhere
the ita chick is a pussy


>i imagined i was just aiming at my ex


most of the women participating look like they believe they can get away with having no upper body strength whatsoever for some reason.
almost like they are pro rasslin rejects or got kicked off their high school cheerleading squad for getting into slap fights or something.



damn, too bad disapproval from the vatican hasn't actually meant anything since the 19th century


olympics the one time typical ymen are watching 'sports'
they must be bullied


Probably. Smelling salts give you a YUGE adrenal boost and make you pumped as all fuck, but they also make you a little weak in the knees and susceptible to blood pressure spikes.
hips > ass > thighs
in that order, but thighs can replace hips if she has small hips but big thighs anyways you can have muscular legs that are wirey but still soft, girls got lotta collagen in the skin for a reason


lol bruv that's not how musculo-skeletal muscles work if a guy has the same musculature as a girl they might be able to lift the same amount of weight up and down, but the man will have about 3-13x as much explosive force so in terms of contact sparts a guy with the same musculature is gonna have a faster reaction time and a significantly stronger punch, even if the woman is gonna have a higher pain threshold it can't overcome that bro


14th century*

>We condemn this
Yeah until you excommunicate those fuckers your words of condemnation don't mean shit, popey


this post reminds me of that video where a strongwoman weightlifter went to arm wrestle a bunch of average dudes in a bar and got btfo by every single one of them


this how it works.
you peep the match and you see neither has larger bones or more muscles or more defined one, then you see both move like girls hit like girls, safe to say both are girls


>tim bradley is there
is just watching an sports?


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Frenchniggers win gold against Japan in mixed teams Judo. France's 2nd consecutive gold, the same result happened in 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

It's over, Japan is finished.


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A sign and towel with "Taiwan" and "Go Taiwan" written held by Taiwanese fans were seized by officials during a badminton game. Taiwan competes as "Chinese Taipei" so it seems like the Olympics don't recognize Taiwan.


thats why we need to import more africans into japan !! the solution is so obvious !


File: 1722820925784.jpg (492.88 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, 412657.jpg)

norf and souf korea won silver and bronze medals respectively at mixed table tennis and took a pic together


Taiwan chinks BTFO


those niggas are ded when they get back home to kim


they were already ded by only getting silver


lel chinese are so fucking delusional its not even funny. idk why anyone even bothers playing along. lik ohhh nooo cant piss off the literal paper tiger


they're not a paper tiger tho. they have enough industrial capacity to fucking swamp the rotting corpse that is the US Gay
food not so much– but i bet the cunts they're frendly with could supply them


lol no

nah, the Norks love that shit


They sent only 16 athletes to and so far won 3 medals (2 silver and 1 bronze). Not bad.


File: 1722843225831.png (764.57 KB, 1350x847, 1350:847, 2024.png)

being a patient people is both a blessing and curse, what good it is to them to mimic when their adversary is capable of much more? so much more that they are afraid

seems i'll have to be the one to bring up trans fighters here, sports above all


china are pussies that make cheap garbage
simple as


arent they in diff weight divisions?
p sure they arent fighting each other


yeah, image is BS, they still have not qualified for the finals of their divisions yet


Best Korea are chill compared to worst Korea.
Odds are the worst korea dude will be accused of rape because a women he fucked decided years later that her yes was really a no all along.


Didn't a jap fought a nigger twice his size in judo or something like that? Olympics don't give a fuck anymore.


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>mekqueen budy of sayr he hatr criket


File: 1722867965519.mp4 (22.66 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Tunak Tunak Tun.mp4)

daler mehndi is done fucking around he was convicted for human trafficking a couple years ago


File: 1722871391931.jpg (98.46 KB, 1200x723, 400:241, GUOTqVnXwAAFrJY.jpg)

amerinigger niggers bow down to the champion huezillian nigger as a glimpse of what usa will become soon once everything becomes the massive favela


only served 2 months as well. they let him out early because the courts realized indians aren't actually human


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ching chong go back to work make all my cheap shit in your deathtrap factory


fucking sand niggers


bugman in paper mill go brrrrrrrrrrrrr


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stupid nigger


i would pipe her right in the booty hole tbh


gross bestiality faggot


>having sex with women



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anon… that things not even human..


