>>7559.>we use asterisks here for that bud
moddin made me realize i never finished bitcher3 or its dlc
side quests may be my fave in any game, this level of writing is completely foreign now
modding out raver aura on every little thing makes it so much better. asspain to 'find the footprint that isnt printed' tho
>>7591or just never count to 3
can you break the entire feedback loop in the game by just making porn games instead?
>>7782theyre prolly gonna lose
lik, they dont have a monopoly over monster-catching as a game-mechanic. and the rip-offs i saw arent even rly that bad tbph. if anything, its pokeymans problem for having over 9000 mons made by dozens of diff artists. some guy making lik 100 mons where a handful look kinda similar to a few of those 9000 pokeymans prolly isnt infringing on shit.
weird thing to do now too. i thought that meme had sailed a long time ago and no one was even playing it anymore. i havent even heard about it since it came out
i guess they just wanna bury them in legal fees so they cant put out another game ever again
>>7783Hell they never even invented the idea. SMT and Dragon Quest had the mechanic long before Pogeyman even existed. The thing I find strange is that they sue these guys but never bothered with any of the other knock-offs that existed like Digimon, Youkai Watch etc.
>>7787the nintoddlers really hammered away on twatter about the handful of similar monsters for long enough that nintendo's bloodthirsty retard lawyers are finally jumping on the opportunity
hope they lose too, fuck nintendo they haven't put out more than a tiny handful of worthwhile games in over a decade and they'd rather kill of fan projects than make anything worthwhile
>>7787>The thing I find strange is that they sue these guys but never bothered with any of the other knock-offs that existed prolly just lack of confidence in their modern product. big pikachu, being the large international corporate entity that it is now, is averse to risk. and direct competition is a huge risk. so SHUT IT DOWN
its funny to think about, but the game series literally peaked in popularity with RBY. no single gen tops it. they may be the biggest IP ever, but vidya-wise its been more or less a slow roll downhill ever since
an out of date pic by now, but it shows why theyre worried
sword/shield and scarlet/violet sold respectable numbers compared to the first games, but didnt top it. and thats on a well-established system with a huge userbase in an era where even ppls grandmas play vidya. if you compare ACTUAL smash-hit games on switch like BotW, their numbers arent what youd expect. especially not when considering were talking the largest series in entertainment history.
line NOT going up.
so sue your competition out of existence
rly, were it not for their fucking mobile game stimulating a sort of neo-pokemania briefly, i bet they wouldve already closed up shop
>>7787i know SMT was inb4, but did dragon warrior do it first too?
i got dragon warrior monsters for GBC when it came out BECAUSE R/B were always sold out everywhere. im p sure it was the NEWER game tho, cuz it was for GBC exclusively
>>7791It was a mechanic in DQV for the SNES as well. iirc Satoshi Tajiri actually cited that game as his inspiration for the series.
>>7793oh right its got the lil monster arena thang doesnt it?
either way, DWM was so based. i was so bummed i couldnt get pokeymans, again, but then that game was actually rly fun, so i wasnt even that bummed anymore
>>7789Yeah, Nintendo is just jealous that someone took their idea and did it better.
Nintendo knows that only thing that keeps them relevant is their IPs and that if someone could get something similar somewhere else they would be FUCKED.
I hope they get fucked just as a justice for all the mods and romhacks they have DCMA'd over the years.
Now if you had this take on cake-/v/ chief nintoddler in charge fat fuck Mark would have had you banned on sight.
>>7795>nintoddler in charge fat fuck Mark The same dude from 8/v/? he b& me from there like 10 years ago for getting quads and I never went back lmao fucking rulecucks
>>7787>>7789I mean gamefreak is a handful of greedy Nip kikes who have been using the same script to bash out pokemon games using cheap Chink labor to not have to split the profits with new blood for over a decade now. They did such a shit job with the last few that you could go into the game files and the previous game was basically locked behind a few lines of code (much like EDF 6).
>>7795>Yeah, Pokemon Company* is just jealous that someone took their idea and did it better.Because the #1 fan criticism for a decade has been asking Gamefreak to hire more devs and Gamefreak saying "no that means less money for each of us."
The #2 criticism was "spend more time on your games instead of releasing something every year" to which their response was also "no, we don't make as much money if we take time to bugtest." They're a team of niggers who learned how to program for the Gameboy and have never learned a new trick since, but they have a legal monopoly contract on the games so The Pokemon Company can't tell them to get their shit together.
If someone does their idea but better it means they have to choose between hiring people but not making millions of dollars each, or retiring because it's not profitable enough any more, because god forbid those old Jap Boomers ever learn a new trick. I hope if the lawfare gets to be too much that the Palworld devs just move in with their Kansas asset-maker and tell Nintendo to eat shit.
