>>1677987>recovered p gudyou had me a little tilted there until i read
>>1677988 No.1678985
>>1678976do i have to start carrying my wepon when i go driving now
cuz i'd pop that retard the moment he tries that shit and i live in one of the very few states that wouldn't gaf about it
>>1678976See sounds like a fucking double nigger faggot, I bet he did something retarded.
>>1678985funniest thing is it's way less likely to happen to you specifically bc your state wouldn't gaf about you popping that retard's dome. societies where citizens are allowed and encouraged to lethally defend themselves are usually vary polite ime
>>1678989hard to tell these days tbh, faggot voice could've done some real retard shit but it's not like there aren't psychos ready to blow a gasket because you honked at them on the wrong day
>>1678976holy fuck why are people such faggots
>>1679034when you're in a fucked up situation like that adrenaline takes over and cuts off cognitive ability
guy's still a faggot though for barely maintaining a grip on reality. prolly thought the bolis would just cast harry potter spells against the voldemort attacking his hogwartsmobile or whatever the fuck
>>1679035i've had my share fair of adrenaline pumping moments
never turned into a blathering retard tbh
T'pol or Major Kira
no holes off limit
you must choose….
>>1679042i choose
BOTHT'pols ASS– and Kira's MOUTH
>>1679040wanking doesn't count
how many srs car accidents you ever been in spee? how many of them were while you were driving?
>>1679190>some bitch in a volkswagen brakechecked me for no reason and smashed my hood in>couple weeks later the latch on the hood finally gave out on the highway and slammed the hood through the windshield>totaled my toyota after owning it for five months cuz i turned left when i wasn't supposed to and a pickup truk plowed into it>totaled my honda after jumping a curb going 40 and it punched a hole through the engine cradle and oil pani'm a good driver i swear
>>1679192>totaled my honda after jumping a curb going 40>after jumping a curb going 40>curb going 40>40there has to be a story here
>>1679206he likes em
slow No.1679211
>>1679180What about waggling my willy at work?
>>1679211if you waggle and no one's there to see it, did it really happen?
>>1679190define srs. i got rear ended twice, once by some drunk retard while my dad was driving and once by some retarded teen whorb while i was driving home from school
both times i had whiplash but didn't need a neck brace
>>1679214.>we're not part of the dramaring tho
3 multi day concussions, last was two weeks
do i win the da tbi owl?
>>1679236how does a 2 week concussion work? do you get hit in the head rally hard and then claim something is gonna happen in 2 weeks repeatedly?
i walked away from all 4 of mine, bit banged up, whiplash. nothin srs
the worst one we got smashed so hard from the side it literally twisted the cars front end upside-down
if i hadnt been sitting like an asshole with my feet up on the dash
my car, my rules, and didnt see it last second and tuck my legs up in fear my feet, they prolly wouldve gotten sheared off
>>1679190>0<100%after skimmin and wagglin thru the posts following this idk wat to say other than
>skill issuegit gud
>>1679249yea im the worst passenger
actually undefined
division by zero
>>1679238that sounds lik QIV budy, yeem just rarted and cant 'member words for a bit
>>1679241wew got any pics? havent done that dash move after seein some xrays. shit look ouchy
>>1679291no its bad luck to save pics of those things
i think i had one for muh insurance purposes, but i dont have it now
that was the scariest one tho
we were pulling out onto a big country road that had a big hill so you couldnt see shit
based injun reservation road planning guy in a big dualie truck hit us, on driver side front quarter, going lik ~85. spun around lik 3 or 4 times and landed in a ditch. both got out and were in hysterics over how we were alive and seemingly fine. looked down at our feet. inches behind the car was two of those roadside headstones of someone who had done the same, but a few inches forward
the funny part was after the adrenaline wore off he did actually have to go to the hospital