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lol uncle sam looking like the happy merchant xD


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i'd spank that monkey
with my fist


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Weighted scores adjusted for 3/2/1 points system for gold/silver/bronze.


Everyone else nomb on


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Female Sports Climbing is on. Grlls with high upper body strength.


luv boulder. one of the new disciplines that are entertaining to watch. much better than speed climbing


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more lik ausfailia


go worship more nigger you amerimutt faggot.


who let the amerimutt conservacucks in here? Spee is a white nationalist board you amerimutt faggot. Kill yourself


>retarded white trash faggot actually believes in the jewsa
go shove some corn on the cob up your ass you flyover state living subhuman. I can smell your trailer all the wya from here


lol shut up autist


chink rage go brrrr
chink abilities to do shit about anything go *crickets*


algerian troon in the finals, taiwan troon in the semi finals
femgroids going to get utterly btfo


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so uhhh
they gave current 5th place a heavy penalty for something that never happened (and provable in replay footage) but didn't revise her score, then they revised chiles score who was behind both of them to put her in third just so they could have an all nigger podium and do this shit
fucking wild.


the olympics is for fags and niggers maybe? this is breaking news wow


yeah yeah but even the veneer of genuine competition is gone now
lik wtf is even the point outside of being just another form of advertising for sparts gear and faggotry?


lol shut up autist


ya sucks ass for all the athletes. theyve treated em lik shit for awhile with the housing and stuff, they raly should be venerated
comin around to gay rituals idea cuz why not
roach shooter was cool and a yt gril won da race so not a total loss


File: 1722995052099.mp4 (2.03 MB, 718x1276, 359:638, romania.mp4)

apparently usgay appealed 3rd place result and bumped her to fourth too?


thats what i said
the nigger J Chiles had a score of like 13.67
they nailed Maneca Voinea with a yuge penalty for stepping out even tho footage clearly shoes her heel never even came close and refused to revise, gave her the same score as A Barbosu (13.7), then they revised Chiles (the nigger) from 5th place to third.


anyway it seems pretty blatant rigging


the usgay 'protested' the score whining about how the difficulty score wasn't good enough which the judges immediately changed

IOC is and has always been a faggot organization but every day is a new low for americans cementing their place as worst people on the planet


>overpowered banana republic blatantly rigs a win


only saw barbosu, didnt catch voinea. damn they fucked romania twice
almost as obvious as posting about it, but not quite


kept a white nation off the podium so some nigger bullshit could be photographed and spread around by global jewish media

americans have no identity, heritage, or meaningful existence just suck jew cock and let in hoardes of subhuman third world to be exactly like anyone else in the shithole country that is united states of niggers


tbh i wouldn't be surprised if someone directly in the know straight up admitted it online. fuckin shameless
lol shut up autist


you can call me whatever you want but I get to call you the worst most insulting and revolting thing: american


lol shut up autist


least im not chinese, autist


File: 1722996496631.jpg (13.98 KB, 474x266, 237:133, th.jpg)

big brain is here to save the world by posting on 5 user board
do your girthy neck need a longer necklace for this, hero?


ya they absolutely fucked romania
theem mad as fuck. rightfully so, considering the monkeybusiness that ended up happening on that podium


There are at least 5 governments colluding here to influence the 5 into psychological operations.


1 spartman has the posting strength of 100 regular posters
consequently the JIDF regularly rotates 2-3 platoons to monitor and raid the site


one of em sweden? i'd divorce and do war crimes for a true blooded gf who can crack my back


File: 1722997155829.jpg (18.59 KB, 700x535, 140:107, Hate Crime.jpg)

which government is trying to convince me to commit hate crimes against which people group?


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All of them.


This year they're not even hiding it aren't they. Even normalfags around the world are waking up to this.


They don't care
normalfags don't exist anymore
zionist controlled cattle is all that exists now


LA 2028 will be a riot literally. Especially if dup is president.


File: 1723006051327.mp4 (2.53 MB, 480x466, 240:233, Jesus wins.mp4)

>zionist controlled cattle is all that exists now
see this is where I don't get it they had the perfect opportunity to pull this shit back around like 2008, but people are so fed up since Chink Flu and the managerial intellectual rot has become so thick since 2014 that I just don't see it as possible.

like yeah they can sit in their ivory towers looking down at the chattel slaves and sure they can deal with one or two slaves getting uppity but they have no enforcement arm. Like they have literal military and police might but you have homeless robbing legislative members at gunpoint in DC because the social unrest has gotten so bad. The brainrot, DIE, and nepotism have reached critical masses where we basically live in anarcho-tyranny where you can do whatever you want because of the statistical unlikelihood of being held accountable short of murder. And even that's not a guarantee depending on city.