>>7789nice chart
does it factor in the slow transition from physical to digital? if you look at only physical numbers mobile doesn't exist, arcades are still a thing, and consoles have faced an apocalyptic decline but are STILL #1
>>7806nod rly, cuz i dont think most mainline games have been released digitally. cuz nintendo, ya know, hardware manufacturer and all.
but you can def see the devastating effect smartphones had on them. prolly the sole reason pokemon go happened. a bunch of suits sitting in a dark room
the pikachu equivalent of SEELE thinking
>how tf do we stop the smartphone menace?and then they realized, fuck it, cant beat em, join em, so pokeymans go happened
>>7804>They did such a shit job with the last few that you could go into the game files and the previous game was basically locked behind a few lines of codethats raly funny actually
is that something that came out of the leaks? i never heard that
i mean if it aint broke, right?
hard to blame em either when the numbers show they got ~8M tards who will buy the same game twice/thrice, regardless
and you can also kinda see, from a suit perspective, why theyd be so averse to scaling up too much. its not clear it would have any effect on sales whatsoever. the audience that left for smartphones is just fucking gone and ever never coming back
>>7808>the audience that left for smartphones is just fucking gone and ever never coming backtgat should tell the slant eyes they need to branch out more. smartphone addicted children are probably the single easiest demographic to exploit that has ever existed, it's the whole reason mr. beast is a multimillionaire at all
>>7809i mean they prolly DID make some money off of pokemon go. that shit was absurd. genwun pokemania lvl of pandemonium. their first """game""" to break into a new demographic since the series conception.
its kind of a wonder they didnt just go all-in on phones and never look back. suppose that has more to do w nintendo being a major stakeholder in it than anything. they bought the IP so they could have a fail-proof way of shipping hardware
friendly reminder that niantic was owned by google and that pokemon go is a data collection scheme
>>7811smartphones in general are a data collection scheme
>>7811it's almost as if a mobile tracking device would be used for tracking
>>7811lmao what kind of absolute fucking mongoloid needs that reminder?
>>7838how do they do these remasters, is it just gay.i. upscale? saw snoy redid all the mocaps and va for horizon: inflated blonde and that games new af
who'd have guessed when it came out skyrim would ruin gaymen
fuck i did it again
vid from
>>7871 No.7873
>>7838>>7841yah it's too bright, idk why they'd do that with a game that's clearly supposed to be in a grimdark setting. also back in the day when it first came out the devs would usually have darker lighting to help cover up some of the graphical limitations of the hardware in a way that looked good. there's no such limitations these days so there's no reason to not just remake it completely outside of lazy money grubbing. was there even a demand for anything soul reaver anyway? last time i heard anything relating to it was in the 00s
>>7914Tried to post the URL but duder's spam filter is blocking it so just try reverse searching the image or something
>>7915comments good enough for me
huh maybe i'll start test driving UTVs a lot
>>7917Reverse image search shows up "Arknights". Never heard of it but it kinda just looks like some generic chink mobile game.
>>7918>generic chink mobile gamesure is a lotta that stuff
i was thinkin about this shit the other day tho. between the sea of mobile gacha shit and other AAA live-service nonsense, theres gonna be an immense amount of games thatll just POOF out of existence in a few years.
almost sad in a way, or it would be if any of the games were worth playing and/or werent just gambling mechanics with an anime veneer
Man, SH2 remake looks kinda bad.
Like some of the dialogue seems more realistic and better written but man some of the voice acting really sucks.
Crazy that a Western dev couldnt do better than like a two decade plus old game that was being translated and directed by a japanese guy into english.
Like SH2 didnt need a remake, it was never about its epic graffffix or intense gameplay, the game was about its atmosphere and story and its soundtrack/sound design of which it did nearly perfectly. Unless you could match that perfection, you shouldnt touch it.
>>7928Silent Hill is one of those games where the charm comes from how it used the hardware limitations to its advantage, so it's basically impossible to achieve that in a remake. Same reason why The Twin Snakes was nowhere near as good as the OG MGS1. There's something really aesthetically pleasing about PS1 games to me, I think it's mostly because of the sound chip adding that sovlful reverb effect onto everything.
>>7946got me playin it again and the DEA needs to get involved
contra dlc was ok, stoked for this though. also fuck yes can play this while handing out toothbrusehs
>>7928If successful, wouldn't be surprised if konami decide to go the REmake route and them to start remaking SH1, 3 A& maybe 4. New cash cow.
>>7946couple runs in, this is abso worth it
vary cool progression in the new level
>>7960>>7965I bought it but I probably will only play a run or two tonight before jumping into a different game. Glad to hear it's worth it so far!
>>7972I only ever played the demo of this, might give it a try since it can probably run on toasters these days.
>Its crazy how hard Western Devs have fallen in the past decade and a half.Not like the Japs are doing much better tbh, unless you rally like gacha and farming simulators.
>>7973Idk about that.
I feel like the past 10+ years if I play 5-7 or so new games in a year, probably on average 1 of them is a western dev the rest are nips.
>>7974Pretty funny.
I noticed a lot of the accounts that post "sexed up" Ada Wong from RE4Remake were often female.
>>7975It's also pretty obvious when you look at cosplay conventions, for every ugly woman cosplaying Aloy or whatever there are like 100 bitches dressed as 2B
>>7974>New study finds things female gamers were saying 15 years ago is still trueNeat.
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>>7979Hopefully never ever.
Sexy female cosplayers who enjoy the game = kami
Not-so-sexy female cosplayers who enjoy the game = good
Sexy female cosplayers who know nothing about the game = well at least whorb eye candy took the effort to try
Booth babes who have played the game and are paid to booth = respectable whorb
Booth babes who are paid to dress up and know jack shit about the game = vomit
Replace game with anime or other form of entertainment as desired
Replace booth babe with TikTok/IG/OnlyFools whorb and it's the same shit.
