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File: 1735436413118.jpeg (43.67 KB, 739x415, 739:415, gt.jpeg)


>Gran Turismo series sold over 90 million units and is the best selling playstation exclusive franchise
>9 games in the series, averaging 10 million units sold per game
I don't get it. Why do these games sell so much? Despite being so big, GT doesn't have this perception as being a huge franchise for playstation. With sales like these, it should be playstation's mario, but it feels like it is brought up the least by fans when talking about PS exclusives.

I had GT3 and played it a it on my PS2 as a kid but never got into it. Racing sim wasn't my genre I guess, I prefered NFS and burnout. I can understand some people being into the realism and technological advancements the games bring in but find it crazy that it results in 10s of millions of sales. I hear more about Forza nowadays but even Forza never sold that well in comparison to GT.


Hard to merchandise content that wasn't yours to begin with


lotta car autists, lotta car companies that advertise to car autists, most car autists can't actually afford the cars advertised, happy medium = car companies let video games feature their cars and car autists get to play pretend in a virtual ferrari or whatever


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I can't imagine that most car autists are gamers so I wonder how many bought a playstation just for GT. I remember that when my dad bought me a ps2 we also got GT3 with the driving wheel. He seemed interested at first but never really played it in the end.


I went to Germany a few years ago and Gran Turismo was fuckin huge there so I guess it's just an autism thing


who said "most"?


>I can't imagine that most car autists are gamers
why tho it stands to reason that carspergs would live and breathe their hobby. i'm not trying to say they're the only reason the games sell well but it wouldn't surprise me if they're a significant chunk of the consumers. it has enough in depth sim elements to it to attract them at least. also casuals are more likely play arcade racer type stuff like need for speed


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>Despite being so big, GT doesn't have this perception as being a huge franchise for playstation.
it certainly used to have that reputation
GT 1 and 2 and 3 were p massive in shipping playstations. they really pushed the gfx for the system in really impressive ways for the time, and thats something they kept up through the various gens. so it kinda became sonys unofficial tech demo game. a GT would come out at or around the new PSs release

and if you happened to be a really big sperg about racing sims, you ended up with some pretty serious bang for your buck
i remember taking turns with my neighbor grinding up licenses in GT2. dude loved that game. i memeber we always would try to cheese the crazystupid long marathon races by alternating between the autopilot mode and us taking lik 1hr shifts lol. the autopilot always lost the lead so we couldnt just let it run on its own and expect to win

i havent played any of them since GT4, but i think GTs biggest problem was that at first it existed more or less alone in the genre. as time went on it became slightly less relevant, as there were more racing sims available, and also more non-tism-oriented racing games. so an already niche genre, racing games, got split into a bunch of different franchises
its not this monolith like it was


>why tho it stands to reason that carspergs would live and breathe their hobby
i had a roommate like that
he used to just sit there and do races on GT4 every day after work. work HVAC, then play his hyper specific autism dream car in GR4
after about 5yrs, he bought the car irl
so thats EXACTLY the kinda guy GT is geared towards


gotta respect that tbh, dude knew what he wanted and got it


GT4 was surely the peak. GT5 is where it went to irrelevancy. There was big hype around it but massive delays led to the game being outdated when it came out, also outdone by Forza series. GT5 still sold well despite it. GT6 was disappointing and sold the least (still over 5 million units which is great). Another long dormant phase and GT sports and GT7 were a return to form.

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