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 No.1972[View All]

no theory writeups this time around, just talk about what i'm doing to stay healthy
working my strength back up after a few year layoff
skeleton mode this time, 6' ~148-153
just doing deads, weighted dips, and rows at the moment
not being super consistent, 1-3 times a week
linear progression. already starting to plateau. being irregular with the deads actually helps with that, since my fatigue is outpacing my fitness gains
at 275 for 5 reps. if i can grind to 3 plate i'll start doing real periodization
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thanks budy. i used to be able to run 2 miles in just over 14 minutes but i got fat for a couple years and idk if i'll ever be that fast again but i'm gonna try god dammit


I will now begin my blog

I have been doing a lot of oly weightlifting and it's very fun bros

Program goes like this, basically
Day 1
Snatch Pull
Front Squat

Day 2
Push Press
Overhead Squat

Day 3
Clean & Jerk
Clean Pull
Back Squat

My delts are so fucking sore every day it's rough. But it's worth it for the technique gains.


I am starting the Alexander Bromley 70s powerlifter program, I'm on day 3. It's fun so far


Also starting to do more cardio because I'm a fat fuck and need more cardio


do trail running with hills you will lose fat so fucking fast and its way more fun than street running


quit eating like a fat bastard, 90% of dieting is what you eat and not how fast you run


Hitting 4 sets of 30 push-ups a morning. 3 sets 40 of knee highs and 2 sets of 15 leg lifts. Just bought a jump rope and a bike too.


I'm not super lean but I'm more of a fat fuck figuratively. I just haven't done a lot of cardio in a while to my own detriment as of writing that post, but I've been adding 10-30 minutes of rowing to the end of my workouts. Today I watched the 3rd episode of my deer friend nokotan while rowing on the highest resistance. It was based, made the time go by way faster


serously just go walk
like 5 miles a day
if you're a fat guy you'll lose a lb a week


he can also do that other shit and get even more fit idk why you're trying to limit him to walking


props to bro who recc'd bpc-157
didnt die despite sketch hook and muscle and joints work and recover noticeably better


>feeling amped for a run
>was gonna try for 10 miles
>fuckin big ass lightning storm rolls in
>only made it 3.5
fug i wanna get a dime in before the summer is out and all the parks start closing before i get off work


>ran 4.6 miles in 45 minutes yesterday
not good enough AM I GETTING OLD?


What about bike rides?


got in a gud workout at the gym today, starting to see a couple veins in my arms when i really get into it now. slowly losing my gut as i vary slowly improve my diet too. i need to start waking up earlier and also learn to make some simple quick meals before work, if i can stop with the gas station breakfasts i'll probably lose the rest of that chub in a heartbeat and finally see my abs again


vary nice. always had better luck makin meals at night or just cooking extra with din
godspeed, that last little bit to abs is hard as fuck


>3 miles
>feelin gud
>3.85 miles
>have to stop run and go into the woods to blow shit against a tree
god just doesn't want me running 10 miles at once it seems. FUCK YOU OLD MAN DON'T MAKE ME WORSHIP SATAN


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god help you if you're running from me and stop short of 10 miles


prolly shouldnt drink so much fambam jus sayin


but i don't drink and never said i did. i've started eating greek yogurt again recently for that extra protein and it's been hitting me hard on occasion. sure is gud tho


i just now realized you were probably indirectly calling me dickslapper, i wasn't bragging about the shit i was mad my run got cut short because of it


damn i hope i didn't kill the thread i'm the only one posting in it lately don't stop posting your anti-fat progress just because i'm a blabbermouth


what exactly you changed about your diet?


eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, getting salads instead of shit like hotdogs at the place i usually stop by on the way to work (i know a gas station salad still isn't particularly great but it beats hotdogs). actually cooking more often instead of heating up premade shit, as well as eating less sugar overall (having to really try there apparently sugar addiction is very real). i was dropping weight along with the fat but since i've started consuming more protein i'm back at my original weight just without as much chub.
feels fuckin great too and i've still got plenty of room to improve the diet so i'm looking forward to when i'm clean of all the nasty cancer shit that i've gorged on for too long


fuck it idc if i killed the thread i'm still gonna /fit/blogpost
>2 miles in 17:03
it's an improvement but i thought i was going way faster than that


Gud progers budy yu ofs mak me vary hapy meny inspired yu ar to me budy I run lik chases pak dog