>>7981Hooooly shit those patents are so broad they could basically sue any third-person game with a UI if this goes through. 3rd world-tier.
>>7981>5 million yenIsn't that only like $30000? Seems kind of low
>>7983>replace real people with corpo plasticlive in pods, eat bugs, etc.
>>7985They're also calling for them to discontinue the game.
>>7987I'm aware but it still seems low considering that one random dude who ran a ROM site got sued for 2 million. That was US courts though so I'm guessing they can get away with more Jewish shit there.
>>7994Why does every game these days have some crafting autism mechanic? Not complaining, just genuinely don't get why it's such a huge thing
>>7995it's satisfying to gather shit and make new shit out of it. people probably get the same kind of satisfaction out of getting gud at cooking only that takes way more irl effort obviously
>>7996>that takes way more irl effort obviouslyeh cooking is mostly ez to learn unless you're talking about Michelin star shit. I've probably invested less time and effort into it than that one giga autist NEET from 4chan did into Terraria despite the fact that I was a chef for 5 years
>>7997>go out to buy groceries >have to prepare them in specific ways>have to wait several minutes to multiple hours depending on what you're cooking >can still fuck up if you wait too longvs.
>click some shit to get material shit>put material shit in a shitmaker>get some cool shit>takes like 5 minutes at most for the whole process usually No.7999
>>7998This particular dude had like 3000 hours in the game or something. Wish I had the screencaps saved because it was hilarious, he even wrote fanfics about his playthrough and everything.
>yt-dlp finally stopped updating for windows 7
>also kind a wanna play ori 2 but it requires windows 10
shieeeeet looks like i'm going full dual boot linux/windows 10
wuts the best linux distro for a long time win7 retard to use and is win10 easy to pirate? also i know i won't be able to fully de-glownigger any windows 10 install but is it possible to minimize the spy faggotry to any significant extent?
>>7999i get you i just thought it was funny to compare clicking shit in vidya vs an actual skill
it's just rally absurd to me. why'd you quit being a chef? don't they get paid a lot?
also i'm curious about that NEET now too, 3000 hours is a fucking lot. i think i got bored of terraria after like 200 hours and i thought that was an autistic amount
>>8002>>8003Shit pay + rally long hours (I was regularly working 9am-11pm with no days off, fuck that shit). Don't bother with hospitality jobs unless you literally have no other choice. Honesty though I wouldn't be surprised if I've got 1000+ in some games. I've been doing yearly Oblivion playthroughs since the 00s and they're like 50 hours minimum.
>>8004wtf i thought chefs were paid great fuck that.
>yearly playthroughsehh i wouldn't count that personally, you're taking a long enough break that you're not going insane and writing fuckin fanfics about it at least. i've definitely got over 1k hours in some games too if >we do count yearly returns tho. even still 3000 hours would be a lotta yearly playthroughs, it's an impressive level of autism for sure
>>8005yah i'm not expecting anything to be completely free of alphabet tranny shit, just looking for the least glowed options. thanks bud i'll look into mint when i build a new pc
>>8006>>8001i lik nobara. was suggested to me cus its made for playin games so i installed
the kde version of it very ezpz and it just werks™ on my shittop and pc. i was runnin a pirated w10 before, also ezpz to get and install (dont connect to internet while installing and you will have a much easier time bypassing ever needing to create an account.
gosh i fukn hate microcock), but rly i just fn hat wendos.
sudo yum or sudo dnf instead of apt get. you dont rly need to use terminal much though, i just lik to because it makes me feel cool.
lik budy said mint is vary wangblos-like and i remember over a decade ago it was what i put on a laptop i gave a budy because it would be easiest for him. nowadays more distros are easy to use from the get go and arent trying to so closely mimick the "feel" of willy gates puttin his locked clitty cage benis on ur shoulder.
i guess in short i could just say i think its normie-friendly, to, and is built with focus on play game
>>8014>nobaranever even heard of that but i'll check it out thanks
>>8015win7 retard here i used a fren's laptop that had ubuntu installed and played noita on it through lutris just fine. i don't know how but it just werkd so if i can get something to play it shouldn't be too hard for anyone else here
wait win 10 is at end of life already?
>came out in 2015
>>8016>>8017Noita is made by some Finnish dude right? They all have autism so chances are there's a native Linux version.
Win10 ends in October next year, but honesty I doubt those security updates are important anyway as long as you have the common sense not to download some shit like Linkin_Park.mp3.exe. Might try out a Live CD anyway just to see if it even works on my hardware. In the past I remember having a lot of trouble with the grafix and wifi drivers not working right but I had some shitty chink laptop back then.
