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Skyrim Grandma is retiring. She's apparently gonna make quilting videos instead until TES VI releases.


>Skyrim Grandma
had to look it up
>waiting for TES6
yah idk man thats gonna be cutting it p close
if were to believe the main team was working on starfield until just recently, thats lik MAYBE a release around 2030
being 95 or so and playing a bad game sounds exhausting at best, and lethal at worst


it boggles the mind that starfield was even made in the first place

lik i get wanting to start fresh in a new IP and not be strangled creatively by decades of clusterfuck lore. but its not lik they actually did anything with that opportunity. if anything, it might be the most boring, uninspired space setting ive ever seen in any media, vidya or otherwise. and then after what, lik 6-8yrs of dev, the best story they could come up with was literally just muh dragonborn in spess. and to have the gall to literally call it starborn is just the chefs kiss of insipid bad writing. chatGPT tier

how zenimax and/or microshaft didnt see that bland shitshow and just shut it down and force them to start TES6 is beyond me. theyre the ones that are supposed to be averse to risk


play everspace instead


what they really should have done is look at Outer Worlds and how it failed and tried to improve, however they made something infinitely worse. everything i have seene of starfield just makes it look like a chore to play

while Outer Worlds was not good, it wasnt terrible, it just fell very flat and ends up very forgettable, tonally its a complete mess, it doesn't quite know what it wants to be or say


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>playing "The Forsworn Conspiracy" quest
>the plot involves you finding out that the ones pulling the strings behind a terrorist group are a group of wealthy bankers
>one of them is literally called "Nepos the Nose"
lmao I can't believe Todd got away with this


>look it up thinking this was an oblivion quest i somehow missed
>it's a skyream quest


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The same dude is also one of the targets in a Thieves Guild quest called "The Shill Job", can't make this shit up


im p sure those quests are all just radiant nonsense tho, so nearly every NPC can be a target for those


>playing "The Forsworn Conspiracy" quest
<hey i think u dropp-
<my letter? no thats yo-
[mash buttons]
<madlad actually does it
>calm down
>proceed with adventure
>walk down the street
<have you seen anyone enter or leave this ho-

markarth is an absolute minefield for that shit


that said i actually like that one dibella quest you can get from the bum who tries to get you to steal a statue from their inner sanctum the buff you get is also p decent too if you got a female PC.

if they catch you, it sends you to a p fun, but not overly long, forsworn dungeon full of a buncha traps and shit. its implied that theyre some sort of sanguine worshippers and were gonna do a raperino to that poor little gril.
im kinda surprised they had the balls to even hint at that as much as they did. too often in skyrim and oblivion daedra worship is made to seem lik its no big deal, so its nice to see them not shy away from showing some of the fucked up shit those types actually get up to.


Why is that every time I go into a main quest dungeon in Daggerfall, I seem to go to all the place in the whole fucking huge ass dugeon EXCEPT for the path to the room with the item you actually need.

I clear these dungeons like near 90-100% each time before I finally find the branching path that I missed early and didnt choose to go down and it leads me to the quest item. What the fuck lmao.

Playing this game without recall would be an exercise in madness. I wish they had an item like prism stoness in dark souls. I would set certain color stones on certain paths to indicate I traveled on them and to differentiate each path from one another. Would be a neat QOL item, marking the map feels kind shitty because you need to check the map to see it, little marking stones would allow you to just navigate visually.


well its always gonna be in the last place you look

for MQ dungeons specifically, its cuz they were designed that way. as opposed to the other dungeons in the game, those were all hand-made, so they almost always have some sort of hidden switch or lever or a torchfuck you nulfaga, or youll click a skull and get teleported away somewhere, or its castle wayrest, so like 75% of the dungeon is just a different dungeon and not where you needed to go in the first place

>I wish they had an item like prism stoness in dark souls.