Updating my routine:
3x sets of knee highs and 3x sets of leg lifts in the morning. If I can I squeeze jump rope into it i hat runing budy I’ll do push-ups at work on and off all day. Trying to get a bike ride in around evening time, it’s too hot to really start doing that yet. Shooting for ten or so miles erry day on da bike. I need to build a pull up bar ;-;


runnings not for everyone but long distance biking works just as well. it's better on your joints long term at least.
you can't just get one of those pullup bars that bolt directly into a doorframe for your home? i had one of those at my old house and it supported my weight just fine, though i was ~210lbs at the time idk how chonky/skinny you are in comparison


solid, keep stepping it up tho i know you can do better big boy
have a hanger one and it werks great, no hardware


bulgarian split squats r hard af i need to work on my flexibility
the hanger ones don't work too well if you have shitty doorframes tho, i found that out the hard way


>feel all fucked up and dizzy for the past couple days
>to the point i can barely work and running is out of the question
wtf is going on is this severe vertigo or some shit? it feels like when you get way too drunk and even when you're laying down you feel like you're on a ship in the middle of a stormy sea only without the drunk part. i feel better today but that shit was scaring me there for a minute


change your diet and toast your blood sugar? miteb inner ear issue too idk but that shit sucks


i have been consuming a lot less sugar, would that fuck with my blood sugar enough to destroy me like that? i have had inner ear issues before but usually that shit hurts A LOT, like i won't even be able to chew without it hurting. whatever it was i hope it fucks off forever


how much you cut out, and how long/much over consume prior?
how recent was ear issue?


i don't know an exact amount, i just started looking more closely at nutrition labels at grocery stores and started buying shit with less sugar on top of cutting out fast food as well as gas station food both of which are absolutely loaded with sugar. guess i should probably start keeping track of that huh?
i haven't had an inner ear problem in around two years. i don't think it was that because i've never had ear problems that weren't also extremely painful 4 me


if u went from years of full on mcslob it would trip you up eventually. tracking fud's a pain & doesnt rally matter unless ur doin macros imho
just wall throwing, but out of everything i know that can cause it that's what you want it to be. iffun u git got again prob doctor tiem (aka get bounced from dipshit to dipshit)

dr spee says to do one of them ear rinses anyway tho, some ear issues dont intrinsically have that splitting pain and its fun to watch all the vile sludge come out


i do clean my ears regularly with one of those wax dissolving formula + squirt bottle kits. it's insane how much wax can get built up in your ears tho like one time i had a really impacted piece come out that was close to the size of my thumbnail, shit was sick and i was vary tempted to pick it up and squish it between my fingers
it was probably just the sugar reduction, i did kinda just remove a whole bunch of it from my diet all at once. whatever i'm not dizzy anymore and i'm gonna run again today so guess >we'll see if everything's all gud or not


ran yesterday only a little over 1.5 miles, no dizziness but energy was lacking. i really think it was just the sugar now maybe these love handles will finally fuck off soon


fuck dude the energy is back but the sugar cravings are worse than nicotine cravings, jesus i want ice cream so bad rn you don't even know i bet i could take down an entire container faster than some depressed whorb on a comfort eating binge


ye sugar and goyslop rally puts the g in gmo, rewires your shit something fierce
i went keto for a bit after cutting crap from diet, melted my beergut and them fat bombs are gud af for cravings
hook you up with some sick recipes if yeem wanna try it. its p expensive tho


sure budy may as well take what i can get. if i can't afford it then guess i'm not eating it lel


few gud ones here https://www.ketoconnect.net/keto-fat-bombs/
lime: https://castleinthemountains.com/key-lime-cheesecake-fat-bombs/
monkfruit sweetener was the best sugar sub imo. that premium oily peanut butter makes a huge diff too

price comes from all the meat and cheese. plus good avocados are lik $2 a pop here
gotta be strict or you dont hit ketosis and just slamming fat for no reason, but shits magic


cool i already buy some of that shit so i just gotta shell out a little bit more is all. ime things are cheaper here than in a lot of the rest of the cunt thankfully for now especially compared to money sink hellholes like da sauna


idk if youve done keto before but two days out you may feel off for a day or two, nothing lik vertigo bs tho. my energy and clarity spiked after that
moved to bfe few years back and things were about 25% cheaper than the shitty, but its comin back up in the last year so hop that doesnt hit there budy. vary lucky


nah never done full on keto. there's no vertigo with it? shit maybe i was sick too idk. don't worry i'm sure them prices are gonna fuck me sooner or later, time to get really frugal


never heard of vertigo on keto and you already cut out lotta glucose too
you couldve had the ol one two, but hard to overstate how bad sugar & slop thugshake your brainussy
cant find the paper i want but sugar cravings are basically dopamine addiction, neural pathways and all


oh ya nows gud time for omega3's, up your neurogenesis post sugar cut
seeds, nuts, fishies all keto staples too if yeem goin that route


i had that fucken vertigo shit and it was related to the stiffness in my neck and it went away after doing some neck stretchings in the mornings


bunking overseas for long 3 years really took its toll on my neck and my wife's promiscuity


mistress wadina pulled my pigtails too hard during pegging one time

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