>>8018no i think noita is specifically for wangblows afaik so you have to go out of your way to get it to run on linux. it ran p gud through lutris on a fairly shit laptop tho
i'm probably not even going to use win10 for much of anything besides running games i can't figure out how to run in linux, otherwise i can listen to music and browse stupid shit on the internet just fine without microshaft. actually i don't even really play any newer AAA games and ori 2 probably runs fine in linux, the fuck would i even need to dual boot at all for now that i think about it?
now all i gotta do is save up to build a new pc my current hardware is all a decade or more old. got my use out of it tho that's for sure
>>8015its been workin for me. theres a thing you gotta click on steam settings to get it to let you play most games on stam but then they just werk™. consider that the stam dek runs on loonix. i mostly just play fightan that i bought with money and fightcade from time to time. actually switched back to w10 a year ago because i couldnt get a simulator for monaco gp to work (yes, simulator) and got lazy about switching back but my budy told me that same thing about security with winten so i gtfo right back.
i cant get a controller to work with Chicken Little Ace in Action but ive only tried one controller. gonna try a wired xbone controller next time i think about it. ive got MGS, EDF, and Yakuza to work with no effort at all. i cant remember if i last played AOE and RCT on this OS or on win. pretty sure ive played AOE on it though. idk about todds games i dont play those also the souls type games i dont bother with. i wanna try CS 2 on it and theres no way that wont work on linux.
come a looooooong way from how it used to was
>>8021>SteamOh yeah I heard they developed some emulator or something that makes most Windows games work on Linux. Unfortunately I don't use Steam since I just play old shit and the rare occasion I play something new I usually just pirate the GOG version. Will probably think about setting up dual-booting when the time comes, tho my shitty prebuilt PC only has 1 SATA port and I heard doing it on the same drive can lead to problems. Any idea if booting from an external SSD would be viable?
>>8022p sure that's just as viable as booting from a live cd or a flash drive
>>8022no idea on the dual boot from separate hard drive but i dont see why it would be a prob. also iirc nobara tries to do wine gud cuz once again the os is gaym oriented. havent had a reason to bother with it yet so idk how gud or not it is.
>>8022you don't need steam to use proton. GOG stuff is actually easy to run on loonix, it's mostly drm'd gAAAy crap that has trouble
>installed nobara on one of my internal hds
>computer boots to windows
>change boot options so the hd i installed nobara to should take priority
>still loads windows
>hd doesn't show up in file explorer so i assume nobara is the reason
>fuckin nothing i do with the boot menu changes this
starting to remember why i didn't switch to linux earlier
>>8027have you tried mashing esc at boot and choosing it manually?
thats what i had to do when i was dool buating
>>8027Yeah from my experience Wangblows rally doesn't like you dual-booting and will attempt to fuck you up at every opportunity, hence why I don't want to bother with partitions. Was fucking around with some live CDs and the only ones I could even get to boot on my machine were Ubuntu and its variants (I guess because they're the most retard-proofed ones). I'll prolly just install one of those on a thumb drive so I can lrn2linux without committing to buying any new storage or messing with my main storage.
>>8028yah of course, still didn't work
>>8030nobara will still boot when i have the usb inused for the install plugged in but it's just the live version not what i should have on the hard drive. was hoping to avoid having to open my pc and unplug the wangblows ssd for an install but i may have to try that and then play with the boot order afterward
gonna try this shit one more time before i open the case and start unplugging shit. i need to airdust the insides anyway i haven't done that in a couple years it might make it cumpoot more faster
well it seems to have worked this time. i rebooted on windows to transfer some stuff to a different drive to transfer between win7 and nobara so >we'll see how that turns out. from my understanding supposedly there's some shit about windows tending to take over the boot order no matter what but thats all tech shit i havent learned yet and may never learn so whatever im probably wrong
>>8027i have a separate pc entirely for wangblows because it loves fucking with the boot partition when it can, and i really don't want to restart my pc every time i want to switch between work and games
>>8037having nobara installed on a separate drive seems to be working just fine now, i guess it wasn't windows fucking with the boot order and was just a fuck up on my end, though idk what i did
i get what you mean tho, i also feel bad for anyone that has to put up with m$ poojeet horseshit for work. 7 was
ok but everything afterwards was an irredeemable clusterfuck, especially 8 idk how anyone tolerated having to use a shitty tablet OS on their desktops w/o wanting to commit a [redacted] on microsoft HQ
>>8038>idk how anyone tolerated having to use a shitty tablet OSIt was okay once you installed Classic Shell to fix that. If nothing else it was nowhere near as glowed as 10 onwards
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Been playing Yakuza 3, not sure why everyone shits on it. Probably because of the nigger orphan dating the fried shrimp orphan. On chapter 5. It's not as refined as the remakes obviously, but the game is in a perfectly playable state with decent graphics.
I like the family-focus of the plot and how Kiryu is at that phase in his life where he don't wanna fight but he also don't take shit from nobody
the Okinawa map feels p shitty tho tbh fam
>>8058I think people mostly complain that the orphanage stuff was boring, but imo it was comfy as fuck and easily the best part of the game. I guess it's SEGA's fault for marketing the series in the West as some dark gritty crime series, so people looking for that end up being disappointed when they have to essentially play through a slice of life anime for half the game. There's also some dumb stuff in the plot like
Kazama's sekrit CIA brother but it's nowhere near as bad as the shit they pull in 4 and 5, and it's not like Yakuza ever had particularly good writing in the first place anyway.
