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/v/ - Vidya I Guess

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Onion domain: http://ylcjjrqko7pgobnvzreemm565ea3oj3c7rfqqb4x4twmay6hafv54mid.onion/

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>All Submissions other than News are permanently closed.

>All sections of the site will remain up as read only.
>Downloads and images will be available for as long as DarkSol, FCAndChill Calico will allow.
>Forum will remain up
>Twitter and Discord affiliations have ended.


>i have been dehumanized for a very long time
>a most dishonest and hate filled group
wtf is this drama???


he mentions discord so that should give you some clue as to what kind of psychos are involved


>autistic fagcord drama ruins yet another good thing
Why does this shit always happen?
Hopefully gaymers are as resourceful as weebs and get a new website up within the next few weeks like what happened with Nyaa, Mangatraders etc. back in the day


The problem is using it in the first place.
As for alternatives there's a different site that the CDRomance guy made when RHDN decided to block downloads.
And of course you have Baddest Hacks which is the one I trust more because they're not a bunch of fags.


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holy based


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yep, that's gud drugs


makes me glad all the metroid nerds were smart enough to stay indie and on their own site

at least the dot org guys backed everything up and made it available for dl. wtf is even the point of a romhacking site where you cant dl hacks?


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>check peter and wendy


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>Further to the previous news, notably linked to the "drama with RHDN". Spike, former owner of the site, has decided to leave the site and transfer ownership of the platform to someone else. I, Benjamin, have taken over the project to give it a new lease of life.
>As a result, RHDO is no longer affiliated in any way with prepatched ROM platforms such as CDRomance. There's no point in talking about it any more in the comments.
I fucking hate RHDN fags.


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Agreed anon, this is inspiring feelings of anger I didn't know I still had in me for worthless fags on the internet.


>""advocacy"" for soulless corp execs that would repossess your pc(+) in a hearbeat
>hope you rike it but if you dont dont say anything teehee~~~
bout what i expected from "I, Benjamin, "
them notes at the bottom are peak CY+ doublespeak too. bet the fag does subs based within a year


yeh. hopefully at least one of the users is autistic enough to set up his own alternative because this ship is already halfway sunk. fuckin discord trannies have to kill everything


new romhacks site just dropped
no idea if its legit tho

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