broken shoulder and some ribs so he got picked up and i hitched a ride from some friends. got to the hospital and they wouldnt let me go see him. turned out cops decided he had an arrest warrant for some gay shit so i had to go bail him out of jail lel
then we got out, took mushrooms, and went to a show
>>1679302lik someone made a scary movie parody of final destination budy
File: 1738859302693.mp4 (56.15 MB, 854x480, 427:240, truck_driver_skills____how….mp4)

It's better to not have it, and need it than to need it, and not have it. - dieGHOSTiknees
>>1679190>3<2I totaled one vehicle due to another vehicle swerving out in front of me while in college
and then while working the oil rig post-college because oil makes more money than subcontract labor for military I crashed my truk off a small cliff
>Went into town to buy Arby's (only restaurant in town) and groceries>Listening to classical music on way to the rig down the state highway>Suddenly feel the road ridges to warn drivers they're falling asleep>See sign straight ahead>Scream>Correct course and avoid it>Overcorrected>Slam into different highway marker instead>Slam into three more while just trying to decelerate>Do a 360>"Hah, haha-OHSHIT!">Think I have control of vehicle and let off the brakes and acceleration entirely>Vehicle 180s me directly towards an oncoming semi>Only avoid the semi by driving directly off the side of the highway>Weee-huhaghhugh>Vehicle rumbles down the hill while I slam the brakes to avoid the farmer's fence (thankfully offset from the road quite a ways)>Finally come to a stop leaning HARD towards the driver's side>Take off seatbelt and slam my weight into the passenger seat while turning my wheel in the opposite direction with my boot>Manage to turn truk upright>See a state trooper in my rearview>He waves at me>I wave back>He takes off to chase some guy speeding while making a motion for me to stay put>"Yeah how am I gonna drive off when my eggs are everywhere, jackass?">Collect eggs and other groceries for the week>Sit around for a second to collect my thoughts>Try and start truk and it won't start>Remember I drive a manual and put it into neutral, starts on the third try>Drive that clanky bitch back to the rig yeehaw>Quit two days later because internal bleeding and other health problems short of being unable to climb stairs are considered "work while injured" procedures on rigs lmao No.1679380
i guess for one i wasn't involved in there was one time when i was rly young i was with my dad in his pos mazda in a blizzard to go to a planetarium and he skidded off the road into a ditch, he spent 20 minutes rocking it back and forth before somehow making it out of the ditch and driving half a mile across a field in a foot of snow back onto the road
still have no idea how he did that that mazda was such dogshit
>clear and really gray like it's going to snow
>riding down highway
>mild spin out on ice
>ok that was scary let's just watch for ice and be really careful
>going completely straight up hill
>in left lane
>start slowly sliding
>manage to stop after making a 180 into the shoulder
>catching our breath
>in next 3 minutes see like 3 cars spin out in exact same stretch
>one gets plowed by a semi
we decided to just turn around and go back
>>1679676damn budy gud call headin back better safe than sorry
>>1680625the classic northrop grumman one looks so much better. if theyre gonna get rid of the old tried-and-true maybe ill be able to pick one up for cheap
>>1680625>oshkosh defense corporation lel. they couldnt do worse than the FFVs tbh, tard that designed those fucked passenger side so yeem couldnt put another row of boxes under the tray
LLVs rule but them little fans didnt do shit, a/c gotta be nice and glad they told the hippies to shove it and made 90% of em gas
>>1680913every road is three lanes if you try hard enough
>>1680913hope he gets murdered fuck that guy
>>1680931The guy in the white pickup? Why?
>>1680913I don't see the problem here sometimes these things just happen. Well handled by all
>>1681003no the trukr, dude was going way too fast for the road conditions and right behind a fuckn plow to boot. unless he was having mechanical issues he was being a wildly irresponsible dumbass and shouldn't have a regular license much less a cdl, that kind of retard behavior can cause pile ups
>>1681030u being sarcastic?
>>1681048also also that trukr was passing on a blind curve
fukn pos