>>7591the problem with GDT is that whether or not your release is successful is random every time, regardless of how much effort you put into it, which takes away all the fun and the risk/reward factor
>>8073the easiest way to stop accidents is to have one big car for each ride instead of several smaller ones. they crash because of station brakes failure and then one car will inevitably slam into another and blow up, and afaik that's the only scenario where rides crash unless you intentionally fuck it up
what is the best n64 emulator? i heard project 64 is basically just malware at this point and idk about any of the others
>>8088Mupen64Plus or Parallel cores on Retroarch.
>heard project 64 is basically just malware at this pointYeah iirc in later versions they added some popup begging for money every time you open it. Even if it didn't have that there's no reason to use PJ64 in le current year anyway, it's ZSNES tier shit designed for ancient 90s PCs
>>8091I wish there was an undub mod for the OG Yakuza 1 tho, I liked Kiwami but the Majima everywhere thing got really obnoxious
he is according to the random delinquent teenagers you have to constantly kick the shit out of throughout the game
i randomly remembered that scuttlebug jamboree guy and looked up his channel and he's making multi hour breakdowns of sm64 glitches now. truly impressive autism, great background noise too tbh
>>8092Yeah Majima everywhere got old real damn fast. doubly so when the Majimas I needed never spawned in while the ones I had already gotten spawned constantly.
>>8093I mean he's already old enough to drink in Zero and Yakuza 3 takes place some 15 years after that. He's not old old, but he's at least mid 30s which is when your body starts degrading. He's become "mature" I guess. He knows it takes longer to recover so he doesn't want to put up with people's shit any more.
hows budy & his new linux doin
>>8100p gud tho i had to use the win10 drive to play pseudoregalia bc it wouldn't work at all on nobara for some reason
no i'm not jacking off to the jackalope or whatever she isgot ori to work tho, gonna see how n64 and ps1 & 2 emulation goes when i have the motivation to try them
>>8102I bought some taliban bandanas recently and can still fly, so prolly fine. You definitely going on a list tho'
>>8103>I bought some taliban bandanas recentlylol
we're probably all on a list anyway given that we have that one pedo CIA nigger posting here all the time
>>8103wanna see if theyll hook me up with the sneakers too tbh
>>8103>>8104>>8102o no not the terrorino list
"lists" only matter if you're actually doing something shady and at that point you should've learned proper opsec anyway
but yes you should get them to sign it that's a funny idea and the taliban are surprisingly reasonable and friendly when you're not in their cunt shooting at them
>>8106those actually look really comfy i wonder if they're good for distance running
>>8101glad to hear its generally doin gud for yu
>>8116im rilly druck mann fak yuo i dont imagien SHIT
tried running OoT and it was laggy af. does mupen64 require newer hardware to run smoothly or am i just having configuration issues?
>>8118I think it depends on the plugins you're using
>>8118If you're using the Retroarch core try going into Settings > Glide64 and turning the resolution down a little. Dunno about the standalone version but there's probably a similar setting. When you download it I think the default setting makes it automatically scale to your monitor's resolution which is a bit much for old hardware to handle. If that doesn't work just try fucking around with other settings or just trying Parallel instead. Why play OoT on an emulator and not the PC version anyway?
>>8120because i forgot about the pc version even though someone linked me to it not too long ago
also i'm planning on emulating other shit too that was just the first one i tried. thanks for the tips tho
>went and installed soh last night
>spent like an hour fucking around with the customization options
>got tired and went to bed before i could actually play it
>now have crimmus eve obligations and won't be able to try it until way later
i haven't felt anticipation like this to play a vidger game in years. nintoddler tier i know but it's t'woo
>>8118Usually it's a configuration issue
framedrop is basically unavoidable with emulation but it shouldn't be so bad as to make the game unplayable
>>8123I know that feel. It's like when a game comes out on your Sunday and you know you can't play it because you got work in the morning.
>>8123i miss having anticipation for gaymes– this must be what nostalgia fags feel
having to go to best buy or whatever to buy the game, opening the box with all the manuals and other shit, spending half an hour installing it from the cds etc
>>8126>manualsi miss those a lot, they usually had cool artwork and background lore and shit like that, now everyone just looks that type of stuff up on wikis. which is convenient i guess but it kinda autisms the fun out of it since, you know, >wikis
>>8133this game looks cool as fuck, gonna try it now
>>8149ah yes "clipboardimage" truly the greatest of games
>>8133>>8153>played a little bit>kicked some fucked up looking drunk guy's ass so hard he joined my party>then he immediately fell into a river and disappearedlel yah i think this might be a good one
>>8133>>8154man i'm really enjoying this game thanks for pointing it out
still haven't found the drunk guy tho did he just straight up die in the river?
>the drunk guy reappeared in the tavern and doesn't member his budys
>>8159Sorri buddi, that happen sometimes
>>8158I've heard some good things about it and Lunacid.
Only thing is any time I look stuff up about them in regards to them being "morrowind-likes" I always hear they are quite short.
To me one of the best things about Morrowind is just how much content there is. I have played through Morrowind at least 5 times probably over 500 hours and still haven't seen and done everything.
>>8161Yeah Dread is relatively short (it's no 500 hour playthrough) and the quests are kinda shit. It's fun though.
>To me one of the best things about Morrowind is just how much content there is.Yeah it's kinda amazing. There's games with a shit-ton of side content, but most of them are just boring slogs whereas Morrowind always has shit to do and it's never just "grind 10 wolf hides" crap, even the collection quests involve actually going out and exploring rather than just collecting resources.
