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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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hey sportschan its yours truly OJmil here
faked my death last year so I could be more equipped to search for THE TRUE KILLER™
I will be searching today at Trump National in Rancho Palos Verdes


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hey thats good
let us know how it goes


based juice

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thinking about creating a new /sp/ersonality. I've already been a travelbro, angrybro, kakibro etc but I'm wondering what to be next, open to suggestions.
dubs decide my new /sp/ersonality i guess
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take it easy


oh hey perfect example right here be hortler and randomly spaz over nothing for a little bit


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a worthy successor?
that's a high bar to overcome


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do dis


i always wonder what they said right before lowtax got up and went to his corner

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watch in agony as your team overpays underperforming players who are good for nothing except sitting on the bench
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President Donald Trump plans to pardon Pete Rose

>President Donald Trump plans to pardon MLB star Pete Rose. Trump acknowledged that Rose “shouldn’t have been gambling on baseball, but only bet on HIS TEAM WINNING”

>Rose was banned in 1989 from Major League Baseball and the Hall of Fame for sports betting.
>Pete Rose died in September 2024 of natural causes at the age of 83


so what is he gonna be in the hall of fame now or something?


mlb kikes have to let him in now
plus it was a LIFEtime ban
heem ded so the ban is technically null and void now


>Mike Moustakas has retired after 13 seasons, three All-Star selections, and a 2015 WorldSeries championship with the KCRoyals.


2015 was 88 years ago

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new happy face every day until duddder makes drunk dudder thread

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my crikbat is very beeg nd hard wood nd my crikbat stroke is gud i can stroke my crikbat on d front foot or evn back foot, can do pull shot or evn scoop shot nything can do nd wid my crikbat i canr go crikball deep into yur stump holes knock yur bails off nd maker yu go wow with shots to d boundary lines nd hitr crikballs out of d park for 6 nd 4 nd scor a century
i am veri gud in any pojishun be it gully, mid wiket, or outfiled even in silly point but i lik it when yu of bringr yur budy in 2nd slip nd i bring my budy in 3rd slip so we canr scor hatrick of wikets wid my inswing nd out swing crikballs becoz i am sultan of swing nd also d master blaster


i lik crik
i lik wik
speakr softly an cary big dik


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Favourite criket postions? I lik deep fine leg.


oh ya baby im gonna give it to ya deep mid-wicket

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 No.1620733[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


kakasex in spee and fedocel in librejp

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.>we got pizza in librejp pls wakey


happening again


I think this is all about the botnet posting pizza to force all websites with any social aspect (such as being able to comment or communicate) to be forced to get cloudflare and similar related protective services or face bans from potentially ISPs.
This removes the possibility of hosting a website from your house without it requiring a significant amount of work and money to maintain.
Try doing that without these services and watch how quickly your ISP shuts you down.
They want every website on these services so that they can control the internet. I sincerely believe this is an action of governments and major tech companies, which are likely owned by the government.


just crazy enough to believe


it's happening again in the cat thread

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 No.1673823[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

hatsu basho starts today, budys!
still don't know if i can get any source for the videos
so stay tuned i till update you budys
generally can reach me here or not: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner

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will it be the same general schedule? now that i know it's held on saturdays and sundays i can watch it regularly and learn more about it. it's crazy how fun two fat guys slapping and throwing each other out of a tiny ring is


yes we intend to stream from March 9 to 23 each day at the same time (about noon east coast time)


neato can't wait for the weekend strams


>fatslap in one more week




new thread everyday until dudder makes a drunk dudder thread


o/u 6.5 every day threads


Sure! Here's a rewritten version with the same tone and intensity:


americans: is Taco Bell overhyped? - thanks. an European
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nipdonalds is different from american mcdonald's anyways, completely different company. prolly just using the "foreign stuff = cool" angle
also i don't have it but there's that video of a wholesome jap mcdonald's commercial compared to american mcdonald's ad with some nigger troon screaming about murder


McDicks is still the same low-quality McDicks in Japan that it is in America, the only difference is that niggers aren't making your food in Japan so it doesn't taste like shit and piss from unwashed hands and dirty countertops.
t. have had nihon WacNodalds


California burger would have made a lot more sense.


i think they were going for the Captain Planet angle


They do promotions like that every month. I know that they do a Hawaiian themed burger e every year so i wouldn't be surprised if they did a california one

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is he elite?
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/tv/ here, who is this guy


he is formally known as Chuck


mistah officah


he plays for the worst team in the league, fitting for a meme name

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CANADA (0-0-0) vs. SWEDEN (0-0-0)
>7:00 PM CT
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poor retard who made that pass is prolly getting caned in the locker room


wat a fuckup



That's sum wallhax shit right there, but I'll let the Leafs have it. Goalee probably figured the game was over and didn't give a shit.
fr fr


nah, he wasn't a retard he was just a bit unlucky. it's a typical set play with only a few seconds on the clock. win the draw go d to d and shoot it. if the pass is crisp knies can't intercept it and letang gets a good shooting opportunity from the high slot. but the puck rolls off karlsons stick and slowy rolls towards letang which gave knies the break away


we're back…
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you got it


U should allow user board creation and let /sp/uddies make the most useless boards imaginable and pretend 8gag still exists




Something something, alpha male.
Something something, significant salary.


Where da jschan at dudbro


it crarshed

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Y'all spiggas be mad at my new ride
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pinkie pie sucks ass
rainbow dash is top tier, followed closely by Twilight sparkle


Applejack is the only one who puts in the effort to be worth a damn, y'hear?


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clop in hell horsefuckers


this is so fucking gay, if anything rainbow dash should be the guy with the uniform unloading the train, and the emotions he should be feeling are JOY


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wachu finna do bout it, ytboi?


what is ur name

mine is peter peterson


>what is ur name
my name is mine

t. Jeff Jeffers

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