Christ will be king once more. If not by salvation or divine intervention then by sheer statistics.


lol shut up autist


lol shut up autist


File: 1723049335477.mp4 (1.33 MB, 640x448, 10:7, NLHDk4NMV7StC-AD.mp4)

Something fishi is happning in the olympics sp


File: 1723049443103.mp4 (1.11 MB, 720x1052, 180:263, yCRt5STmzzLb-4jd.mp4)

The Swedish journalist who rammed into the Chinese athlete Wang Chuqin has been banned from the Paris Olympics by the organizing committee


more like bumped lmao
the attempt on his life has left him scarred and deformed


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that is the refined pungent musk of an aristocrat


feeties hurty


File: 1723063806899.mp4 (18.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, andy mac run.mp4)

not bad for 51


ow that prolly hurt in her knees/muscles or whatever
i h8 hyperextending shit it hurts so fucking bad


that fakie 540 over the box was sick af


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Vinesh Phogat of India who made it to the finals of 50kg wrestling was disqualified before the final bout by being 100 grams overweight at the weigh in, losing out on any medal. Normally competing at 53kg, she did not qualify for 53kg class but managed to cut weight and make the 50kg class, making it to the finals, even beating the world no. 1 Yui Susaki. The day before the weigh in, Vinesh Phogat was 2kg overweight and tried everything to make weight including saunas, cutting hair and thinning clothes but to no avail. She fainted and was rushed to the hospital after finding out she did not make the weight. After finding out she was disqualified, she heartbroken and sent out a tweet saying that she retires from wrestling.

She was one of the wrestlers leading the anti-sexual harrassment charge against the former head of the Indian wrestling federation who is currently part of PM Modi's cabinet.



Pretty impressive given his age nice


left forever over 100 grams? how'd it come to that anyway i thought these athletes have autistic savant levels of monitoring of their weights. she had too much curry maybe?



forgot to shit in the nearest street before the weigh-in


SRB coming to kill ameriniggers basketnig is time for SRB to end americans to die


SERBIA beatering up ameriniggers lmao ar american nigger ball too
lmaooooo united states of gays


this post not aging well go suck some more jewish cocks and worship more nigger you amerinigger filth cant even comprehend how much the planet wants complete eradication of the gay the nigger the jewnited states


lol shut up autist


lol shut up american


lol shut up autist


i know its gotta be hard being unironically serbian, but thats not spartschins issue. its just something youre gonna have to work out for yourself, ok sweaty?


usa actually in position to lose this





great satan found a demonic way to vanquish a white nation who played nearly perfect

I would say refball but it was expected


38 minutes of near perfection
2 minutes of fuckery to choke away the greatest moment to a bunch of niggers



lel serbia got kara bogad


usa losing to serbia would be p funny but losing to france will be p funny


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Algerian dude is in the finals, gold medal bout later today. Taiwan dude also in the finals, match is on the weekend.

It's happening, womyn going to get eternally BTFO


lol shut up autist



so is serbia officially a part of the butthurt belt? i know its not rly from a geographgic PoV, but my mans here is making a p convincing argument to the contrary with his absolute asshurtedness


literally half of america's medals are won by niggers and other shitskins, go ahead and be proud of that


cry more


they do it for free so its practically slavery


and (you) lost to said niggers lmao


Finally men are putting women in their place.


im still waiting until sewing and kitchening are in the lolympics


One day we will get two biological men fighting each other for gold in womens competition and that will be the pinnacle moment of humanity before the sun swallows up this stupid rock of a planet


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breakdancing is the implicit last stand of the domestic female identity


now this is a sport


File: 1723231624912.webm (2.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Downstep.webm)

is she having a seizure


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new this year unless i'm in a fever dream
sick vid


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>using their fake names
oh fuck that means we really are going to see foreskinvelourskin at the olympic esports


niggers maybe


is this raly lolympic level breakdancing?
ive seen rando street performers doin way crazier shit


