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>The suit argues that Valve’s 30% cut of all purchases means that Valve had used “dominance to take an extraordinarily high cut from nearly every sale that passes through its store” and that it has used its position to “exploit publishers and consumers.”
I'm retarded when it comes to this financial shit but that doesn't sound that bad. I heard that console game devs make a lot less than that because of costs going to the retailers. publishers, console manufacturers etc.


Those were for physical games, and it wasn't to one entity.
The cut is the same for digital game storefronts on console iirc (30-ish%)


What ever happened? I hope that faggot gets bankrupted.


Nothing happened yet


gay buh is a multibillionaire nothing is going to happen to him regardless


ther case is actually prety fukn bad
theyre trying to say theyre abusing their monopoly position with the 30% cut and not allowing devs to sell the game for a lower price on another storefront, but theyre making some argument where it only applies to keys or something like that. and ya steam is a behemoth but its not a monopoly, you have epic and gog and gmg and a bunch of other storefronts. just that steam was the first big one and none of the other storefronts have done anything good enough to through gay ban off his throne so everyone still uses it
lik there are a lot of things to hate valve for and prolly some better reasons to sue them but this isnt one of them
now theyre trying to argue they bought WON int he 2000s and that counts as unfair competition but thats not what happened at all, they just updated the games using won to use steam instead when it was redy

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