well outside of marking the map, you kinda do tbh
just drop a drake. if you click the "gold" button in your inventory you can drop single gold coins onto the floor. or just whatever you dont wanna carry. iirc you can even click the picture up on the top right and change what the flat looks like when you drop it, so you can mark things differently

i never bother as im used to the fuckmassive dungeon crawls. i just sorta feel my way around. DFs MQ dungeons are notable tho in that theyre so large i still dont remember how tf to beat them even after playing through them a few times. ill sometimes get to a part and think, "oh yea, gettin close now", then lik an hr later and im still lost lel


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i decided to just give the totam to the emperor
like most of the choices outside of the underking and king of worms seem like bad options

like all these kingdoms establish themselves as ruthless petty bastards willing to do anything for power and for purely selfish reasons, i mean at least emperor is going to use that shit to build and epic roman larp empire

last dungeon was the best in the game easily, the main quest dungeons needed more of that uniqueness, definitely want to do a second run sometime with some good mods that add a bit of spice because the generic radiant can be boring


Yeah, any time I opt to play Skyrim I either avoid Markath at all costs or make it the very first thing I do before even Whiterun because of that shit. Doesn't help that the quest is broken as all shit and nigs plot items out of your inventory breaking shit.


Yeah most of Daggerfall's endings are kinda ass. I always thought of the Underking as being the closest thing to a "good ending". He doesn't have any ulterior motives, dude just wants his soul back so he can finally become an hero after all these years. The Emperor makess sense since that was your mission in the first place, and maybe Mannimarco if you're going for some chaotic evil shit. Gortwog seems okay if you're an Orc Lives Matter kinda guy but he always seemed kinda shady to me for some reason, plus I don't really know why you'd have any sympathy for Orcs in Daggerfall when you're getting attacked by them constantly. I don't know who the fuck unironically sides with any of the nobles though. They send assassins after you the moment you get the Mantella and the reward of 100000 gold is pretty shit when you're normally a multi-millionaire by the end of Daggerfall anyway.


cool game innit?

>most of the choices outside of the underking and king of worms seem like bad options

king of worms is the only one that explicitly doesnt get a LOT of ppl killed. no one gets attacked and numidium isnt even activated. and hes gud on his word, he increases your rep in the whole illiac.
seeing how the underking ending ended up breaking time itself, its hard to even rly understand what the collateral of that is, but in terms of DF itself, its a peaceful end. its at least merciful for zurin, poor bastard

of the three kingdoms id say wayrest might be the most benign. i mean they still kill the other two kingdoms if given the mantella, but thats to be expected in the illiac. and, as far as i understand the intrigue, the crown of wayrest isnt actually the ones responsible for lysandus murder, just princess elyssanna and lord woodborne, who presumably were planning to kill barenziah and eadwyre afterwards

>last dungeon was the best in the game easily, the main quest dungeons needed more of that uniqueness

i agree. a lotta ppl i see playing nowadays seem to hate it. and i guess it prolly would be an absolute bitch with a magic-less character, but i thought it was neat

lemme know and ill screencap my modlist at some point.


the empire ending is prolly the MOST destructive, as thats the one that gets numidium used on all 3 major kingdoms

king of worms is, at least in the immediate future, the most peaceful by far. he doesnt even activate the numidium and instead gets his apotheosis and fucks off forever to become a moon/god of necromancy or whatever

gortwog, similar to the empire ending, gets everyone else nuked, but they kinda had it coming tbf. plus i lik his letter he sends to try to convince you. its the most well-written one and, even better, isnt a thinly-veiled threat to your life if you disobey him

>the reward of 100000 gold is pretty shit when you're normally a multi-millionaire by the end of Daggerfall anyway

gotta get limitedgoldshops mod
does what it says on the tin, and you can even limit bank loans being totally game-breaking. i find 10k per lvl to be a gud limit. that way you can still get a loan if you need some for daedra summoning, but no more multi-million drake loans with zero consequences. between that and unleveled loot mod and it becomes genuinely difficult to get even 1M, even if youre robbin an stealin all day erryday


>you can even limit bank loans being totally game-breaking.
idk man going to some random province, robbing the bank blind and then fucking off never to be seen again although broken feels like an essential part of my playthroughs at this point, kinda like stealing the limeware platter in Morrowind. I did at least install a mod where they send bounty hunters after you to make it more interesting tho.


