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- Sparts: Ordered By Hours Left:https:/…
- Sparts: >>1674918 Yeah
- Sparts: i guess blinkin wasnt havin a …
- Sparts: >>1674360 u gon die
- Sparts: >>1674918 jerk yourself off o…
- Sparts: >>1674916 Only because DeWine…
- Sparts: >>1674903 stop growing up
- Sparts: >>1674919 i know in VT it def…
- Sparts: >>1674918 ok gramps uphill bo…
- Sparts: >>1674903 >>1674910 you guys…
- Sparts: halo sars my name is vivek ru…
- Sparts: >>1674911 he could do the wav…
- Sparts: yall ever see this nasty ass b…
- Sparts: >>1674904 not like it's worth…
- Sparts: >>1674902 budy virginia may t…
- Sparts: >>1674896 lel unless glownigg…
- Sparts: >>1674883
- Sparts: and if i can't see him in pers…
- Sparts: >>1674902 it's not the cold i…
- Sparts: >>1674900 >>1674898 >muh col…
- Sparts: >>1674897 it was def the cool…
- Sparts: wheres the global warming when…
- Sparts: bought fuckin winter gear and …
- Sparts: >>1674843 lmao that was great…
- Sparts: >>1674892 yes, yes he did t.…
- Sparts: >>1674873 yims aside, mink ar…
- Sparts: >>1674889 frankly this just r…
- Sparts: lel grump screwed the /sp/artm…
- Sparts: WARNING:…
- Sparts: >>1674844 lel them reporters…