>just now beat felvidek
not sure i liked that ending tbh
i still liked the game a lot, short but the music is mostly nice, the battles are fun, and the characters are all some level of jackass in a good way imo. "you acquired a jew" keeps making me laugh
>>8168>most expensive is almost $2kwew so how bad were you expecting it to be? bc that seems p bad. i know inflation got retarded these past couple years but you can still probably build a decent gayman rig for less than that
>>8168Fuckin hell, i remember the days when a $1000 PC was considered high end and overkill. Now even regualar mid range parts are almost that much.
>>8170it's no wonder Microshart keeps bombarding me with those "Throw away your perfectly good PC and upgrade to an overpriced Windows 11™ machine goyim" messages
>>81694090s are about 2k right now i think or were recently
used to em ass raping on gen jumps
>>8170i got a new computer two or three years ago for a grand and it runs everything i play just fine at 4k 60fps. my budys suggested just doing a prebuilt because it was cheaper than building it yourself so i did and i lik the thing. wish i got more storage tho, i saw a half a terabyte and was lik HOLY SHIT THATS HUGE lo and behold the times have changed and the gayms have bloated
>>8173>half a tblmao no no no that's not enough, especially for modern AAA bloat. though storage has gotten ridiculously cheaper compared to ten years ago so you could just get a big ass HD and add it to your rig. or an external HD if you got one of those gay prebuilts that doesn't allow for extra internal storage
>>8173for an nvme ssd that's a gud amount, that's what your install da os on and all your other programs
hdd is for vidya and everything else cuz it's cheep, got an 8TB drive for like $120 and that was 5 years ago so it's prolly cheaper now. for games that load really slow you can also get a sata ssd for them which are also cheap at lower capacities
my main build is 7 years old and i don't even play vidya on it, mostly gamedevving. my gayming rig is now 10 years old but i only play old vidya so it doesn't bother me
>>8173lol iktf bro, I have an xBoner with a 1TB SSD and if you play Western AAA slop it only fits like 3 gaymes at a time. There are theories that they purposely bloat the games so that you have to uninstall one made by a rival company to play it, wouldn't surprise me if that's true because Jap stuff is nowhere near as bloated.
>>8176doubt it, it's just devs not caring about sizes anymore since storage is so cheap, and they're under immense pressure from suits and publishing jews to get shit released ASAP so no time for optimization. might be different in nipland because of the culture and work ethic but idk
>>8177por que no los dos?
i could easily see some faggot suits going either way with it
>>8175>>8173if spro is runnin 4k hes prolly on newer games which makes ssd just about mandatory. can find em cheap af now if ya keep your eyes out, def worth throwing an extra 1 or 2 tb in it
>>8179Even for old stuff it's worthwhile, I finally upgraded to one about a year ago and loading screens are pretty much nonexistent now
red eclipse is surprisingly good for a foss game, although you have to turn off most of the effects otherwise its an eyesore imo
i can't for the life of me remember the name of this DOOM was but it was awesome
>gameplay involved fighting themed waves of enemies (cacodemon variants, wizards, aliens etc.)
>weapons were placed at spawn points and were also themed (fire based weapons, machine guns, explosives, sparts "weapons" which were things like basketballs and baseballs + bats)
>after a number of waves you fight unique bosses like a giant imp that sheds tons of smaller imps as you damage it
>another boss was dial up oower rangers or some shit and iirc the joke line for their introduction was that they were waiting since the 90s to connect (this one i am probably misremembering a bit)
>levels were all open arenas with one being on like a suspension bridge and another was city streets
>there was even a boss rush mode where you're on a raised platform in the middle of a stadium
>there were also "modes" that would roll every wave with shit like altered sound effects or bizarre sock puppet enemies
found it immediately after i made that post lmao it's the reelism and reelism 2 wads the 2nd one is definitely fun as shit but i don't remember much about the first one though i was also deep in my drinking days when i was playing it
>>8202i try to forget the dramaring exists, it's basically just the very most obsessive spastics that ruined 8gag that are left anyway. best to just leave them alone entirely, even looking at their posts might cause actual brain cancer
>>8202That's pretty standard for alt-chans tbh. Most of them are rulecucked shitholes frequented by 30-something depressed NEETs crying about everything, which end up eventually stagnating and dying a slow death because they all screech about newfags every time someone who isn't one of the regular 5 users shows up. And the few that are relatively normal and non-rulecucked end up getting pizza spammed into oblivion half the time. The fact that this site has been going for like 11 years now without any real problems (besides duder "forgetting to pay the bill" a few times) is a fucking miracle
>>8202My only experience with /v/ was eating a ban for making a thread about Goat simulator. Spee is chill.
>>8206wdym? like the devs whose games won are butthurt because it was ign that voted or that devs who make shitty games are mad their bribes sent to screw attack or whatever the fuck wound up being meaningless?
>>8208That's The Game Awards. This is The
Real Game Awards where the only thing that counts is gamers voting on shit.
Devs (like nightmare kart) are mad because they think it's some right-wing anti-woke conspiracy theory when it's just people voting on which games they like/dislike.