its fun the first few times i guess
my problem is that the hobo phase is the most fun. and when you can take out 100k loan as soon as you get to gothway, thats too broken for there to even be a hobo phase anymore


playable crik monkr race coming soon™ in Tamriel Rebuilt


no pajeet accent 0/10


they need a quest where they are scamming elderly imperials out of their savings and if you go against them they start shouting FUK YU BLOODY


hm hm naruhodo (doesn't naruhodo at all)


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I was reading the TR trannycord once and apparently there's an engine limitation in Morrowind where water can only be at ground level. Explains why Gnisis always looked so weird to me.


it must just be a simple way of coding/dealing with water cuz thats far from the only engine ive heard where it works like that


i know vanilla engine daggerfall is the same way
for that matter i think unity itself has the same issue which is why theres no real rivers mod for DFU
but thats why most of the lakes in DF end up looking like fingerlakes, with these steep ass cliffs that drop into the lake, cuz it needs to make up for that change in elevation


so what are the gud towns in TR?
it kinda looks like telvanni area is the most developed from what ive seen of it, but i havent been down south much yet
was thinking of joining telvanni, just so i dont have to go to like a thousand different telvanni wizards during the hortator quest. i remember one of you fags said that shit was rly annoying and i kinda wanted to build up tel uvirith w that one mod for myself anyways


I haven't played it for a few years so there's probably a lot of stuff I don't know about but the main cities I remember are Old Ebonheart, Port Telvannis and Necrom so I guess just try checking those out and explore the areas around them. Telanni has the most quests but I think one of the newer updates also added some Hlaalu stuff if you want to go that route.
>just so i dont have to go to like a thousand different telvanni wizards during the hortator quest. i remember one of you fags said that shit was rly annoying
TR comes with an optional file called TR_Factions.esp or something like that which adds the MQ integration (I think there are now mainland Ashlander tribes you have to find now as well as Telvanni dudes) and also slows down the progression in guilds since there's a lot more quests for them now. You can disable it if you just want the OG MQ.


just checked out andothren. p big hlaalu city
got robbed, found a bum camp, some cammonna tong thugs tried to pull the ol hospitality papers scam on me, about what youd expect.

i couldnt really track down any thieves guild presence/jobs but it looks like theres a ton of quests for hlaalu. thats gud, they rly needed it, even redoran had more mods than hlaalu. thats just pathetic


figured it out
there is a thieves guild, but you gotta rebuild it cuz the tong killed erryone
free seekrit hideout in the dwemer ruins northeast of town. neat


>even redoran had more mods
Any you can recommend? I did Redoran on my last playthrough and it was kinda boring tbh.


Not TES related but since we're talking about mods does anyone know any gud ones for STALKER Anomaly? I'm generally happy with it vanilla but mainly just want to de-autism it a little since the survival and repair stuff is a bit over the top. Or should I just play vanilla CoC at that point?


Me again samefagging in case anyone else is interested in Stalker. Found out about Call of the Zone and would recommend it. It's basically vanilla CoP/CoC gameplay but with more interesting quests and more dynamic AI (you can end up with crazy shit like Monolith squads getting all the way down to Cordon etc.). Feels like a breath of fresh air since most of the modern mods are all about /k/ tacticool autism or tedious survival/crafting mechanics to the point that newfag fans are surprised when they play the OG trilogy and find out that they don't really focus much on that kind of stuff.


I lik shadow of Chernobyl. I think I red abowt a modrs thet smashrs the gams togever to makrs one gam


Yeah that's pretty much what I'm talking about. Call of Chernobyl is the original mod that mashed all the maps together and most other popular mods are built on it. There's not really a main quest though so the intention is basically that you join one of the factions and RP your own story. Pretty fun but I'd recommend playing all of the OG trilogy first (or at least just Call of Pripyat, Clear Sky is kinda ass tbh).


