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/sp/ - Sparts

its a tampa kinda day


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Red Sox (48-39) vs. Yankees (54-36)
>12:05 PM CT
<BOS +149 NYY -180

Astros (46-42) vs. Twins (49-39)
>1:10 PM CT
<HOU +102 MIN -122

Angels (36-51) vs. Cubs (41-48)
>1:20 PM CT
<LAA +123 CHC -146
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You know what though? Why isn't Didney and other companies doing this kinda stuff with sparts? Why only the tubers? It's shameful that only the Chinese streamers are able to export culture like this.




rally didnt like having to explain to my boomer parents why the girl plastered all over my goon cave was on tv


its ok duder



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Yankees vs. Orioles
Game in Progress
>NYY: 2 - BAL: 3

Royals vs. Red Sox
Game in Progress
>KC: 1 - BOS: 4

Athletics vs. Phillies
Game in Progress
>OAK: 2 - PHI: 1
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this loss hurt worse than knowing my president DONALD J TRUMP of NEW YORK CITY was nearly killed yesterday




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go braves!!


u know im right


veliform apriorism authorship allosaurus

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thx dudeman ily call me back pls


no u


yu in India budy? yu lik?


tidewaiter identically sprigged pq


independent /sp/ is almost 10 years old

wtf is happening

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reddit is exploding rn


thanks for the update goatbro


sportschan claims responsibility for the explosion on reddit


I might register there

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 No.1569111[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

TRUK & PULLR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yah srsly dont touch those wretched cursed animals


It’s more likely than you think.


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this thread lasted a year and three days
truk & pullr.

& pullr.

TRUK & PULLR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>just slowly crossing a high speed road
man come on gun that shit and gtfo of the way


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he ded

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 No.1616536[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

#previous threads

current status:
>day 188
>An Israeli airstrike in Gaza kills 3 sons and 4 grandchildren of Hamas’ top leader
>Famine already in north Gaza, says US
>Israel bombs Gaza camp, raids West Bank towns
>62% of homes in Gaza destroyed
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im pretty sure they only do that in gay bars when they visit san fransisco


Thangs is HEATIN UP


this thread


is officially



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Rays (48-49) vs. Yankees (59-40)
>12:05 PM CT
<TB +132 NYY -157

Cardinals (50-46) vs. Braves (53-42)
>12:07 PM CT
<STL +125 ATL -149

Tigers (48-50) vs. Blue Jays (44-53)
>2:07 PM CT
<DET +115 TOR -135
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more like spicniggerball


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well at least >we won one of the double header



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 No.1620829[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

show the board your reserch
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Spooky thread


I love to hoard e-books on useful stuff and downloaded lots of libraries like the-eye's, archives made by image board users like do/k/ument etc. But all of those are from clear net and I have never gone to deep/dark net before
Are there actually any useful information there? And I don't mean retarded shit like Anarchist's How to Blow Yourself Up book


>Are there actually any useful information there?
only if you are into pedo shit apparently


havent been on in years but onions weren't worth it ime. yandex werks and isnt as glowed up
was a 'dark' i.e. not spidered site that had obscure manuals for all kinds of weird shit but cant find it now. i'll post it if i come across it


i only ever used onions to buy drugs and never came across anything like explosives manuals that werent already readily available on /k/ or whatever. then silk road got btfo and everything else just seems like pedo hangouts and/or fednigger honeypots so i stopped bothering with any of it

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just fuck a fat bitch its the best sport
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are you man enough to handle a thicc woman?


me in front


>posting wojacks on /sp/
al mawt li israil


fuckin yer mum is an spart


those long chain triglycerides make for a VERY lubricated puss puss

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go admirals


nothing ever happens


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this might be the leafs best signing this summer

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 No.1634925[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


I see with eyes of a hunter, no one can escape, I'm a GHOST of a gunman, for DUP it is too late -GHOSTer Vogt

finally something almost happened, that's the closest you're gonna get
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i dont play politics shit
shit gigs, no weed, and its for le cause™ so no pay = no play

maybe id play for the lolbergs. they prolly at least have gud weed


he mustve beat him down at golf or somethin
i hear bibis got a mean drive


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Trump will stop illegal immigration, he will replace the white race in america legally!


thats transphobic as fuck


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lel literally seething

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tiem for da daily /sp/ kaizan event!

gib improvement ideas

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that jerk needs a downvote button


lol shut up autist


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also give this guy a hat that says "tourist"



dickslapper (that's me) likes to watch and post/spam sex with excrements, but I do not have unnatural sexual fantasies towards and about kids. that individual is separate from me, and should be reported to the authorities in coordination.(USER WAS BANNED FOR CP)
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>i-its not m-meeeeeeheeee
sure >we'll buy it this time unlike every other time lel


I just took a huge dickslapper. Too bad I didn’t posted pix for proof.


scat porn > kid sex

report that pedo fucktard right to the authorities, please. I am doing exactly that.(FUCK OFF PEDOPHILE, STOP POSTING UNDERAGE)


k i reported u


ive archived the thread just in case poopedo wants to be nuh-uh not me again

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National League (0-0) vs. American League (0-0)
>7:00 PM CT
<NL +100 AL -118
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and this gives you power over me ?


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tbh the last two were so long ago i don't even remember. pretty shitty questions if you ask me.


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most years i just watch the homerun derby and don't even bother watching the game since its usually a waste of time. this year won't bother with either.


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do you feel in charge


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