Nightmare Kart had a mental breakdown that people who aren't trans like his game and voted it best racing of 2024 and Selaco had a mental breakdown that their trailer was featured. No.8210
>>8209oh wtf i couldn't watch the video earlier and didn't notice the "real" in the thumbnail, that clears it up
wait wait wait, they're butthurt people like their games?
am i retarded or is that actually how it be like it do?
>>8211Yeah nah, Selaco had a meltdown because they didn't want to be associated with it and Nightmare Kart went on an entire porn-post about how he was gonna have his tranny hubby rub his gaping wound because he was so mad about it (not even an exaggeration)
They really are that dumb
>>8212>make a game that people actually enjoy despite your own personal faggot politics>get mad because they said they enjoyed it on the "wrong" game awards show man if i poured effort into something and people liked it i couldn't give less of a shit what show it was featured on. not only would it be encouraging it's free advertising
plus it's just plain funny if you make something and people you hate give you money and praise for it, these niggers really need to learn to laugh at the situation
>>8209>can't even say you like a vidya gaym anymore without it turning into some twitter culture war bullshitwtf? goobergate was over 10 years ago, I thought we would've gotten past this shit by now
>>8214spro these "people" in entertainment cliques live in constant fear of being struggle sessioned
lik if they didnt shid and piss their diapies they'd catch articles about "nahtzees new dog whistle and why the devs silence is problematic" and boom there goes their entire career
changing somewhat now, but you get it
>>8219i know it'd just be way easier for them if they grew some balls
bigger ones in the case of the trannies i gues lmao. has a single dev that told those types to fuck off actually failed in any capacity when their game was actually good? like with all gay things in this gay earth the power they actually have when you step away from the screens and mock them is minimal
>>8220Not really a dev but iirc there was that time Raiden's VA had some sexts leaked and they tried to cancel him over it for muh soggy knees but he basically just ignored the whole thing and it eventually went away. Meanwhile when the same thing happened to Chris Avellone he lost all his jobs and everything despite him constantly simping for trannies
>>8220cant recall specific names but it seems to be if it catches the right viral yim winds, like anything else
and ya lik other guy said not backing down bc then you're a traitor twice
zeitgeist is definitely changing now though so theres going to be a lot of pretend grifters a la kingdom buttcum's recent bs
>>8221he got a 7 figure settlement from a libel suit because of that apparently. still got fucked out of work but 7 figures is plenty enough to dry those tears tbh, though i wonder if he's learned any lessons from the ordeal. probably not lel
>>8223Hopefully he learnt the futility of trying to appease twitter trannies, but probably not since the dude is kind of a fag
>Super Mario supermarket in Costa Rica wind trademark lawsuit against Nintendo
>>8228inwould love it so much if some spic supermarket got a billion dollar settlement out of nintendo for copyright infringement, the pottery would be exquisite and not gay like the tpaste kind
>>8255imagine the
temperature, she must be cold No.8278
GAYmer: How's Gayming?
Evan Gayer: It's great here. It's really great, um… I don’t know; I played this game today, and, um, there were these gaymers, and they were gayming, and I didn't feel anything, you know? And, um, I don’t know… I even tried gayming, and John is using these gayming products—I just, I don't know who I gaymed.
Evan Gayer: Oh, can you wait a second? Just hold on. I'll be right back.
GAYmer: Okay, sure.
Gaymer: Sorry, what were you saying?
Evan Gayer: Nothing. It's okay. I'll call you later, okay?
GAYmer: Okay. Have the best time. Just call me when you get back, okay?
>>8279me i was the gay phone all along
>>8265so uh is buying a copy of a movie just ded now?
>>8281I'm guessing there's enough of them stockpiled to last another few years but probably unless someone else starts producing them I guess. Physical games (outside of Nintendo) have largely been a meme for quite a while anyway since they're usually too big to fit on the disc, and for other media (((they))) want everyone to pay for the shitty streaming services. The main one I'm wondering about is anime since for a lot of series the blu-ray version is the only way to watch it without censorship.
>>8265i've never even bought or even held a single bluray disc in my life. i had a bluray burner but never used it for BDs, just DVDs and CDs. having everything digital does just make it easier provided you can have complete control over it. leave it to the slavs to rip everything and encode it in a non-shitty format so i can keep it on my media server for eternity
>av1 allows entire 1080p season rips under 8GByou could fit an entire tv season on a single dual-layer dvd
obviously it won't work in a dvd player since it needs to be encoded in mpeg2 but still we livin in the future
>>8282there are also plenty of third-party bd manufacturers but the sony ones were the only ones of reliable quality
>>8282>animeniggas still have FAX machines
you really think they're givin' up on bluray?
>>8303WHERE?all i have around me is faggot ass barcades and half of them have been beat to shit by porch monkeys
>>8305the fact you've never seen one means you are blessed and you should be happy about it
yes they're real, and yes they're populated by the exact kind of faggot you're probably picturing in your head. wait does bong hell even have hipsters? i know you've got pakis and chavs which are just your version of niggers and wiggers
>>8308Millennials with soy beards who spend all their money on IPA and funko pops exist here but I rarely see them irl. Closest thing I've ever seen to a barcade was a night club with a broken X-Men machine outside tho, I'm guessing the concept isn't that common here because eventually someone would end up destroying all the machines in a bout of drunk tard rage or something.