hold on ill look around for my most recent anomameme install and try and find what mods i was using

def stay far away from the popular bloatpacks lik gamma. that stuff is for tarkov zoomers who got tired of getting aimbotted. its hilariously unfun.
plus you gotta go to the geeks dicksword and install it w a .exe installer, then go through and configure lik 300 of the 400 or so mods to make it not autistic
just make your own loadout. imo its unironically easier than sifting through all that autism

heres some basic QoL things
>anomaly mod configuration menu
>cozy campfires
>food/drug/drink animations i actually turn these off mostly since i find it makes item management too tedious. but theyre nicely done
>parts in tooltip
>instant tooltip
>persistent weather
>shift hover transfer
>crooks faction identification
>HTS bars
>PDA to previous weapon
>maid vanilla+ HD icons
>pre-blowout murder of crows
and then i had these for my particular character drug-addled ecologist obsessed w artifacts, fell in w freedom, then got stuck north and lost his mind
>psy stress
>perk-based artifacts
which added a layer of insanity
keep in mind this is ~2yrs ago so there might be better/newer replacements for some of these

oh yah for the repairing autism in particular there was one more, but i didnt get to try it much cuz it was still early/buggy af
>sum of its parts


the LGNPC mods have a bunch of diff parts for diff regions
the parts for redoran territories are called "pax redoran" and tie into their questline

its nothin special rly, as its mostly just more verbose NPCs. very light cutscene scripting in some cases no MWSE stuff tho. its more based around honor and doing the right thing always, even if its not the ez thing
for ex, that first quest you get where theres that hlaalu guy trying to sneak in with the helmet, if you accept his bribe they will permab& you from the house. its got a bunch of little stuff like that which helps a lot imo if youre RPing some hardline redoran traditionalist or a dropout

but its just a bunch of little stuff like that
a number of extra quests. some required, most not. some tie into the temple. a lil quest to fund a shrine in suran. it allows to kinda do that one vampire quest in ald'ruhn, without being a vampire

idk try it out. redoran was p half-baked in vanilla so anything helps
i was just sayin hlaalu had actually nothing
and now that ive seen a few hlaalu towns in TR, imma wait and do a legit hlaalu run once that drops in full


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Thanks bro, will check those out if I end up playing Anomaly again. I also found this one https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/152-old-world-addon which apparently cuts down on a lot of the item bloat and attempts to generally make the whole thing more vanilla-esque. But I'm having fun with CoTZ right now anyway, the upgraded A-life gets really weird (currently playing Military and somehow ended up at war with Ecologists and being bros with Freedom lol), plus it runs nicer on my potato since it doesn't come with any grafix stuff installed. Only complaint is that it crashes more than Anomaly since it isn't in the new 64-bit engine.


>LGNPC mods
Wow that looks ambitious, will have to give it a try on my next playthrough. Wish there was a version with everything in 1 addon rather than having to install like 20 of them separately.
>no MWSE stuff tho
I'm an OpenMWfag anyway. Some MWSE stuff looks interesting but not enough that I'd bother going back to Todd's old broken engine, not to mention the tedium of setting up MGE XE and having to regenerate the distant land every time you change you're load order. Only mod that really tempted me so far is the one that introduces Oblivion's poison system but I'm sure someone will make an OMW-lua version soon™


it makes sense from a modders pov
it adds a LOT of writing, so they all divvy it up and focus on one area
lik i said its just dialogue mostly so it shouldnt be a huge issue dealing with load order or even worrying about it being a new game or not, just put it towards the end so it doesnt get overwritten by any other quest/dialogue mods. plus you might not want every town to be so verbose

oh yah
>indarys manor expanded
nice lil upgrade to the rather pathetic vanilla outpost you build. and w pax redoran all those generic NPC underlings that come w the house have little quests you can do for em too


old world add on and CoTZ are both the popular alternatives for ppl that h8 anomameme
i dont rly get the contention
lik sure its empty, but no shit, thats the point. its supposed to be something you add mods to and have a sandbox

i think the problem is that, since the proliferation of sandbox mods w CoC, almost all the focus on new mods has been on making EVERYTHING a sandbox mod. plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/lore, which is phenomenally stupid. literally skipping the best part

imo the big thing those games need to elevate them to something closer to the trilogy is more side quests
ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat them. the sandbox mods clearly WANT to be RPGs, but then theres no actual quests that allow any RPing. its just go there, do the thang, come back
problem is, idk if youve ever tried to mod anything in x-ray engine, but its fucking wacky. the alife in particular is unbelievably complex, so getting it to do what you want is nearly impossible. well above my paygrade