File: 1723242278351.png (356.53 KB, 570x321, 190:107, ClipboardImage.png)

women BTFO
algeria wins gold


File: 1723242875741.mp4 (994.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ioc gril.mp4)

shouldnt use that word, theres no way to tell scientifically
BRICS is gonna start their own limpdicks at this point


>scientifically solid system how to identify men and women


Dr. /sp/ will need to perform a pelvic floor exam


certified icoc penis inspector


File: 1723245458514.png (2.44 MB, 1595x2705, 319:541, ClipboardImage.png)


may this /sp/rother be free


Special Olympics already on?


even a nigger is preferable to a white single mother trying to outnigger a nignognigger


i'll put a yt single mom over a virgin putting niggers above yts
let alone while posting a stupid nigger video with zero self awareness


Brake dancing is in the fucking olympics? What the fuck is this bullshit?
What is next?
Fucking starcraft matches?


just have some faggot shove a finger up their asshole, since im pretty sure troons still have a prostate


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File: 1723251153142.png (1.67 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

your cunt is smellier than hers tbh fr fr tho


fortnite matches lets gooooo


call your mom and fig it out, or hire a prostitute and just… talk to her
white race is still here for you despite you abandoning it cuz feefees <3


File: 1723251594109.png (264.49 KB, 624x1172, 156:293, ClipboardImage.png)

stop pretending youre white, don't lie on the internet like that


lel, alden++
sorry that you lost the way but it's your fault and not tfwnogf or your dads at this point. come back to the fold my serf


serbs arent white, italians are whiter, the spanish are whiter, the t*rks are whiter, even americans are whiter


much as i hat identifying, bet $ its not the serb. just a lost sheep in my flock


lol shut up autist


File: 1723253917904.gif (669.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tenor.gif)

please: either stahp feeding me the ball or stop pretending to fit in


what is this schizo retard babbling about now? did the usa winning apehoop break his brain or something?


File: 1723260482228.png (9.95 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

hi guys i like to LARP as anybody that people dislike and try to piss them off with low quality shitposts that seem to always get reply and actually get them mad. I don't really have a real identity neither do I have any allegiances to any side. I'll bat for one team and in the next post will go with the other side. Sometimes I even samefag to create the illusion of a conflict and that gets in other people to believe it and engage in it. I don't have a purpose, I just do it because whatever.


File: 1723278268005.jpeg (406.21 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, GUdSIAGWwAA8KFh.jpeg)

Womens bouldering finals is on.


dotz get outta that phants BUTT


>oceania mackenzie
her parents must have wanted a boy


>no shitskins
>not even in the audience
>grlls look kot, fit and slim bodies albeit flat chested
kino sport


File: 1723280200693.jpg (226 KB, 960x1396, 240:349, photo_l.jpg)

Nip grll is a 20 year old college student but is a skinny little 5ft tall grll that looks like she's 12. Deceptively strong though.


File: 1723280451558.jpeg (58.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dbzntspt6yvgt6whwiz5.jpeg)

I don't get it. What kinda name is that?


Oh her father is french, that's why


japans been in a lot of stuff i didn't expect them to be in this time around, particularly the running events. is grorious nippon training their pipo for something? the anime prophecies said nothing about this


I'll go ahead and come clean I am responsible for arguing with myself, I saw people pointing out my samefagging so I started identifying them and trying to annoy everyone I probably have a mental disorder, but I will not be going back to PLW or trashchan and I will probably have another breakdown and do this again and I apologize in advance. No I probably will not stop.


china way ahead in most golds now
some sprats lik volleyball and water polo were expected to be usa golds but americans fucked up

its p much ogre china wins


File: 1723316097338.jpg (63.47 KB, 1073x605, 1073:605, romanian bronce.jpg)

gave her bronze back
appealed after 1min 4 sec, deadline was 1 min lel


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suck my star spangled gock shitskins 🦅


If it isn't gold it's nothing
China winning what matters


Good for them
they better take the medal away from the usa nigger and publicly shame her


usa niggerhoop pushed by france niggers

looks like sudan vs nigeria


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The sandnigger tranny filed a lolsuit


god damn
steff curry did the thing
France was so close
amerinigs lucky


Thread bump limit reached and today is the last day. Using this thread:


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LA 2026
we bang ese


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What did >she do? Aside from being fucking ugly?

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