>>8309>because eventually someone would end up destroying all the machines in a bout of drunk tard rage or somethingoh that definitely happens, especially if someone is dumb enough to open a barcade in a spot that hasn't been fully gentrified yet
An error has occured.
Error posting
I played Atelier Sophie at the recommendation of the friend. As far as JRPGs go it's alright, it's got a standard crafting mechanic that is engaging enough that combined with the VN aspects it keeps the skinnerbox alive, but I hate it. I'll never play an Atelier game again. That last boss is bullshit.
>hadn't used the nobara partition in several weeks because >>>>work fuck i hate work so god damn much
>go to boot it up today
>shitton of updates
>k i'll just upd-
>update stops
>The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
>You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
>ok i'll just open up terminal and do th-
>Repository fedora is listed more than once in the configuration
>0 files removed
>the solutions i looked up online don't seem to work
ok either i'm misreading something (very possible) or this is some linux snowflake distro bullshit that i don't have the time or patience to figure out (also very possible)
>>8360this one
was working better for me than ubuntu. idg what happened i'm probably gonna have to sift through the fuckin log and sort out any errors i can figure out
it's frustrating bc every time i've tried linux i
always seem to get fucked after not using my computer for a couple weeks. for instance when i tried ubuntu everything was swell then i went roughly three weeks without touching my computer and when i tried to boot it up it kept going into like an infinite loop or some shit and nothing i tried fixed it then i eventually just gave up and had to wipe it completely.
the single overwhelmingly positive thing i can say about post-xp m$ is that i've never had the OS seemingly just destroy itself out of nowhere after being left alone for too long, wtf causes this shit?
>>8361fedora doesn't use yum? it's not bundled with a gui updater/package manager like synaptic? is the referenced repo listed multiple times in whatever the equivalent of sources.list andsources.list.d/ is?
what even is the problem it's causing?
whatever it is you should be able to brute-force it by making a copy of your home dir and reinstalling, or if you have it on a separate partition just reinstall and point /home to that partition
there should be a way to export your list of installed packages if there's a lotta shit to reinstall.
if you were using apt and dpkg I could give you better advice
>>8363it has yum and the main issue seems to be that shit about multiple fedora repositories
i'll post more info whenever i get back around to it which mite b awhile. i'm not giving up on it tho i just have vary limited free time these days to fuck around with it
also yes i'm using the gui updater/package manager, the log listed several errors. i probably installed some unnecessary stuff last time i used it that's causing conflicts now idk what else would be the problem
redundant repo entries isn't necessarily a problem
is it installing the same package multiple times or different versions of some package or lib simultaneously? unless there's some kind of breakage or lossage idk what's actually wrong
anyway if you want to clear packages and it has yum you might be able to clear the cache with a yum command. you could also delete the cache in whatever dir of /var that's kept in.
>>8358sudo yum clean packages
for some reason it dont wanna clean shit unless you super do
also theres this shitty thing you should just remove but i cant remember what it is ill see if i can find it but if you remove it things should "just work" and update. no need to drudge thru distros or whatever. i had the same problem.
>>8358its probably gamescope. that was my issue.
sudo yum remove gamescope -y
no idea why it was such a fuckin shit that it basically bloacked all other updates but after i removed it things updated just fine.
>not sudoing to update
this is a joke right?
>>8370>>8371well that worked fuckin gr8, thanks budy
still tho why did it throw a shitfit like that? i've updated things before and all was fine. does linux get separation anxiety like a dog and then just shit all over the figurative carpet?
>>8372i'm clearly not a linux pro, faggot i'll learn as i go
you need permissions to change essential system files
ok so i started using nobara again to compare how it handles noita with how wangblows 10 runs it and it's leagues of difference, it's jittery and shitty on win10 even when there's not a lot of things happening on screen meanwhile playing on nobara it runs noticeably faster and takes way more chaos for it to start slowing down
is that a normal amount of difference? is win10 really that shitty or is it a configuration thing?
we are officially in the stage of clownworld where vidya runs better on *nix than on windows
I saw non-zero posts on steam about this and that game running better through vulcan (dxvk) in wine/proton than on windows and that was years ago
>>8373:) im glad it worked for you.
>shit the bedthe gamescope thing is by and for steam
specifically big picture mode as far as i understand so maybe theyll unfuck that one day or maybe not but who knows if/when their boss will tell them to unfuck it
>>8376>>8377Can't say I ever had any problems with Noita on Win10 myself so it might just be a driver thing on your machine or something. Still, DOSbox was originally just a Linux thing iirc (because Windows still had native DOS support back then) so it honestly wouldn't surprise me if something like WINE or Proton gets ported to Windows in the future for better old vidya support.
>just like, port linux to windows bro
>>8382forgot to mention my hardware is like ten+ years old at this point, idk how well these hold up but i still have shit like an amd fx-6300, 8gb ddr3 RAM, and an amd radeon r9 200. though i think they were all pretty decent at the time i built the computer so i guess they had some longevity, but i'm not tech literate enough to say how it compares to newer stuff
>>8383wsl does exist for win10, just sayin'
if you use wsl to run games through wine I hope you're arrested and sent to clown jail where you have to wear rainbow hair and a red nose forever