I don't hate anomaly, I've done a few runs in the past and enjoyed it enough. I just think there's a lot of tedium in the name of realism, like the repair system, animations every time you equip a new suit, your character flailing around and losing vision when your health is low etc.. Some of it even has the opposite effect and makes things less believable, like how you can kill some high-ranking military general and then find that his inventory includes a broken AK47 with 4 bullets and a cum-covered porn mag. If hardcore difficulty is your thing I can see it being more enjoyable but personally I'd rather have something that plays closer to the OG games.
>plus you see a lotta ledditors even recommending skipping the trilogy and just diving into the sandbox mods, w no reference to any of the world/lore
Yeah that seems particularly popular with zoomer streamers and the like. Never really understood it because the whole intention of sandbox mods is for people who have already played the games to death and want a new experience. In fact I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing, not sure how true that is tho.
>ive often thought about writing up some simple little daggerfall type radiant quests. some shit that has little options on how you can beat them
CoTZ actually has something like that. Like for example there can be a quest where you have to find some documents for someone, but then after you've picked them up another dude might come along and offer you a better reward for them. It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though.


>I read somewhere that SoC was supposed to have a freeplay mode that you unlock as a postgame thing
SoC was supposed to have a bunch of shit. too much to even list. the definition of scope creep.
they wanted the alife to be able to literally beat the game without you. like if you shut down the scorcher, then just dicked around too long, some other random NPC could make it to the wish granter/c-con instead of you, and youd "lose". or other NPCs could finish sidequests without you. the alife was supposed to be completely autonomous. wacky stuff to be even thinking about in early 00s PC gaming, nvm actually trying
it was basically babbys first game development
>hey sergay
>what if we did literally everything?
cue lik 8yrs of development hell

>It's only slightly less basic than the stuff from other sandbox mods though

thats all you rly need tho
you need lik maybe 2 dozen things lik that. something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice. which IS a lot, i get that. but a little goes a long way


Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC? I've heard the stories about the game's development and they really did try to add all kinds of crazy shit. It's a shame that Stalker 2 seems to have used their budget to go full AAA with voiced cinematic cutscenes and the like rather than using the budget and better technology to realise some of their old ideas, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
>something with choice, and some minor consequence of that choice
Yeah the consequence would be that you piss off whoever you were working for in the first place and lose rep with that faction. My favourite ones are the assassination quests. It's largely the same "go and kill X random dude" ones that you'll get in CoC/Anomaly, but you have to be quick since it also sends other Stalkers after him too. Then if you do manage to kill him his faction gets pissed and you end up with a price on your head yourself. It's pretty cool and feels like the kind of thing that A-Life was intended for in the first place.


>Isn't there a mod that restores a lot of the cut content in SoC?
lost alpha was one. OGSE/R another. OLR. AMK. theres tons.
most mods, esp the earlier ones, are based on some weird interpretation of cut content to varying degrees.
one of the more fascinating things about SoC in particular is that, not only did it have an incredibly long and troubled development cycle, but it was remarkably well-documented. and we actually have those documents, and even assets, in some cases.
apart from the game just being the definition of slavjank SOVL this, more than any one thing, is what made stalker develop the mod scene it has. all that missed potential, and an entire slavic society of bored nerds willing to do the legwork


1 more week bros


tfw preparing for my yearly NV playthrough and just found out that TTW got a big update and have to spend gorillions of hours running their installer again, wish there was an easier way to do this shit


i wanted to do a nv playthrough recently
but then i remembered that it takes like a week of installing mods before you can play it and i was just like naaaah


Just use the Viva New Vegas guide, it only takes a few hours from my experience and gives you all the fixes and QoL stuff you need. My problem is that I get carried away and end up spending days installing unnecessary shit (also using TTW despite knowing full well that Fallout 3 is total ass)

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